2,502 research outputs found

    Microbiological and chemical profiles of dairy farm red smear cheese made from pasteurized and un-pasteurized milk

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    A red-smear soft cheese was produced four times during a year at an organic dairy farm using pasteurized and un-pasteurized milk, respectively, from the same milking. A commercial starter culture was added. The cheeses were characterized microbiologically and chemically in order to study how heat treatment and season affected their characteristics during cheese making and ripening. Large variations between the different lots of cheeses characterized the production. However, the cheeses made from un-pasteurized milk generally had a higher lactic acid bacteria count except in cases, where the pasteurized milk was recontaminated or if acidification failure took place. Delays in acidification caused a more pronounced increase in numbers of E.coli, Enterobacteriaceae and staphylococci, as well as an increase in the plasmin and plasminogen-derived activities. A number of pre-milking and process steps were identified as important for the microbiological contamination and development in the cheeses

    PMS48 Cost-Effectiveness of Tocilizumab for The Management of Inadequately Responding Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

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    Weiner, LawrencePrimer pla de l'obra. Tres grans paral¡lelepípedes de formigó, amb aparença de sarcòfags.Repartits al llarg de l'avinguda. Tots porten uns versos, escrits el 1845, quan tenia 15 anys, pel premi Nobel Frederic Mistral

    Planteproduktion og fødevalg

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    Den overordnede baggrund for projektet var at fü nogle kvantitative beskrivelser af, hvorledes man med forskellige former for ekstensiv grÌsmarksdrift kunne besvare eller øge artsdiversiteten pü ferske enge. Samtidig ønskedes at kvantificere konsekvenserne for den landbrugsmÌssige produktion pü arealerne. Ferske enge varierer meget med hensyn til plantebestand, jordbundsforhold og fugtighed, og det er derfor vÌsentligt at kende disse faktorer, nür man skal vurdere, hvilken produktion, der kan forventes pü et givet engareal. Nür stude og für afgrÌsser pü halvkulturarealer er der et større udvalg af arter end der er pü intensive grÌsmarker. Desuden er der som regel en lavere belÌgning, hvilket betyder at dyrene har gode muligheder for at selektere i det planteudbud, der er til rüdighed. Mület med denne del af undersøgelsen var at fü en beskrivelse af produktionens størrelse, foderkvalitet, artssammensÌtning, benyttelsens indvirkning pü arterne, foderkvaliteten af enkeltarter og studenes fødevalg

    Public family firms and capital structure: A meta-analysis

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    Research Question/Issue: In this study, we examine the impact of family firm status on publicly listed firms' leverage ratios. Furthermore, we investigate the moderating role of a country's institutional setting, especially its shareholder and creditor rights, on this relationship. Research Findings/Insights: Conducting a meta-analysis on 869 effect sizes from 613 studies, we find an overall slightly negative but significant relationship between family firm status and leverage. Our results reveal a large amount of heterogeneity and considerable mean effect size differences across the 48 countries included in the study. The results of our meta-regression analysis reveal significant moderating effects of shareholder and creditor rights on family firms' capital structure decisions. Whereas stronger shareholder rights have a positive impact on family firm leverage, stronger creditor rights have a negative impact. Theoretical/Academic Implications: Our study combines the two dominating and competing views on family firm leverage. On the one hand, the overall lower leverage ratio of family firms confirms the risk-aversion view of family firms. On the other hand, control considerations also have a significant impact on leverage ratios, as family firms adjust their capital structure dependent on shareholder and creditor rights in their home country. Our study highlights the importance of the institutional setting on firms' financing patterns. Practitioner/Policy Implications: The results suggest a significant impact of a country's institutional setting in general, and its strength on shareholder and creditor rights in particular, on family firms' capital structure decisions. Control considerations result in a strategic use of debt financing that ensures the owner family's dominant position in the firm and prevents po

    Lines, Circles, Planes and Spheres

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    Let SS be a set of nn points in R3\mathbb{R}^3, no three collinear and not all coplanar. If at most n−kn-k are coplanar and nn is sufficiently large, the total number of planes determined is at least 1+k(n−k2)−(k2)(n−k2)1 + k \binom{n-k}{2}-\binom{k}{2}(\frac{n-k}{2}). For similar conditions and sufficiently large nn, (inspired by the work of P. D. T. A. Elliott in \cite{Ell67}) we also show that the number of spheres determined by nn points is at least 1+(n−13)−t3orchard(n−1)1+\binom{n-1}{3}-t_3^{orchard}(n-1), and this bound is best possible under its hypothesis. (By t3orchard(n)t_3^{orchard}(n), we are denoting the maximum number of three-point lines attainable by a configuration of nn points, no four collinear, in the plane, i.e., the classic Orchard Problem.) New lower bounds are also given for both lines and circles.Comment: 37 page

    Catch crop strategy and nitrate leaching following grazed grass-clover

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    Cultivation of grassland presents a high risk of nitrate leaching. This study aimed to determine if leaching could be reduced by growing spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as a green crop for silage with undersown Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) compared with barley grown to maturity with or without an undersown conventional catch crop of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). All treatments received 0,60 or 120 kg of ammonium-N ha-1 in cattle slurry. In spring 2003, two grass-clover fields (3 and 5 years old, respectively, with different management histories) were ploughed. The effects of the treatments on yield and nitrate leaching were determined in the first year, while the residual effects of the treatments were determined in the second year in a crop of spring barley⁄perennial ryegrass. Nitrate leaching was estimated in selected treatments using soil water samples from ceramic cups. The experiment showed that compared with treatments without catch crop, green barley⁄Italian ryegrass reduced leaching by 163–320 kg Nha-1, corresponding to 95–99%, and the perennial ryegrass reduced leaching to between 34 and 86 kg Nha-1, corresponding to a reduction of 80 and 66%. Also, in the second growing season, leaching following catchcrops was reduced compared with the bare soil treatment. It was concluded that the green barley⁄Italian ryegrass offers advantages not only for the environment but also for farmers, for whom it provides a fodder high in roughage and avoids the difficulties with clover fatigue increasingly experienced by Danish farmers

    Lower rates of hypoglycaemia in older individuals with type 2 diabetes using insulin degludec versus insulin glargine U100 : results from SWITCH 2

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    Aim This study aimed to investigate the safety of insulin degludec (degludec) in relation to age and risk of hypoglycaemia post hoc in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) (SWITCH 2 trial). Methods In this crossover study, individuals with T2D who were at risk of hypoglycaemia were randomized to double‐blind treatment with degludec or insulin glargine 100 units/mL (glargine U100) ± oral antidiabetic drugs. After 32 weeks, patients crossed over to the other treatment. Primary endpoint was number of overall severe (positively adjudicated) or glucose‐confirmed (plasma glucose <56 mg/dL; 3.1 mmol/L) symptomatic hypoglycaemia events during the two 16‐week maintenance periods. Results For individuals ≤65 (n = 450) and >65 (n = 270) years, baseline median (range) duration of diabetes was 12 (1–40) vs 15 (1–54) years, mean HbA1c was 7.7% vs 7.4% and mean estimated glomerular filtration rate was 87.0 vs 63.7 mL/min/1.73 m2, respectively. No significant differences in HbA1c reduction were seen in individuals ≤65 or >65 years. During both maintenance periods, treatment with degludec lowered rates of hypoglycaemia (overall/nocturnal symptomatic) vs those with glargine U100 in individuals ≤65 (31% vs 43%) and >65 (30% vs 41%) years. With degludec and glargine U100, respectively, six vs nine severe hypoglycaemic events occurred in individuals ≤65 years and four vs eight events occurred in those >65 years. Adverse event rates were 3.2 and 3.3 events/patient‐year for individuals ≤65 years and were 3.5 and 4.1 events/patient‐year for individuals >65 years with degludec and glargine U100, respectively. Conclusion Treatment with degludec was safe and effective, with a frequency of hypoglycaemia lower than that with glargine U100 in both younger and older individuals (>65 years) with T2D

    Three-Body Halos. II. from Two- to Three-Body Asymptotics

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    The large distance behavior of weakly bound three-body systems is investigated. The Schr\"{o}dinger equation and the Faddeev equations are reformulated by an expansion in eigenfunctions of the angular part of a corresponding operator. The resulting coupled set of effective radial equations are then derived. Both two- and three-body asymptotic behavior are possible and their relative importance is studied for systems where subsystems may be bound. The system of two nucleons outside a core is studied numerically in detail and the character of possible halo structure is pointed out and investigated.Comment: 16 pages, compressed and uuencoded PosrScript file, IFA-94/3
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