19 research outputs found

    Building a Flexible Software Factory Using Partial Domain Specific Models

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    This paper describes some experiences in building a software factory by defining multiple small domain specific languages (DSLs) and having multiple small models per DSL. This is in high contrast with traditional approaches using monolithic models, e.g. written in UML. In our approach, models behave like source code to a large extend, leading to an easy way to manage the model(s) of large systems

    Inductive Proof Outlines for Monitors in Java

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    Abstract. The research concerning Java’s semantics and proof theory has mainly focussed on various aspects of sequential sub-languages. Java, however, integrates features of a class-based object-oriented language with the notion of multi-threading, where multiple threads can concurrently execute and exchange information via shared instance variables. Furthermore, each object can act as a monitor to assure mutual exclusion or to coordinate between threads. In this paper we present a sound and relatively complete assertional proof system for Java’s monitor concept, which generates verification conditions for a concurrent sublanguage JavaMT of Java. This work extends previous results by incorporating Java’s monitor methods


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    Experiments with a High-Level Navigation Language

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    Writing navigation expressions is an important part of the task of developing a model transformation definition. When navigation is complex and the size of source models is significant, performance issues cannot be neglected. Model transformation languages often implement some variants of OCL as their navigation language. Writing efficient code in OCL is usually a difficult task because of the nature of the language and the lack of optimizing OCL compilers. Moreover, optimizations generally reduce readability. An approach to tackle this issue is to raise the level of abstraction of the navigation language. We propose to complement the regular navigation language of model transformation languages with a high-level navigation language, in order to improve both performance and readability. This paper reports on the initial results of our experiments creating the HLN language: a declarative high-level navigation language. We will motivate the problem, and will we describe the language as well as the main design guidelines

    A Methodology for Writing Class Contracts

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    One of the principles of Design by Contract is that contracts for software components must be written in a declarative way, using a formal, mathematically founded notation. When we apply the Design by Contract methodology in a naive and straightforward way, we risk ending up with unwanted duplication. In this paper, we describe a methodology for writing class contracts that avoids specification duplication and that gives rise to uniform class specifications with a clear and fixed structure


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    Towards a Default Reading for Constraint Diagrams

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    Abstract. Constraint diagrams are a diagrammatic notation which may be used to express logical constraints. They were designed to complement the Unified Modeling Language in the development of software systems. They generalize Venn diagrams and Euler circles, and include facilities for quantification and navigation of relations. Due to the lack of a linear ordering of symbols inherent in a diagrammatic language which expresses logical statements, some constraint diagrams have more than one intuitive meaning. We generalize, from an example based approach, to suggest a default reading for constraint diagrams. This reading is usually unique, but may require a small number of simple user choices