186 research outputs found

    Phase Structure of Lattice QCD at Finite Density with Dynamical Fermions

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    We compare the chemical potential associated with the onset of non-zero baryon number density on 646^4 and 848^4 lattices at β=5.1\beta=5.1 and ma=0.01. We provide evidence for Z(3)Z(3) tunnelling. We determine a critical chemical potential of μa0.1\mu a \simeq 0.1 which is unexpectedly low. We also determine the dependence of the onset of the observed phase transition on the quark mass. The physically misleading result of the quenched theory is shown to persist despite the inclusion of the complex fermion determinant.Comment: 3 pages, Latex, 5 postscript figures, Talk presented at LATTICE96(finite temperature

    Lattice Gauge Theory Simulations at Nonzero Chemical Potential in the Chiral Limit

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    We present a method of simulating lattice QCD at nonzero chemical potential in the chiral limit. By adding a weak four-fermi interaction to the standard staggered fermion SU(3) QCD action, we produce an algorithm in which the limit of massless fermions is well-behaved and physical. Using configurations at zero chemical potential, and an exact fugacity expansion of the fermion determinant, we can simulate QCD at nonzero chemical potential and evade the notorious problem of the complex action. Small lattice simulations give physical results: At strong gauge coupling the critical chemical potential \mu_c agrees with theoretical expectations and at weak gauge coupling \mu_c is nonzero in the low temperature confined phase of QCD and jumps to zero in the high temperature quark-gluon plasma phase. In all these simulations the quarks are exactly massless and there is a Goldstone pion.Comment: contains .tex file of text and three figures as .epsi file

    Shape Space Methods for Quantum Cosmological Triangleland

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    With toy modelling of conceptual aspects of quantum cosmology and the problem of time in quantum gravity in mind, I study the classical and quantum dynamics of the pure-shape (i.e. scale-free) triangle formed by 3 particles in 2-d. I do so by importing techniques to the triangle model from the corresponding 4 particles in 1-d model, using the fact that both have 2-spheres for shape spaces, though the latter has a trivial realization whilst the former has a more involved Hopf (or Dragt) type realization. I furthermore interpret the ensuing Dragt-type coordinates as shape quantities: a measure of anisoscelesness, the ellipticity of the base and apex's moments of inertia, and a quantity proportional to the area of the triangle. I promote these quantities at the quantum level to operators whose expectation and spread are then useful in understanding the quantum states of the system. Additionally, I tessellate the 2-sphere by its physical interpretation as the shape space of triangles, and then use this as a back-cloth from which to read off the interpretation of dynamical trajectories, potentials and wavefunctions. I include applications to timeless approaches to the problem of time and to the role of uniform states in quantum cosmological modelling.Comment: A shorter version, as per the first stage in the refereeing process, and containing some new reference

    Remarks on the issue of time and complex numbers in canonical quantum gravity

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    We develop the idea that, as a result of the arbitrariness of the factor ordering in Wheeler-DeWitt equation, gauge phases can not, in general, being completely removed from the wave functional in quantum gravity. The latter may be conveniently described by means of a remnant complex term in WDW equation depending of the factor ordering. Taking this equation for granted we can obtain WKB complex solutions and, therefore, we should be able to derive a semiclassical time parameter for the Schroedinger equation corresponding to matter fields in a given classical curved space.Comment: Typewritten using RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quenched QCD at finite density: g=1g=1 and g=g=\infty

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    We report on our ongoing effort to understand quenched lattice QCD at finite baryon number density. The quenched theory is sensitive to the baryon mass both at strong coupling and in the scaling region. However, we find that the quenched model is pathological for μ>mπ/2\mu > m_\pi/2 at β=6.0\beta= 6.0, in agreement with past Lanczos analyses of the Dirac operator.Comment: Contribution to Lat94, 3 pages, tar-compressed uuencoded ps fil

    Finite Density Fat QCD

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    Lattice formulation of Finite Baryon Density QCD is problematic from computer simulation point of view; it is well known that for light quark masses the reconstructed partition function fails to be positive in a wide region of parameter space. For large bare quark masses, instead, it is possible to obtain more sensible results; problems are still present but restricted to a small region. We present evidence for a saturation transition independent from the gauge coupling β\beta and for a transition line that, starting from the temperature critical point at μ=0\mu=0, moves towards smaller β\beta with increasing μ\mu as expected from simplified phenomenological arguments.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    QCD with chiral 4-fermion interactions (χ\chiQCD)

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    Lattice QCD with staggered quarks is augmented by the addition of a chiral 4-fermion interaction. The Dirac operator is now non-singular at mq=0m_q=0, decreasing the computing requirements for light quark simulations by at least an order of magnitude. We present preliminary results from simulations at finite and zero temperatures for mq=0m_q=0, with and without gauge fields.Comment: 3 pages. uuencoded, gzipped, tared LateX with 2 encapsulated postscript figures. Uses epscrc2.sty. Talk presented at LATTICE96(chirality in qcd). Title changed; minor changes at beginning and end of paper and reference

    Arrow of time in a recollapsing quantum universe

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    We show that the Wheeler-DeWitt equation with a consistent boundary condition is only compatible with an arrow of time that formally reverses in a recollapsing universe. Consistency of these opposite arrows is facilitated by quantum effects in the region of the classical turning point. Since gravitational time dilation diverges at horizons, collapsing matter must then start re-expanding ``anticausally" (controlled by the reversed arrow) before horizons or singularities can form. We also discuss the meaning of the time-asymmetric expression used in the definition of ``consistent histories". We finally emphasize that there is no mass inflation nor any information loss paradox in this scenario.Comment: Many conceptual clarifications include

    The Four-Fermi Model in Three Dimensions at Non-Zero Density and Temperature

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    The Four Fermi model with discrete chiral symmetry is studied in three dimensions at non-zero chemical potential and temperature using the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm. The number of fermion flavors is chosen large (Nf=12)(N_f=12) to compare with analytic results. A first order chiral symmetry restoring transition is found at zero temperature with a critical chemical potential μc\mu_c in good agreement with the large NfN_f calculations. The critical index ν\nu of the correlation length is measured in good agreement with analytic calculations. The two dimensional phase diagram (chemical potential vs. temperature) is mapped out quantitatively. Finite size effects on relatively small lattices and non-zero fermion mass effects are seen to smooth out the chiral transition dramatically.Comment: 21 pages, sorry, no figure

    The QCD thermal phase transition in the presence of a small chemical potential

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    We propose a new method to investigate the thermal properties of QCD with a small quark chemical potential μ\mu. Derivatives of the phase transition point with respect to μ\mu are computed at μ=0\mu=0 for 2 flavors of p-4 improved staggered fermions with ma=0.1,0.2ma=0.1,0.2 on a 163×416^3\times4 lattice. The resulting Taylor expansion is well behaved for the small values of μq/Tc0.1\mu_{\rm q}/T_c\sim0.1 relevant for RHIC phenomenology, and predicts a critical curve Tc(μ)T_c(\mu) in reasonable agreement with estimates obtained using exact reweighting. In addition, we contrast the case of isoscalar and isovector chemical potentials, quantify the effect of μ0\mu\not=0 on the equation of state, and comment on the complex phase of the fermion determinant in QCD with μ0\mu\not=0.Comment: 26 pages, 25 figures, minor modificatio