2,145 research outputs found

    Cosmological constraints on the generalized holographic dark energy

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    We use the Markov ChainMonte Carlo method to investigate global constraints on the generalized holographic (GH) dark energy with flat and non-flat universe from the current observed data: the Union2 dataset of type supernovae Ia (SNIa), high-redshift Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), the observational Hubble data (OHD), the cluster X-ray gas mass fraction, the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO), and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) data. The most stringent constraints on the GH model parameter are obtained. In addition, it is found that the equation of state for this generalized holographic dark energy can cross over the phantom boundary wde =-1.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: significant text overlap with arXiv:1105.186

    The Role of Surface Entropy in Statistical Emission of Massive Fragments from Equilibrated Nuclear Systems

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    Statistical fragment emission from excited nuclear systems is studied within the framework of a schematic Fermi-gas model combined with Weisskopf's detailed balance approach. The formalism considers thermal expansion of finite nuclear systems and pays special attention to the role of the diffuse surface region in the decay of hot equilibrated systems. It is found that with increasing excitation energy, effects of surface entropy lead to a systematic and significant reduction of effective emission barriers for fragments and, eventually, to the vanishing of these barriers. The formalism provides a natural explanation for the occurrence of negative nuclear heat capacities reported in the literature. It also accounts for the observed linearity of pseudo-Arrhenius plots of the logarithm of the fragment emission probability {\it versus} the inverse square-root of the excitation energy, but does not predict true Arrhenius behavior of these emission probabilities

    Liquid-Gas Coexistence and Critical Behavior in Boxed Pseudo-Fermi Matter

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    A schematic model is presented that allows one to study the behavior of interacting pseudo-Fermi matter locked in a thermostatic box. As a function of the box volume and temperature, the matter is seen to show all of the familiar charactersitics of a Van der Waals gas, which include the coexistence of two phases under certain circumstances and the presence of a critical point

    Does accelerating universe indicates Brans-Dicke theory

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    The evolution of universe in Brans-Dicke (BD) theory is discussed in this paper. Considering a parameterized scenario for BD scalar field ϕ=ϕ0aα\phi=\phi_{0}a^{\alpha} which plays the role of gravitational "constant" GG, we apply the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to investigate a global constraints on BD theory with a self-interacting potential according to the current observational data: Union2 dataset of type supernovae Ia (SNIa), high-redshift Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) data, observational Hubble data (OHD), the cluster X-ray gas mass fraction, the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO), and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) data. It is shown that an expanded universe from deceleration to acceleration is given in this theory, and the constraint results of dimensionless matter density Ω0m\Omega_{0m} and parameter α\alpha are, Ω0m=0.2860.0390.047+0.037+0.050\Omega_{0m}=0.286^{+0.037+0.050}_{-0.039-0.047} and α=0.00460.01710.0206+0.0149+0.0171\alpha=0.0046^{+0.0149+0.0171}_{-0.0171-0.0206} which is consistent with the result of current experiment exploration, α0.132124\mid\alpha\mid \leq 0.132124. In addition, we use the geometrical diagnostic method, jerk parameter jj, to distinguish the BD theory and cosmological constant model in Einstein's theory of general relativity.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Impurity Energy Level Within The Haldane Gap

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    An impurity bond JJ{'} in a periodic 1D antiferromagnetic, spin 1 chain with exchange JJ is considered. Using the numerical density matrix renormalization group method, we find an impurity energy level in the Haldane gap, corresponding to a bound state near the impurity bond. When J<JJ{'}<J the level changes gradually from the edge of the Haldane gap to the ground state energy as the deviation dev=(JJ)/Jdev=(J-J{'})/J changes from 0 to 1. It seems that there is no threshold. Yet, there is a threshold when J>JJ{'}>J. The impurity level appears only when the deviation dev=(JJ)/Jdev=(J{'}-J)/J{'} is greater than BcB_{c}, which is near 0.3 in our calculation.Comment: Latex file,9 pages uuencoded compressed postscript including 4 figure

    Spin-dependent structure functions g^1\hat g_1 and g^2\hat g_2 for inclusive spin-half baryon production in electron-positron annihilation

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    Two spin-dependent structure functions g^1\hat g_1 and g^2\hat g_2 for the inclusive spin-half baryon production in electron-positron annihilation are studied in the context of QCD factorization as well as in the naive quark parton model. As a result, it is found that the sum of g^1\hat g_1 and g^2\hat g_2 is related to h^1\hat h_1 and g^T\hat g_T, two quark fragmentation functions defined by Jaffe and Ji. In connection with the measurement of quark fragmentation functions, the possible phenomenological consequences are discussed.Comment: RevTex, four Ps figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Combined constraints on modified Chaplygin gas model from cosmological observed data: Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach

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    We use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to investigate a global constraints on the modified Chaplygin gas (MCG) model as the unification of dark matter and dark energy from the latest observational data: the Union2 dataset of type supernovae Ia (SNIa), the observational Hubble data (OHD), the cluster X-ray gas mass fraction, the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO), and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) data. In a flat universe, the constraint results for MCG model are, Ωbh2=0.022630.00162+0.00184\Omega_{b}h^{2}=0.02263^{+0.00184}_{-0.00162} (1σ1\sigma) 0.00195+0.00213^{+0.00213}_{-0.00195} (2σ)(2\sigma), Bs=0.77880.0723+0.0736B_{s}=0.7788^{+0.0736}_{-0.0723} (1σ1\sigma) 0.0904+0.0918^{+0.0918}_{-0.0904} (2σ)(2\sigma), α=0.10790.2539+0.3397\alpha=0.1079^{+0.3397}_{-0.2539} (1σ1\sigma) 0.2911+0.4678^{+0.4678}_{-0.2911} (2σ)(2\sigma), B=0.001890.00756+0.00583B=0.00189^{+0.00583}_{-0.00756} (1σ1\sigma) 0.00915+0.00660^{+0.00660}_{-0.00915} (2σ)(2\sigma), and H0=70.7113.142+4.188H_{0}=70.711^{+4.188}_{-3.142} (1σ1\sigma) 4.149+5.281^{+5.281}_{-4.149} (2σ)(2\sigma).Comment: 12 pages, 1figur

    Light-Cone Quantization of Gauge Fields

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    Light-cone quantization of gauge field theory is considered. With a careful treatment of the relevant degrees of freedom and where they must be initialized, the results obtained in equal-time quantization are recovered, in particular the Mandelstam-Leibbrandt form of the gauge field propagator. Some aspects of the ``discretized'' light-cone quantization of gauge fields are discussed.Comment: SMUHEP/93-20, 17 pages (one figure available separately from the authors). Plain TeX, all macros include

    Observational constraint on generalized Chaplygin gas model

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    We investigate observational constraints on the generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) model as the unification of dark matter and dark energy from the latest observational data: the Union SNe Ia data, the observational Hubble data, the SDSS baryon acoustic peak and the five-year WMAP shift parameter. It is obtained that the best fit values of the GCG model parameters with their confidence level are As=0.730.06+0.06A_{s}=0.73^{+0.06}_{-0.06} (1σ1\sigma) 0.09+0.09^{+0.09}_{-0.09} (2σ)(2\sigma), α=0.090.12+0.15\alpha=-0.09^{+0.15}_{-0.12} (1σ1\sigma) 0.19+0.26^{+0.26}_{-0.19} (2σ)(2\sigma). Furthermore in this model, we can see that the evolution of equation of state (EOS) for dark energy is similar to quiessence, and its current best-fit value is w0de=0.96w_{0de}=-0.96 with the 1σ1\sigma confidence level 0.91w0de1.00-0.91\geq w_{0de}\geq-1.00.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Constraints on accelerating universe using ESSENCE and Gold supernovae data combined with other cosmological probes

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    We use recently observed data: the 192 ESSENCE type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), the 182 Gold SNe Ia, the 3-year WMAP, the SDSS baryon acoustic peak, the X-ray gas mass fraction in clusters and the observational H(z)H(z) data to constrain models of the accelerating universe. Combining the 192 ESSENCE data with the observational H(z)H(z) data to constrain a parameterized deceleration parameter, we obtain the best fit values of transition redshift and current deceleration parameter zT=0.6320.127+0.256z_{T}=0.632^{+0.256}_{-0.127}, q0=0.7880.182+0.182q_{0}=-0.788^{+0.182}_{-0.182}. Furthermore, using Λ\LambdaCDM model and two model-independent equation of state of dark energy, we find that the combined constraint from the 192 ESSENCE data and other four cosmological observations gives smaller values of Ω0m\Omega_{0m} and q0q_{0}, but a larger value of zTz_{T} than the combined constraint from the 182 Gold data with other four observations. Finally, according to the Akaike information criterion it is shown that the recently observed data equally supports three dark energy models: Λ\LambdaCDM, wde(z)=w0w_{de}(z)=w_{0} and wde(z)=w0+w1ln(1+z)w_{de}(z)=w_{0}+w_{1}\ln(1+z).Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure