11 research outputs found
Comments On The Fcc Approval Of Finite Element Method For Biomedical Transmitters
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruled on February 1 st 2011 that the finite element method (FEM) is a valid technique to simulate transmitters that are placed inside, on the surface, or near the human body. This paper investigates how FEM can be employed on biomedical engineering. A complete high fidelity human body model including frequency dependent materials and complex geometries was used. Three examples are described including a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system, a human body on a substation environment and specific absorption rate (SAR) simulations on a human head due to a cell phone radiation. Advanced multiphysics technology coupling electromagnetic and thermal simulations are also addressed. A very good agreement between FEM simulations and measurement data was achieved for SAR calculations. © 2011 IEEE.565569(2011), http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DA-11-192A1.pdf, FebruarySun, D.K., Cendes, Z., Lee, J.-F., Adaptive mesh refinement, h-version, for solving multiport microwave devices in three dimensions (2000) IEEE Trans. Magnetics, 36 (4), pp. 1596-1599. , JulyKozlov, M., Turner, R., A comparison of Ansoft HFSS and CST microwave studio simulation software for multi-channel coil design and SAR Estimation at 7T MRI (2010) PIERS Online, 6 (4), pp. 395-399(2002) Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial-average Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques, , IEEE P1528-2002, December(2010) Normative Resolution 398 / Resolução Normativa 398, , ANEEL, MarchKozlov, M., Turner, R., Fast MRI coil analysis based on 3-D electromagnetic and RF circuit co-simulation (2009) Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 200, pp. 147-152Menon, R.S., Gati, J.S., Goodyear, B.G., Luknowsky, D.C., Thomas, C.G., Spatial and temporal resolution of functional magnetic resonanceimaging (1998) Biochem, Cell Biol., 76, pp. 560-571Disbrow, E.A., Slutsky, D.A., Roberts, T.P.L., Krubitzer, L.A., Functional MRI at 1.5 tesla: A comparison of the blood oxygenation level-dependent signal and electrophysiology (2000) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 97, pp. 9718-9723Huang, F., Vijayakumar, S., Reza, S., Limkeman, M., Duensing, R., A self-calibration method for radial GRAPPA/ktGRAPPA (2006) Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14Shrier, K., Jiaa, C., Cell phone GaAs power amplifiers: ESD, TLP, and PVS devices (2005) Electrical Overstress/Electrostatic Discharge Symposium, pp. 1-10. , Print ISBN: 978-1-58537-069-6, INSPEC Accession Number: 10915258, Septembe
Full Vehicle Electromagnetic Simulation Using The Hybrid Finite Element Boundary Integral Axpproach
The finite element method (FEM) can be used as an analysis tool in automotive electromagnetic engineering and recently new technologies such as Domain Decomposition Method (DDM) were employed to simulate very large field structures such as a whole vehicle. A FEM solver offers numerous advantages over other numerical methods, such as method of moments (MoM) and finite difference time domain (FDTD), because it has the ability to handle complex heterogeneous and anisotropic materials which is often used inside vehicles, also providing a very precise representation of complex geometries via high order tetrahedral elements. Nevertheless, for large field problems such as the scenario of the ISO 11451-2 where an antenna radiates a vehicle in an anechoic chamber, FEM solvers requires an interface between an infinite domain to a finite domain through the use of radiating boundary conditions on artificial truncation surfaces. This causes the solver to model a great quantity of air regio. Integral equation (IE) methods, such as the Method of Moments (MoM) is a numerical approach that uses the Green's function considering Sommerfeld's radiation condition at infinity, and hence no air region needs to be modeled. Hybridization of FEM and IE solvers was accomplished as far back as 1990 and now is available on commercial codes such as Ansys HFSS. This formulation is known as the hybrid finite element and boundary integral method (FEBI), where the boundary integral, a MoM solution for Sommerfeld's radiation condition, is used as an interface boundary for the FEM solution. Thus, an exact mathematical and theoretical calculation of the far field radiation condition is satisfied. This technique presents a number of advantages for full vehicle simulation with external radiation sources, such as the ability to handle complex geometries and dielectric materials using FEM solvers without having to simulate air regions, which is now calculated through IE methods, leading to an accurate and faster simulation using less computational resources. A very complex analysis showing electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI) on full vehicles are presented in this paper using the FEBI technique. Copyright © 2011 SAE International.Perry, T.S., Geppert, L., Do portable electronics endanger flight? the evidence mounts (1996) IEEE Spectrum, 33, pp. 26-33. , SeptemberDevereux, R.W., Archambeault, B., Fuller, G.L., Assessment of analytical codes for use in modeling aircraft onboard EMI threats (1997) AIAA/IEEE 16th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, pp. 17-24. , Irvine, CA, OctoberStrauss, B., Avionics interference from portable electronic devices: Review of the Aviation Safety Reporting System database (2002) Proceeding of the 21st Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 2, pp. 13E31-13E38. , DecemberMologni, J., A Time-Frequency Domain Analysis of Crosstalk Phenomenon on LIN / CAN Based Architectures (2008) SAE Technical Paper Series, , 2008-36-0046Hoene, E., Evaluation and Prediction of Conducted Electromagnetic Interference Generated by High Power Density Inverters (2001) EPE Conference, , Graz, SchweizBroyde, F., Clavelier, E., Designing Power-Line Filter for their Worst-Case Behaviour (1991) Proc. Int. Symposium on EMC, , 583ff, Zuerich, SJin, J., (1993) The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics, , New York. John Wiley & SonsRuehli, A.E., Equivalent circuit models for three dimensional multiconductor systems (1974) IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., 22, pp. 216-221. , MarSong, J., Multilevel fast multipole algorithm for electromagnetic scattering by large complex objects (1997) IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 45 (10), pp. 1488-1493. , PII S0018926X97072153Gope, D., Jandhyala, V., Oct-Tree Based Multilevel Low-Rank Decomposition Algorithm for Rapid 3D Parasitic Extraction (2004) IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 23, pp. 1575-1580. , NovRoad vehicles - Vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy International Organization for Standardization, , ISO 11451-2, 3 rd ed. 2005-01-01Kwon, D.-H., Burkholder, R.J., Pathak, P.H., Efficient method of moments formulation for large PEC scattering problems using asymptotic phasefront extraction (APE) (2001) IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 49 (4), pp. 583-591. , DOI 10.1109/8.923318, PII S0018926X0103174XSilvestro, J., Zhao, K., Sligar, A., Hybrid Finite element: Boundary integral technique for efficient Simulation of radiation and Scattering (2011) Microwave Journal, pp. 74-80. , Ja
A Hybrid Method Combining Static And Full Wave Techniques To Solve Conducted Emissions Problems
Frequency dependent models are required to address most of the conducted emissions problems when any circuit or system simulator is used. High frequency 3D full wave solvers are often employed to extract S parameters from passive components, generating a frequency dependent model, which in this case, is known as a Touchstone file format. This extraction process uses a numerical technique to solve the complete set of Maxwell's equation for higher frequencies and then extrapolates the results at DC. This work presents a methodology that uses a static solver to actually calculate the DC resistance at 0Hz, yielding a more accurate S parameter matrix of the model. A commercial washing machine is used as an example for a conducted emissions analysis (according to CISPR 14-1). Measurements results are also presented, showing a reasonably good match with the proposed technique. © 2013 IEEE.277281Taflove, A., Hagness, S.C., (2005) Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method, 3rd Ed, , Artech House Publishers, ISBN 1-58053-832-0Bhobe, A.U., Holloway, C.L., Piket-May, M.J., Meander delay line challenge problem: A comparison using FDTD, FEM and MoM (2001) 2001 IEEE Int. Symp. on EMC, 2, pp. 805-810Dyczlj-Edllnger, R., Peng, G., Lee, J.F., Efficient finite element solvers for the Maxwell equations in the frequency domain (1999) Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., 169 (34), p. 297309. , FebLee, S., Mao, K., Jin, J., A complete finite element analysis of multilayer anisotropic transmission lines from DC to terahertz frequencies (2008) IEEE Trans. Advanced Packaging, 31, pp. 326-338. , 2, MayLee, S.C., Lee, J.F., Lee, R., Hierarchical vector finite elements for analyzing waveguiding structures (2003) IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech, 51 (8), p. 18971905. , AugZhu, J., Jiao, D., A unified finite-element solution from zero frequency to microwave frequencies for full-wave modeling of large-scale three-dimensional on-chip interconnect structures (2008) IEEE Trans. Advanced Packaging, 31 (4), pp. 873-881. , NovZhu, J., Jiao, D., A theoretically rigorous full-wave finite-element-based solution of Maxwell's equations from DC to high frequencies (2010) ECE Technical Reports, Paper, 395Lee, S., Jin, J., Application of the tree-cotree splitting for improving matrix conditioning in the full-wave finite-element analysis of highspeed circuits (2008) Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 50 (6), pp. 1476-1481. , June(2012), http://www.ansys.com/Products/Simulation+Technology/Electromagnetics/ High-Performance+Electronic+Design/ANSYS+HFSS, ANSYS HFSS website. [Online]. Available(2012), http://www.ansys.com/Products/Simulation+Technology/Electromagnetics/ High-Performance+Electronic+Design/ANSYS+Q3D+Extractor, ANSYS Q3D Extractor website. [Online]. AvailableMologni, J.F., Alves, M.A.R., Braga, E.S., Numerical study on performance of pyramidal and conical isotropic etched single emitters (2006) Microelec. Journal, 37, pp. 152-157Young, B., Wide-band 2N-port S-parameter extraction from N-port data (1998) IEEE Trans. Microwave and Theory Techniques, 46 (9), pp. 1324-1327Deschrijver, D., DC-preserving passivity enforcement for S-parameter based macromodels (2010) IEEE Trans. Microwave and Theory Techniques, 58 (4), p. 397Paul, C.R., (2006) Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility, , 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, ISBN-13: 978-0-471-75500-
Automotive Emc Analysis Using The Hybrid Finite Element Boundary Integral Approach
The majority of innovative trends in automotive industry today relies on electronic systems. Understanding the electromagnetic behavior of the electronic control units (ECUs) in a vehicle has become an ever increasing concern of automotive manufacturers. Computational Electromagnetic Modeling (CEM) is a cost effective approach that has being adopted by the automotive industry to address electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems. Automotive structures are electrically large in nature and the systems required for a complete EMC analysis can be fairly complex. For this reason, there is no single numerical technique that can be used to address all automotive EMC problems. This paper shows how the automotive standard ISO11452-2 can be solved using the hybrid Finite Element Boundary Integral (FEBI) approach. A comparative study indicates that FEBI is faster and requires less computational effort than the Finite Element Method (FEM) for this particular analysis. Recent technology advances on FEBI are also presented showing the great potential of this technique to address automotive EMC problems. © 2013 IEEE.688693Perry, T.S., Geppert, L., Do portable electronics endanger flight? the evidence mounts (1996) IEEE Spectrum, 33, pp. 26-33Devereux, R.W., Archambeault, B., Fuller, G.L., Assessment of analytical codes for use in modeling aircraft onboard EMI threats (1997) AIAA/IEEE 16th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, pp. 17-24. , Irvine, CAStrauss, B., Avionics interference from portable electronic devices: Review of the Aviation Safety Reporting System database (2002) Proceeding of the 21st Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 2, pp. 13E31-13E38Mologni, J., (2008) A Time-Frequency Domain Analysis of Crosstalk Phenomenon on LIN/CAN Based Architectures, , SAE Technical Paper Series, paper 2008-36-0046Hoene, E., Evaluation and prediction of conducted electromagnetic interference generated by high power density inverters (2001) EPE Conference, , Graz, SchweizBroyde, F., Clavelier, E., Designing power-line filter for their worst-case behaviour (1991) Proc. Int. Symposium on EMC, , Zuerich, S.583ff(2005), Road vehicles-Vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy, ISO Std. 11451-2(2013), http://www.ansys.com/Products/Simulation+Technology/Electromagnetics/ High-Performance+Electronic+Design/ANSYS+HFSS, ANSYS HFSS website. [Online]. AvailableJin, J., (1993) The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics, , New York. John Wiley & SonsZhao, K., Lee, J.-F., (2009) A Domain Decomposition Method: A Finite Element Preconditioner for Time-Harmonic Maxwell's Equations, , ISBN: 3639185927, VDM VerlagSong, J., Lu, C.C., Chew, W.C., Multilevel fast multipole algorithm for electromagnetic scattering by large complex objects (1997) IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 45, pp. 1488-1493. , OctGope, D., Jandhyala, V., Oct-tree based multilevel low-rank decomposition algorithm for rapid 3D parasitic extraction (2004) IEEE J. Technol. Computer Aided Des., 23, pp. 1575-1580. , NovVouvakis, M.N., Zhao, K., Seo, S.M., Lee, J.-F., A domain decomposition approach for non-conformal couplings between finite and boundary elements for unbounded electromagnetic problems in R3 (2007) J. Comput. Phys., 225 (1), pp. 975-994Zhao, K., Rawat, V., Lee, S.-C., Lee, J.-F., A domain decomposition method with non-conformal meshes for finite periodic and semi-periodic structures (2007) IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 55 (9), pp. 2559-2570Zhao, K., Rawat, V., Lee, J.-F., A domain decomposition method for electromagnetic radiation and scattering analysis of multi-target problems (2008) IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 56 (8), pp. 2211-2221Harrington, R.F., Field computation by moment methods (1993) IEEE Series on Electromagnetic Waves, , New YorkCangellaris, A.C., Lee, R., The bymoment methods for two-dimensional electromagnetic scattering (1990) IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 38 (9), pp. 1429-1437Silvestro, J., Zhao, K., Sligar, A., Hybrid finite element-boundary integral technique for efficient simulation of radiation and scattering (2011) Microw. J., 54 (1), p. 74. , JanZhao, K., Vouvakis, M.N., Lee, J.-F., Solving electromagnetic problems using a novel symmetric FEM-BEM approach (2006) IEEE Trans. Mag, 42 (4), pp. 583-587. , AprCendes, Z., Magnetic field computation using Delaunay triangulation and complementary finite element methods (1983) IEEE Trans. Mag., 19Kwon, D.-H., Burkholder, R.J., Pathak, P.H., Efficient method of moments formulation for large PEC scattering problems using asymptotic phasefront extraction (APE) (2001) IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 49 (4), pp. 583-59
Analysis of the electric field behavior in the vicinity of a triple junction, using finite elements method computational simulations
The authors studied the electric field behavior in the vicinity of a triple junction, composed by metal, vacuum and dielectric parts, using computational simulations. A bi-dimensional model was constructed using ANSYS MAXWELL to analyze the magnitude of the electric field as a function of the contact angles of the materials. The results showed that a field enhancement or reduction could occur in vacuum for certain contact angles. The influence of the dielectric permittivity was also investigated, and the conclusions showed that the maximum electric field enhancement is proportional to the dielectric permittivity74963101CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPnão temnão temnão te
Analysis Of The Electric Field Behavior In The Vicinity Of A Triple Junction, Using Finite Elements Method Computational Simulations
The authors studied the electric field behavior in the vicinity of a triple junction, composed by metal, vacuum and dielectric parts, using computational simulations. A bi-dimensional model was constructed using ANSYS MAXWELL to analyze the magnitude of the electric field as a function of the contact angles of the materials. The results showed that a field enhancement or reduction could occur in vacuum for certain contact angles. The influence of the dielectric permittivity was also investigated, and the conclusions showed that the maximum electric field enhancement is proportional to the dielectric permittivity.7496101Bergeron, K.D., (1977) J.Appl. Phys., 48, pp. 3073-3080. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.324077Brodie, I., Schwoebel, P.R., Vacuum microelectronic devices [and prolog] (1994) Proceedings of the IEEE, pp. 1006-1034Chung, M.S., Yoon, B.-G., Cutler, P.H., Miskovsky, N.M., (2004) J.Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 22, pp. 1240-1243. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.1689309Chung, M.S., Choi, T.S., Yoon, B.-G., (2005) Appl. Surf. Sci., 251 (1-4), pp. 177-181. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2005.03.107Chung, M.S., Hong, S.C., Cutler, P.H., Miskovsky, N.M., Weiss, B.L., Mayer, A., (2006) J.Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 24, pp. 909-912. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.2185650Temple, D., Recent progress in field emitter array development for high performance applications (1999) Mater. Sci. Eng. R Reports, 24 (5), pp. 185-239. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0927-796X(98)00014-XGeis, M.W., (1997) Linc. Lab. J., 10 (1), pp. 3-18Geis, M.W., Efremow, N.N., Krohn, K.E., Twichell, J.C., Lyszczarz, T.M., Kalish, R., Greer, J.A., Tabat, M.D., (1998) Nature, 393, pp. 431-435Kraus, J.D., (1991) Electromagnetics, , Mcgraw-Hill CollegeLatham, R.V., (1983) Vacuum, 33 (6), p. 343. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0042-207X(83)90110-0Lerner, P., Cutler, P.H., Miskovsky, N.M., (1997) J.Vac. Sci. Technol. B, 15, pp. 337-342. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1116/1.589317Schachter, L., Analytic expression for triple-point electron emission from an ideal edge (1998) Appl. Phys. Lett., 72 (4), pp. 421-423Spindt, C.A., Brodie, I., Humphrey, L., Westerberg, E.R., (1976) J.Appl. Phys., 47, pp. 5248-5263. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.322600Sun, S., Ang, L.K., (2012) J.Appl. Phys., 112. , http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4752712Sze, S.M., (1981) Physics of Semiconductor Devices, , Wiley, New YorkTakuma, T., Field behaviour at a triple junction in composite dielectric arrangements (1991) Electr. Insulat. IEEE Trans., 26 (3), pp. 500-509Takuma, T., Kawamoto, T., Field intensification near various points of contact with a zero contact angle between a solid dielectric and an electrode (1984) Power Apparat. Syst. IEEE Trans., 103 (9), pp. 2486-2494Takuma, T., Kouno, T., Matsuda, H., Field behavior near singular points in composite dielectric arrangements (1978) Electr. Insulat. IEEE Trans., 13 (6), pp. 426-435Tourreil, C.H., Srivastava, K.D., Mechanism of surface charging of high-voltage insulators in vacuum (1973) Electr. Insulat. IEEE Trans., 8 (1), pp. 17-2
Investigating Gsm Interference In Automotive Sound Systems Using State Of The Art Electromagnetic Simulation
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) is one of the major concerns today in the automotive industry. The main reason is that vehicles are using and depending more on electronic technology. The causes of electromagnetic interference problems are not only related to the ever-increasing number of embedded electronics systems in vehicles, but also to external electronic devices that are brought in to automobiles by drivers and passengers (e.g. cell phone, MP3 players, Bluetooth devices, portable video games). Even though these problems can cause serious issues on safety systems like the airbag, their symptoms are often noticed in a less harm way in the sound system. A very common EMI problem in automotive sound systems is a particular noise caused by devices that uses GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) technology. Most of the cell phones and vehicle locators rely on GSM technology. In Brazil there is a national normative known as Contran 245, which when issued, will enforce the use of locators on all vehicles commercialized in Brazil. Hence, EMI problems caused by GSM technology will likely to be noticed more often in Brazil. GSM devices emit short duration RF (Radio Frequency) pulses at a rate of 217Hz. The interference pulses contain the fundamental frequency plus a large number of harmonics that overlaps the frequency range of listening, which goes up to 20kHz. This work presents a detailed study of the EMI of GSM devices in automotive sound systems using state of the art numerical simulation technology provided by ANSYS HFSS and ANSYS Designer tools. A system model comprising a vehicle with a complete sound system, wiring harness and GSM devices communicating to a base station GSM tower is used for this analysis. Measurement data is also presented showing a good match to the simulated results. Options to decrease the GSM interference and overcome this issue are also discussed. © 2013 SAE INTERNATIONAL.13Devereux, R.W., Archambeault, B., Fuller, G.L., Assessment of analytical codes for use in modeling aircraft onboard EMI threats (1997) AIAA/IEEE 16th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, pp. 17-24. , Irvine, CAPerry, T.S., Geppert, L., Do portable electronics endanger flight? The evidence mounts (1996) IEEE Spectrum, 33, pp. 26-33Strauss, B., Avionics interference from portable electronic devices: Review of the Aviation Safety Reporting System database (2002) Proceeding of the 21st Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 2, pp. 13E31-13E38Mologni, J., A Time-Frequency Domain Analysis of Crosstalk Phenomenon on LIN/CAN Based Architectures (2008) SAE Technical Paper Series, Paper 2008-36-0046, , ","Vouvakis, M.N., Zhao, K., Seo, S.M., Lee, J.-F., A Domain Decomposition Approach for Non-Conformal Couplings between Finite and Boundary Elements for Unbounded Electromagnetic Problems in R3 (2007) J. Comput. Phys., 225 (1), pp. 975-994Zhao, K., Rawat, V., Lee, S.-C., Lee, J.-F., A Domain Decomposition Method with Non-Conformal Meshes for Finite Periodic and Semi-Periodic Structures (2007) IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 55 (9), pp. 2559-2570Zhao, K., Rawat, V., Lee, J.-F., A Domain Decomposition Method for Electromagnetic Radiation and Scattering Analysis of Multi-Target Problems (2008) IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 56 (8), pp. 2211-2221Harrington, R.F., Field computation by moment methods (1993) IEEE Series on Electromagnetic Waves, , New YorkCangellaris, A.C., Lee, R., The bymoment methods for two-dimensional electromagnetic scattering (1990) IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., 38 (9), pp. 1429-1437Silvestro, J., Zhao, K., Sligar, A., Hybrid Finite Element-Boundary Integral Technique for Efficient Simulation of Radiation and Scattering (2011) Microw. J., 54 (1), p. 74. , JanZhao, K., Vouvakis, M.N., Lee, J.-F., Solving Electromagnetic Problems Using A Novel Symmetric FEM-BEM Approach (2006) IEEE Trans. Mag., 42 (4), pp. 583-587. , Ap
A Time-frequency Domain Analysis Of Crosstalk Phenomenon On Lin/can Based Architectures
Reduce the overall cost of the vehicle and at the same time introduce innovative features to meet the growing costumer demand is one of the challenges noticed on most automotive companies. Due to the falling price of electronics, multimedia and audio features are becoming popular even on A and B entry vehicles. The introduction of multiplex techniques to reduce wiring content is becoming unavoidable and automotive standards like Local Interconnect Network (LIN) and Controller Area Network (CAN) will eventually be introduced on emerging market vehicles. Besides the cost reduction factor, electromagnetic interference (EMI) constraints rises and must be considered during the design of the electrical/electronic architecture (EEA). One of the most common failure mode observed on network systems regarding EMI is the effect known as crosstalk. The crosstalk phenomenon is the undesirable coupling of energy of one line to another, and causes degradation on the data network. Impedance matching network, grounding topology, harness routing and design, network physical layer and bandwidth are factors that strongly influence the performance of the data network. This paper details a time and frequency domain study of crosstalk aspect on CAN and LIN automotive networks. Numerical simulations of circuitry and network physical layer are shown and a guideline to designing harness systems intending to minimize this effect is presented. Copyright © 2008 SAE International.Paul, C.R., (2006) Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility, , 2nd ed. WileyPaul, C.R., (2016) Fundamentals of Electric Circuit Analysis, , Wiley, New YorkViolette, N., White, D.R.J., Violette, M., (1987) Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook, , Van Nostrand-Reinhold, New YorkKeiser, B., (1987) Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility, , 3rd edition, Artech House, Dedham, MARosenstark, S., (1994) Transmission Lines in Computer Engineering, , McGraw-Hill, New YorkChang, D.K., (1989) Field and Electromagnetics, , 2nd ed. New York, Addison-Wesley Publishing Compan
Design Of A Patch Antenna Using Photonic Band Gap Technology For Galileo Next Generation Gps System
The next generation of satellite system developed by the European Union and the European Space Agency, GALILEO, is schedule to be fully implemented by 2010. The system is being projected to operate at 1.17645 GHz (L5 frequency) for civilian purposes as an alternative of the currently North American system, and will be used as a safety signal on Ground Positioning Systems (GPS) devices. A low-cost microstrip antenna planar patch antenna resonating at L5 frequency is developed with optimized parameters for automotive applications. For the last 15 years, periodic structures are one of the most noticeable topics of research due to their promising applications in microwave circuit and antenna design. A Photonic Band Gap (PBG) dielectric substrate comprised of periodical structures was used during the development of this project intending to minimize the surface wave losses for a given bandwidth, and therefore, a higher performance antenna could be achieved. Analytical calculations were used to simulate the antenna far-field radiation patterns, S parameters, matching impedance network and Voltage Standing Wave Radio (VSWR). Measurements were then performed in order to validate the design of the antenna. A comparison between the measured results and comparison between the measured results and calculated parameters reports a great accuracy of the design method proposed in this paper. Copyright © 2008 SAE International.Ferrero, F., Dual-band circularly polarized microstrip antenna for satellite applications (2005) IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., No. 4, pp. 13-15Yang, F., Rahmat-Samii, Y., Curl antenna over electromagnetic band-gap surfaces: A low profiled design for CP application (2001) Proc. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Int. Symp, 3, pp. 372-375Wong, K.L., (2002) Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antennas, New York: Wiley-InterSciencePark, J.Y., An Improved low profile cavity-backed slot antenna loaded with 2D UC-PBG Refector (2001) Proc. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Int. Symp, pp. 194-197Rahman, M., Stuchly, M.A., Circularly polarized patch antenna with periodic structure (2002) Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng. Microw. Antenna Propag, 149 (3), pp. 141-146. , JunQian, Y., Microstrip patch antennas using novel PBG structures (1999) Microwave Journal, 42, pp. 66-76. , JanBalanis, C.A., (1997) Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, 2nd Edition, John Wiley &sons, New YorkThevenos, M., Design of a new photonic cover to increasy antenna directivity (1999) Microwave Technol. Opt. Lett, 22, pp. 136-139Brown, E.R., Parker, C.D., Yablonovitch, E., Radiation properties of a planar antenna on a photonic crystal substrate (1993) J. Opt. Soc. A, p. 404Plihal, M., Maradudin, A.A., Photonic band structure of two-dimensional systems: The triangular lattice Phys. Rev. B, 44, p. 571Ludwig, A.C., Wire grid modeling of surfaces (1987) IEEE Trans. Anten. and Prop, 34, pp. 1045-104