15,661 research outputs found

    RUSSIAN SCHOLARS and the QUR'ÂN: Historical Perspective of the Development of Russian Orientalists in the 19th–20th Centuries

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    Ilmuan Rusia dan al-Qur'an: Perspektif Sejarah Perkembangan Orientalis Rusia abad ke 19 dan 20. Setelah keberhasilan Mullah Usman Ibrahim pada abad ke 18, studi al-Qur'an di Rusia sejak abad ke 19 tidak mengalami kemajuan signifikan. Kondisi ini berlanjut hingga G.S. Sablukov dan D.N Boguslavskiy pada akhirya menciptakan karya sendiri mereka tentang tafsir al-Qur'an pada masa paruh kedua abad ke 19. Perkembangan tradisi Rusia dalam pengkajian al- Qur'an semakin pesat ketika ilmuan Rusia yang lain, I. Yu. Krachkovsky, memper- kenalkan pendekatan baru dalam memahami dan menginterpretasi Kitab Suci al- Qur'an bagi masyarakat Rusia pada awal abad ke 20. Dalam makalah ini penulis mengemukakan bahwa sangat disayangkan, ilmuan Rusia memasuki era kegelapan dalam pengkajian al-Qur'an ketika regim Komunis Soviet menagmbil alih kendali pemerintahan dan memperkenalkan kebijakan dan propaganda ateistis pada paruh kedua abad ke 20. Makalah ini berupaya untuk menganalisa sejarah perkembangan studi al-Qur'an dalam kondisi sosial, kultur dan politik atmosfir akademis Rusia

    Arabistika: Jendela Kecil Kajian Islam Di Rusia (Menelisik Sejarah Awal Pertumbuhan Kajian Islam Di Rusia Abad Ix-xviii M)

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    Study on the Islamic studies tradition (orientalism) in Russia is quite rare, whereas compared to the Europeans or the West in general, the Russians actually have far reached into contact with Islam through a variety of traditions and cultures that developed the Arab-Muslim and Arab-Jewish. This encounter in the next stage turned into the birth of a tradition encouraging the study of Russian orientalism known as arabistika. This article attempts to trace the history of the growth of Islamic studies in Russia by looking at the factors driving its development and the official policies of the country's political elite, especially of Peters the Great. The author, in this context, tries to analyze the findings of I.Yu Krachkovsky on spiritual tour performed by Russian intelligentsia to the Arab world, and the sources of Muh}ammad Na>z}im ad-Daira>wi revealing the information and documentation of ancient Russian that are immortalized by the some geographers, historians, prominent Muslim adventurers such as at}-T}abari, al-Maqdisi, al-Idri>si>, al-Mas‘u>di>, Ibn Khurdadbih, Ibn H}auqal, Ibn Fad}la>n, Ibnu Bat{u>t}a and many others. This paper also reveal many of the central role of Peter the Great in the development of arabistika tradition in Russia

    Caging phenomena in reactions: Femtosecond observation of coherent, collisional confinement

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    We report striking observations of coherent caging of iodine, above the B state dissociation threshold, by single collisions with rare gas atoms at room-temperature. Despite the random nature of the solute–solvent interaction, the caged population retains coherence of the initially prepared unbound wave packet. We discuss some new concepts regarding dynamical coherent caging and the one-atom cage effect

    Comorbid disease and ethnicity in emergency hospital admissions in east London

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    Statistical Analysis Plan – This aim of this comparative study is to determine in a cohort of non-COVID emergency hospital admissions within the same representative population in east London, whether there is a difference in outcomes in patients of different ethnicities. It will test the hypothesis that patients of Black, Asian and other ethnicities have poorer outcomes defined using mortality and length of stay. Data generated has the potential to influence and shape relevant policy and practice to improve health outcomes in BAME communities

    A Generalized Loss Function for Crowd Counting and Localization

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    Previous work [40] shows that a better density map representation can improve the performance of crowd counting. In this paper, we investigate learning the density map representation through an unbalanced optimal transport problem, and propose a generalized loss function to learn density maps for crowd counting and localization. We prove that pixel-wise L2 loss and Bayesian loss [29] are special cases and suboptimal solutions to our proposed loss function. A perspective-guided transport cost function is further proposed to better handle the perspective transformation in crowd images. Since the predicted density will be pushed toward annotation positions, the density map prediction will be sparse and can naturally be used for localization. Finally, the proposed loss outperforms other losses on four large-scale datasets for counting, and achieves the best localization performance on NWPU-Crowd and UCF-QNRF

    Acute Kidney Injury in COVID-19: secondary analysis of prospective data from the EthICAL study

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    Statistical Analysis Plan – This secondary analysis of the EthICAL study will focus on the incidence, risk factors and outcomes associated with AKI within COVID-19 patients admitted to five acute hospitals in East London. We will also examine follow-up data to investigate what proportion of COVID-19 patients who developed an AKI never recovered their renal function and progressed to chronic kidney disease (CKD)

    Calculation of some properties of the vacuum

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    In this article, we calculate the dressed quark propagator with the flat bottom potential in the framework of the rain-bow Schwinger-Dyson equation, which is determined by mean field approximation of the global colour model lagrangian. The dressed quark propagator exhibits a dynamical symmetry breaking phenomenon and gives a constituent quark mass about 392 MeV, which is close to the value of commonly used constituent quark mass in the chiral quark model. Then based on the dressed quark propagator, we calculate some properties of the vacuum, such as quark condensate, mixed quark condensate gs<0∣qˉGμνσμνq∣0>g_{s}< 0|\bar{q}G_{\mu\nu}\sigma^{\mu\nu}q|0>, four quark condensate <0∣qˉΓqqˉΓq∣0><0|\bar{q} \Gamma q\bar{q} \Gamma q |0>, tensor, π\pi vacuum susceptibilities. The numerical results are compatible with the values of other theoretical approaches.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, some writing errors are correcte
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