788 research outputs found

    On the Properties of Beta-Gamma Distribution

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    A class of generalized gamma distribution called the beta-gamma distribution is proposed. Some of its properties are examined. Its shape can be reversed J-shaped, unimodal, or bimodal. Reliability and hazard functions are also derived, and applications are discussed

    FGF treatment of host embryos injected with ES cells increases rates of chimaerism

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    In spite of the emergence of genome editing tools, ES cell mediated transgenesis remains the most controllable way of creating genetically modified animals. Although tetraploid (4N) complementation of 4N host embryos and ES cells, is the only method guaranteeing that offspring are entirely ES cell derived, this technique is challenging, not always successful and difficult to implement in some laboratory settings. The current study shows that pretreatment of host blastocysts with FGF4 prior to ES cell injection can provide an alternative method for the generation of animals displaying high rates of chimaerism. Chimaerism assessment in E11 fetuses and born pups shows that a large percentage of resulting conceptuses show a high ES cell contribution from implantation onwards and that developing pups do not necessitate c-section for delivery

    Integrated silicon microspectrometers

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    Stochastics theory of log-periodic patterns

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    We introduce an analytical model based on birth-death clustering processes to help understanding the empirical log-periodic corrections to power-law scaling and the finite-time singularity as reported in several domains including rupture, earthquakes, world population and financial systems. In our stochastics theory log-periodicities are a consequence of transient clusters induced by an entropy-like term that may reflect the amount of cooperative information carried by the state of a large system of different species. The clustering completion rates for the system are assumed to be given by a simple linear death process. The singularity at t_{o} is derived in terms of birth-death clustering coefficients.Comment: LaTeX, 1 ps figure - To appear J. Phys. A: Math & Ge

    First principle study of intrinsic defects in hexagonal tungsten carbide

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    The characteristics of intrinsic defects are important for the understanding of self-diffusion processes, mechanical strength, brittleness, and plasticity of tungsten carbide, which present in the divertor of fusion reactors. Here, we use first-principles calculations to investigate the stability of point defects and their complexes in WC. Our calculation results confirm that the formation energies of carbon defects are much lower than that of tungsten defects. The outward relaxations around vacancy are found. Both interstitial carbon and interstitial tungsten atom prefer to occupy the carbon basal plane projection of octahedral interstitial site. The results of isolated carbon defect diffusion show that the carbon vacancy stay for a wide range of temperature because of extremely high diffusion barriers, while carbon interstitial migration is activated at lower temperatures for its considerable lower activation energy. These results provide evidence for the presumption that the 800K stage is attributed by the annealing out of carbon vacancies by long-range migration.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Nuclear Material

    Topological Defects and Non-homogeneous Melting of Large 2D Coulomb Clusters

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    The configurational and melting properties of large two-dimensional clusters of charged classical particles interacting with each other via the Coulomb potential are investigated through the Monte Carlo simulation technique. The particles are confined by a harmonic potential. For a large number of particles in the cluster (N>150) the configuration is determined by two competing effects, namely in the center a hexagonal lattice is formed, which is the groundstate for an infinite 2D system, and the confinement which imposes its circular symmetry on the outer edge. As a result a hexagonal Wigner lattice is formed in the central area while at the border of the cluster the particles are arranged in rings. In the transition region defects appear as dislocations and disclinations at the six corners of the hexagonal-shaped inner domain. Many different arrangements and type of defects are possible as metastable configurations with a slightly higher energy. The particles motion is found to be strongly related to the topological structure. Our results clearly show that the melting of the clusters starts near the geometry induced defects, and that three different melting temperatures can be defined corresponding to the melting of different regions in the cluster.Comment: 7 pages, 11 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Small Fermi energy and phonon anharmonicity in MgB_2 and related compounds

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    The remarkable anharmonicity of the E_{2g} phonon in MgB_2 has been suggested in literature to play a primary role in its superconducting pairing. We investigate, by means of LDA calculations, the microscopic origin of such an anharmonicity in MgB_2, AlB_2, and in hole-doped graphite. We find that the anharmonic character of the E_{2g} phonon is essentially driven by the small Fermi energy of the sigma holes. We present a simple analytic model which allows us to understand in microscopic terms the role of the small Fermi energy and of the electronic structure. The relation between anharmonicity and nonadiabaticity is pointed out and discussed in relation to various materials.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures replaced with final version, accepted on Physical Review

    The effect of applied electric field on pulsed radio frequency and pulsed direct current plasma jet array

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    Here we compare the plasma plume propagation characteristics of a 3-channel pulsed RF plasma jet array and those of the same device operated by a pulsed dc source. For the pulsed-RF jet array, numerous long life time ions and metastables accumulated in the plasma channel make the plasma plume respond quickly to applied electric field. Its structure similar as “plasma bullet” is an anode glow indeed. For the pulsed dcplasma jet array, the strong electric field in the vicinity of the tube is the reason for the growing plasma bullet in the launching period. The repulsive forces between the growing plasma bullets result in the divergence of the pulsed dcplasma jet array. Finally, the comparison of 309 nm and 777 nm emissions between these two jet arrays suggests the high chemical activity of pulsed RF plasma jet array

    Effects of C, Cu and Be substitutions in superconducting MgB2

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    Density functional calculations are used to investigate the effects of partial substitutional alloying of the B site in MgB2 with C and Be alone and combined with alloying of the Mg site with Cu. The effect of such substitutions on the electronic structure, electron phonon coupling and superconductivity are discussed. We find that Be substitution for B is unfavorable for superconductivity as it leads to a softer lattice and weaker electron-phonon couplings. Replacement of Mg by Cu leads to an increase in the stiffness and doping level at the same time, while the carrier concentration can be controlled by partial replacement of B by C. We estimate that with full replacement of Mg by Cu and fractional substitution of B by C, Tc values of 50K may be attainable.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Connecting LHC, ILC, and Quintessence

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    If the cold dark matter consists of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), anticipated measurements of the WIMP properties at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the International Linear Collider (ILC) will provide an unprecedented experimental probe of cosmology at temperatures of order 1 GeV. It is worth emphasizing that the expected outcome of these tests may or may not be consistent with the picture of standard cosmology. For example, in kination-dominated quintessence models of dark energy, the dark matter relic abundance can be significantly enhanced compared to that obtained from freeze out in a radiation-dominated universe. Collider measurements then will simultaneously probe both dark matter and dark energy. In this article, we investigate the precision to which the LHC and ILC can determine the dark matter and dark energy parameters under those circumstances. We use an illustrative set of four benchmark points in minimal supergravity in analogy with the four LCC benchmark points. The precision achievable together at the LHC and ILC is sufficient to discover kination-dominated quintessence, under the assumption that the WIMPs are the only dark matter component. The LHC and ILC can thus play important roles as alternative probes of both dark matter and dark energy.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figure