9 research outputs found

    Spatial Representation and Navigation in a Bio-inspired Robot

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    A biologically inspired computational model of rodent repre-sentation?based (locale) navigation is presented. The model combines visual input in the form of realistic two dimensional grey-scale images and odometer signals to drive the firing of simulated place and head direction cells via Hebbian synapses. The space representation is built incrementally and on-line without any prior information about the environment and consists of a large population of location-sensitive units (place cells) with overlapping receptive fields. Goal navigation is performed using reinforcement learning in continuous state and action spaces, where the state space is represented by population activity of the place cells. The model is able to reproduce a number of behavioral and neuro-physiological data on rodents. Performance of the model was tested on both simulated and real mobile Khepera robots in a set of behavioral tasks and is comparable to the performance of animals in similar tasks

    Treatment of peripheral neuropathies.

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    There are three general approaches to treatment of peripheral neuropathy. First, an attempt should be made to reverse the pathophysiological process if its nature can be elucidated. Second, nerve metabolism can be stimulated and regeneration encouraged. Third, even if the neuropathy itself cannot be improved, symptomatic therapy can be employed. This review outlines the options available for each approach

    Variscan Metamorphism

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    Various segments of Variscan crust are currently exposed in Iberia in response to successive tectonic events during the Variscan orogeny itself and subsequent extensional and compressive events during the Alpine cycle, all accompanied by surface erosion, and collectively contributing to their exhumation. We review the main characteristics and geodynamic contexts of the metamorphic complexes developed in Iberia during the Variscan cycle, which include: (i) LP-HT complexes associated to the Cambrian-Early Ordovician rift stage; (ii) HP-LT complexes associated to subduction; and (iii) syn-to-post-collisional, MP and LP/HT complexes from the hinterland to the foreland fold-and thrust belts. All the above contexts are illustrated with case studies. Finally, a review of Variscan metamorphism in the Pyrenees and Catalan Coastal Ranges, located far away from the Rheic suture is also presented

    Synaptic Elimination in Neurological Disorders

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