14 research outputs found

    5-HT(1A) receptor sensitivity in 5-HT(1B) receptor KO mice is unaffected by chronic fluvoxamine treatment

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    The 5-HT(1B) receptor has been implicated in disorders such as depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder. In mice lacking the 5-HT(1B) receptor (5-HT(1B) knockout mice), important changes in physiology and behavior exist. In the absence of presynaptic 5-HT(1B) receptor inhibition, chronic SSRI treatment may differentially affect 5-HT(1A) receptor functionality. The present studies tested the hypothesis that chronically reducing 5-HT transporter (5-HTT) function with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) treatment would accelerate 5-HT(1A) receptor desensitization in 5-HT(1B) knockout mice. Moreover, as 5-HT(1B) knockout mice have been found to display exaggerated autonomic and locomotor responses to environmental stressors, the effects of chronic SSRI treatment on the hyperreactive phenotype of 5-HT(1B) knockout mice were investigated. The stress-reducing effect of the 5-HT(1A) receptor agonist flesinoxan on increases in body temperature, heart rate and locomotor activity was similar in wild type and 5-HT(1B) knockout mice before and after chronic 21-day treatment with the SSRI fluvoxamine, indicating no apparent alteration of 5-HT(1A) receptor sensitivity in 5-HT(1B) knockout mice. Also, chronic SSRI treatment did not alter the increased stress reactivity to mild environmental stressors in 5-HT(1B) knockout mice. We demonstrate that no apparent differences in 5-HT(1A) receptor sensitivity occur between 5-HT(1B) knockout and wild type mice after chronic fluvoxamine treatment. Also, the hyperreactive phenotype of 5-HT(1B) knockout mice is unresponsive to chronic SSRI treatment. Taken together, these results indicate that constitutive absence of 5-HT(1B) receptors does not result in adaptive changes in 5-HT(1A) receptor functionality and that chronic SSRI treatment does not modify stress reactivity in 5-HT(1B) knockout mice

    GABA(A)-benzodiazepine receptor complex ligands and stress-induced hyperthermia in singly housed mice.

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    Item does not contain fulltextStress-induced hyperthermia (SIH) in singly housed mice, in which the rectal temperature of a mouse is measured twice with a 10-min interval, enables to study the effects of a drug on the basal (T(1)) and on the stress-enhanced temperature (T(2)), 10 min later, using the rectal procedure as stressor. SIH (T(2)-T(1)) reflects a stress-induced phenomenon sensitive to stress- or anxiety-modifying effects of drugs. Several benzodiazepine agonists (diazepam, chlordiazepoxide, oxazepam and alprazolam) dose-dependently antagonized SIH either in NMRI mice from two different breeders or in BALB/c mice. No major differences in the sensitivity for any of the drugs tested were found between strains or between substrains from different breeders. The selective BZ(1) receptor agonists alpidem and zolpidem only at relatively high doses antagonized SIH, whereas flumazenil, FG7142, pentylenetetrazol and phenobarbital did not affect SIH. Alcohol antagonized SIH, and the effects of diazepam could be antagonized by flumazenil. The findings that full BZ receptor agonists have anxiolytic-like effects in the singly housed SIH paradigm are comparable to those previously found in the group-housed version. The singly housed SIH is proposed as a simple and reliable screen for detecting anxiety-like properties of drugs that is valid in every mouse strain tested so far

    Physiological and hormonal responses to novelty exposure in rats are mainly related to ongoing behavioral activity

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    Stress research has been dominated by a circular type of reasoning that occurrence of a stress response is bad. Consequently, the stimulus is often interpreted as stressful in terms of aversiveness involving uncontrollability and unpredictability, which may have maladaptive and pathological consequences. However, the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and sympathico-adrenomedullary (SAM) system are not only activated in response of the organism to challenges, but also prepare and support the body for behavior. Therefore, a considerable part of the physiological and hormonal responses to a certain situation can be a direct reflection of the metabolic requirements for the normal ongoing behavioral activity, rather than of the stressful nature. In order to clarify this, behavioral, physiological, hormonal and electroencephalographic (EEG) responses to novel cage exposure were studied in male Sprague–Dawley rats. Forced confrontation with a novel cage has been interpreted as a psychological and aversive stressor. However, this interpretation is simply based on the occurrence of a stress response. This study aimed at detailed analysis of the time course of the novelty-induced responses. Different parameters were measured simultaneously in freely moving rats, which allowed correlational comparisons. Hereto, radio telemetry using a small implantable transmitter combined with permanent catheters and an automated blood sampling system was used. A camera placed above the cage allowed behavioral observations. The results show that novelty exposure induced significant increases in locomotor activity, heart rate, blood pressure and plasma corticosterone together with a complete lack of sleep as compared to the undisturbed control situation. The latency to reach significance and the duration of responses varied across parameters but all had recovered within 30 min after termination of novelty. The behavioral activity (locomotor activity and EEG wakefulness duration) response pattern was significantly correlated with that of heart rate, blood pressure and plasma corticosterone. Behavioral observations showed mainly explorative behavior in response to novelty. Therefore, the present results indicate that the novelty-induced physiological and hormonal responses are closely related to the ongoing, mainly explorative behavioral activity induced by novelty. An interpretation in terms of metabolic support of ongoing behavior seems to be more appropriate than the frequently used stress interpretation. The present study also emphasizes the added value of simultaneous assessment of behavioral, physiological and hormonal parameters under controlled, non-confounding conditions.

    Stress-induced hyperthermia in the mouse: c-fos expression, corticosterone and temperature changes.

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    Contains fulltext : 58048.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)In mammals, stress exposure is frequently associated with an elevated body temperature ['emotional fever', stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH)]. Rectal measurement of body core temperature of the mouse induces a rise of 1-1.5 degrees C over a 10- to 15-min time interval. This phenomenon has been exploited to design a specific test for measuring stress-induced hyperthermia: the singly-housed SIH paradigm in mice. In the present experiments, changes in body temperature and corticosterone levels were studied 10, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after the first insertion of the rectal probe. In addition, changes in patterns of neural activation, as observed after immunostaining for Fos-immunoreactivity (Fos-IR), were studied in the brains of animals perfused at times 0, 60 or 120 min. Our results show that SIH and corticosterone levels have their peak values between 10 and 30 min and are no longer different from control values after 60 min. Patterns of Fos-IR have been studied in 11 brain areas, of which 2 brain areas (anterodorsal preoptic and periolivary nuclei) showed a continuing rise in Fos-IR after 60 and 120 min, while six nuclei, mostly hypothalamic and septal, showed a peak induction of Fos-IR after 60 min. In three brain areas, no consistent changes in Fos-IR could be observed. The authors conclude that the changes observed in the patterns of Fos-IR, after application of the singly-housed SIH-test in mice, reflect the effects of both the stressor application and the ensuing thermoregulatory responses. The role of each activated brain area in either one of these effects is discussed in view of data available from the literature

    Transgenic mice overexpressing glycogen synthase kinase 3beta: a putative model of hyperactivity and mania

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    Lithium is used as treatment for bipolar disorder with particular efficacy in the treatment of mania. Lithium inhibits glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta(GSK-3 beta) directly or indirectly via stimulation of the kinase Akt-1. We therefore investigated the possibility that transgenic mice overexpressing GSK-3 beta could be of relevance to model bipolar disorder. Transgenic mice showed hypophagia, an increased general locomotor activity, and decreased habituation as assessed in an open field, an increased acoustic startle response, and again decreased habituation. The forced swim test revealed a reduced immobility in transgenic mice, but this is probably related to the hyperactivity of the animals. There were no differences in baseline and stress-induced increases of plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone and corticosterone levels. Molecular analysis suggests compensatory mechanisms in the striatum of these transgenic mice for the overload of active GSK-3 beta by dimming the endogenous GSK-3 beta signaling pathway via upregulation of Akt-1 expression. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor protein levels were increased in the hippocampus of the transgenic mice. This suggests some kind of compensatory mechanism to the observed reduction in brain weight, which has been related previously to a reduced size of the somatodendritic compartment. Together, in mice overexpressing GSK-3 beta, specific intracellular signaling pathways are affected, which is accompanied by altered plasticity processes and increased activity and reactivity, whereas habituation processes seem to be decreased. The behavioral observations led to the suggestion that the model at hand recapitulates hyperactivity as observed in the manic phase of bipolar disorder

    Stress-induced hyperthermia and anxiety: pharmacological validation.

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    Item does not contain fulltextWhen mammals, including man, are confronted with a stressful event, their core body temperature rises, stress-induced hyperthermia. In mice, the stress-induced hyperthermia procedure has been developed to measure antistress or anxiolytic-like effects of psychoactive drugs. Group-housed and singly housed versions of the stress-induced hyperthermia generate comparable results. Because the number of animals needed to perform an experiment is much lower in the singly housed versus the group-housed procedure, the former is the test of choice for pharmacological testing. A typical stress-induced hyperthermia test starts with an injection 60 min before the first rectal temperature measurement (T(1)), followed by a second temperature measurement (T(2)) 10-15 min later. The difference DeltaT (=T(2)-T(1)) is the stress-induced hyperthermia. The procedure also measures the intrinsic activity of drugs on the basal body temperature and DeltaT is relatively independent from the intrinsic temperature effects of drugs. Anxiolytic drugs (benzodiazepines, 5-HT(1A) receptor agonists, alcohol) reduce DeltaT suggestive of anxiolytic-like effects. Because the parameter measured for anxiety in the stress-induced hyperthermia procedure is not dependent on locomotor activity, like in almost all other anxiety tests, the stress-induced hyperthermia procedure is an attractive addition to tests in the anxiety field. Because the stress-induced hyperthermia is also present with a comparable pharmacological profile in females, this procedure has a wide species and gender validity. The procedure was applied in various genetically modified mice [5-HT(1A) and 5-HT(1B) receptor knockout (KO) mice and corticotropin-releasing hormone overexpressing (CRH-OE) mice] to study phenotypic influences of the various mutations on aspects of anxiety. The stress-induced hyperthermia test in singly housed male and female mice appears a useful and extremely simple test to measure effects of drugs on certain aspects of anxiety or to help to determine phenotypic differences in mutant mice

    Overexpression of corticotropin-releasing hormone in transgenic mice and chronic stress-like autonomic and physiological alterations.

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    Item does not contain fulltextTo gain a greater insight into the relationship between hyperactivity of the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) system and autonomic and physiological changes associated with chronic stress, we developed a transgenic mouse model of central CRH overproduction. The extent of central and peripheral CRH overexpression, and the amount of bioactive CRH in the hypothalamus were determined in two lines of CRH-overexpressing (CRH-OE) mice. Furthermore, 24 h patterns of body temperature, heart rate, and activity were assessed using radiotelemetry, as well as cumulative water and food consumption and body weight gain over a 7-day period. CRH-OE mice showed increased amounts of CRH peptide and mRNA only in the central nervous system. Despite the presence of the same CRH transgene in their genome, only in one of the two established lines of CRH-OE mice (line 2122, but not 2123) was overexpression of CRH associated with increased levels of bioactive CRH in the hypothalamus, increased body temperature and heart rate (predominantly during the light (inactive) phase of the diurnal cycle), decreased heart rate variability during the dark (active) phase, and increased food and water consumption, when compared with littermate wildtype mice. Because line 2122 of the CRH transgenic mice showed chronic stress-like neuroendocrine and autonomic changes, these mice appear to represent a valid animal model for chronic stress and might be valuable in the research on the consequences of CRH excess in situations of chronic stress