265 research outputs found

    Distribution and Density of Vegetative Hydrilla Propagules in the Sediments of Two New Zealand Lakes

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    The distribution and density of hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.)Royle) turions and tubers in two New Zealand lakes were assessed by sampling cores of sediment from Lakes Tutira and Waikapiro each year from 1994 to 1997. Turion and tuber density differed with water depth, with maximum numbers of tubers and turions found in the 1-2 m and 1.5-4m water depth ranges respectively. A high turion to tuber ratio was observed, with turions accounting for over 80% of propagules. The relatively low numbers of turions and tubers compared with other reports, and the distribution of most tubers within the shallow water is likely to be associated with black swan grazing (Cygnus atratus Latham), with maintains a canopy of hydrilla consistently 1 m below the water surface

    Variable-Speed-of-Light Cosmology from Brane World Scenario

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    We argue that the four-dimensional universe on the TeV brane of the Randall-Sundrum scenario takes the bimetric structure of Clayton and Moffat, with gravitons traveling faster than photons instead, while the radion varies with time. We show that such brane world bimetric model can thereby solve the flatness and the cosmological constant problems, provided the speed of a graviton decreases to the present day value rapidly enough. The resolution of other cosmological problems such as the horizon problem and the monopole problem requires supplementation by inflation, which may be achieved by the radion field provided the radion potential satisfies the slow-roll approximation.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A time-space varying speed of light and the Hubble Law in static Universe

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    We consider a hypothetical possibility of the variability of light velocity with time and position in space which is derived from two natural postulates. For the consistent consideration of such variability we generalize translational transformations of the Theory of Relativity. The formulae of transformations between two rest observers within one inertial system are obtained. It is shown that equality of velocities of two particles is as relative a statement as simultaneity of two events is. We obtain the expression for the redshift of radiation of a rest source which formally reproduces the Hubble Law. Possible experimental implications of the theory are discussed.Comment: 7 page

    Dynamical System Approach to Cosmological Models with a Varying Speed of Light

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    Methods of dynamical systems have been used to study homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models with a varying speed of light (VSL). We propose two methods of reduction of dynamics to the form of planar Hamiltonian dynamical systems for models with a time dependent equation of state. The solutions are analyzed on two-dimensional phase space in the variables (x,x˙)(x, \dot{x}) where xx is a function of a scale factor aa. Then we show how the horizon problem may be solved on some evolutional paths. It is shown that the models with negative curvature overcome the horizon and flatness problems. The presented method of reduction can be adopted to the analysis of dynamics of the universe with the general form of the equation of state p=γ(a)ϵp=\gamma(a)\epsilon. This is demonstrated using as an example the dynamics of VSL models filled with a non-interacting fluid. We demonstrate a new type of evolution near the initial singularity caused by a varying speed of light. The singularity-free oscillating universes are also admitted for positive cosmological constant. We consider a quantum VSL FRW closed model with radiation and show that the highest tunnelling rate occurs for a constant velocity of light if c(a)anc(a) \propto a^n and 1<n0-1 < n \le 0. It is also proved that the considered class of models is structurally unstable for the case of n<0n < 0.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX4; final version to appear in PR

    Advanced Compton Telescope Designs and SN Science

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    The Advanced Compton Telescope (ACT) has been suggested to be the optimal next-generation instrument to study nuclear gamma-ray lines. In this work, we investigate the potential of three hypothetical designs of the ACT to perform SN science. We provide estimates of 1) the SN detection rate, 2) the SN Ia discrimination rate, and 3) which gamma-ray lines would be detected from specific supernova remnants. We find that the prompt emission from a SN Ia is such that it is unlikely that one would be within the range that an INTERMEDIATE ACT would be able to distinguish between explosion scenarios, although such an instrument would detect a handful of SNRs. We further find that the SUPERIOR ACT design would be a truly breakthrough instrument for SN science. By supplying these estimates, we intend to assist the gamma-ray astrophysics community in deciding the course of the next decade of gamma-ray SN science.Comment: 10 pages, accepted for publication in New astronomy Reviews (Astronomy with Radioactivities III

    Neutron Stars in a Varying Speed of Light Theory

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    We study neutron stars in a varying speed of light (VSL) theory of gravity in which the local speed of light depends upon the value of a scalar field ϕ\phi. We find that the masses and radii of the stars are strongly dependent on the strength of the coupling between ϕ\phi and the matter field and that for certain choices of coupling parameters, the maximum neutron star mass can be arbitrarily small. We also discuss the phenomenon of cosmological evolution of VSL stars (analogous to the gravitational evolution in scalar-tensor theories) and we derive a relation showing how the fractional change in the energy of a star is related to the change in the cosmological value of the scalar field.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures. Added solutions with a more realistic equation of state. To be published in PR

    Stars and black holes in varying speed of light theories

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    We investigate spherically symmetric solutions to a recently proposed covariant and locally Lorentz-invariant varying speed of light theory. We find the metrics and variations in cc associated with the counterpart of black holes, the outside of a star, and stellar collapse. The remarkable novelty is that cc goes to zero or infinity (depending on parameter signs) at the horizon. We show how this implies that, with appropriate parameters, observers are prevented from entering the horizon. Concomitantly stellar collapse must end in a ``Schwarzchild radius'' remnant. We then find formulae for gravitational light deflection, gravitational redshift, radar echo delay, and the precession of the perihelion of Mercury, highlighting how these may differ distinctly from their Einstein counterparts but still evade experimental constraints. The main tell-tale signature of this theory is the prediction of the observation of a different value for the fine structure constant, α\alpha, in spectral lines formed in the surface of stars. We close by mentioning a variety of new classical and quantum effects near stars, such as aging gradients and particle production.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev.

    The Role of Radioactivities in Astrophysics

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    I present both a history of radioactivity in astrophysics and an introduction to the major applications of radioactive abundances to astronomy

    Quintessence and variation of the fine structure constant in the CMBR

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    We study dependence of the CMB temperature anisotropy spectrum on the value of the fine structure constant α\alpha and the equation of state of the dark energy component of the total density of the universe. We find that bounds imposed on the variation of α\alpha from the analysis of currently available CMB data sets can be significantly relaxed if one also allows for a change in the equation of state.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Several references added and a few minor typos corrected in the revised versio