7,426 research outputs found

    Vibration-induced climbing of drops

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    We report an experimental study of liquid drops moving against gravity, when placed on a vertically vibrating inclined plate, which is partially wetted by the drop. The frequency of vibrations ranges from 30 to 200 Hz, and, above a threshold in vibration acceleration, drops experience an upward motion. We attribute this surprising motion to the deformations of the drop, as a consequence of an up or down symmetry breaking induced by the presence of the substrate. We relate the direction of motion to contact angle measurements. This phenomenon can be used to move a drop along an arbitrary path in a plane, without special surface treatments or localized forcing.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figure

    From the stress response function (back) to the sandpile `dip'

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    We relate the pressure `dip' observed at the bottom of a sandpile prepared by successive avalanches to the stress profile obtained on sheared granular layers in response to a localized vertical overload. We show that, within a simple anisotropic elastic analysis, the skewness and the tilt of the response profile caused by shearing provide a qualitative agreement with the sandpile dip effect. We conclude that the texture anisotropy produced by the avalanches is in essence similar to that induced by a simple shearing -- albeit tilted by the angle of repose of the pile. This work also shows that this response function technique could be very well adapted to probe the texture of static granular packing.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted version to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    The electron's dance

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    A joint Fermilab/SLAC publicationParis' Trocadéro science exhibition allows science enthusiasts to see--and even control--a real electron accelerator

    Conceptual Frameworks for Multimodal Social Signal Processing

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    This special issue is about a research area which is developing rapidly. Pentland gave it a name which has become widely used, ‘Social Signal Processing’ (SSP for short), and his phrase provides the title of a European project, SSPnet, which has a brief to consolidate the area. The challenge that Pentland highlighted was understanding the nonlinguistic signals that serve as the basis for “subconscious discussions between humans about relationships, resources, risks, and rewards”. He identified it as an area where computational research had made interesting progress, and could usefully make more

    Influence of humidity on granular packings with moving walls

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    A significant dependence on the relative humidity H for the apparent mass (Mapp) measured at the bottom of a granular packing inside a vertical tube in relative motion is demonstrated experimentally. While the predictions of Janssen's model are verified for all values of H investigated (25%< H <80%), Mapp increases with time towards a limiting value at high relative humidities (H>60%) but remains constant at lower ones (H=25%). The corresponding Janssen length is nearly independent of the tube velocity for H>60% but decreases markedly for H=25%. Other differences are observed on the motion of individual beads in the packing. For H=25%, they are almost motionless while the mean particle fraction of the packing remains constant; for H>60% the bead motion is much more significant and the mean particle fraction decreases. The dependence of these results on the bead diameter and their interpretation in terms of the influence of capillary forces are discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    A Compositional Deadlock Detector for Android Java

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    We develop a static deadlock analysis for commercial Android Java applications, of sizes in the tens of millions of LoC, under active development at Facebook. The analysis runs primarily at code-review time, on only the modified code and its dependents; we aim at reporting to developers in under 15 minutes. To detect deadlocks in this setting, we first model the real language as an abstract language with balanced re-entrant locks, nondeterministic iteration and branching, and non-recursive procedure calls. We show that the existence of a deadlock in this abstract language is equivalent to a certain condition over the sets of critical pairs of each program thread; these record, for all possible executions of the thread, which locks are currently held at the point when a fresh lock is acquired. Since the critical pairs of any program thread is finite and computable, the deadlock detection problem for our language is decidable, and in NP. We then leverage these results to develop an open-source implementation of our analysis adapted to deal with real Java code. The core of the implementation is an algorithm which computes critical pairs in a compositional, abstract interpretation style, running in quasi-exponential time. Our analyser is built in the INFER verification framework and has been in industrial deployment for over two years; it has seen over two hundred fixed deadlock reports with a report fix rate of ∌54%

    Statistics at the tip of a branching random walk and the delay of traveling waves

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    We study the limiting distribution of particles at the frontier of a branching random walk. The positions of these particles can be viewed as the lowest energies of a directed polymer in a random medium in the mean-field case. We show that the average distances between these leading particles can be computed as the delay of a traveling wave evolving according to the Fisher-KPP front equation. These average distances exhibit universal behaviors, different from those of the probability cascades studied recently in the context of mean field spin-glasses.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Anderson transition on the Cayley tree as a traveling wave critical point for various probability distributions

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    For Anderson localization on the Cayley tree, we study the statistics of various observables as a function of the disorder strength WW and the number NN of generations. We first consider the Landauer transmission TNT_N. In the localized phase, its logarithm follows the traveling wave form ln⁥TN≃ln⁥TNˉ+ln⁥t∗\ln T_N \simeq \bar{\ln T_N} + \ln t^* where (i) the disorder-averaged value moves linearly ln⁥(TN)ˉ≃−NΟloc\bar{\ln (T_N)} \simeq - \frac{N}{\xi_{loc}} and the localization length diverges as Οloc∌(W−Wc)−Μloc\xi_{loc} \sim (W-W_c)^{-\nu_{loc}} with Îœloc=1\nu_{loc}=1 (ii) the variable t∗t^* is a fixed random variable with a power-law tail P∗(t∗)∌1/(t∗)1+ÎČ(W)P^*(t^*) \sim 1/(t^*)^{1+\beta(W)} for large t∗t^* with 0<ÎČ(W)≀1/20<\beta(W) \leq 1/2, so that all integer moments of TNT_N are governed by rare events. In the delocalized phase, the transmission TNT_N remains a finite random variable as N→∞N \to \infty, and we measure near criticality the essential singularity ln⁥(T)Ë‰âˆŒâˆ’âˆŁWc−W∣−ÎșT\bar{\ln (T)} \sim - | W_c-W |^{-\kappa_T} with ÎșT∌0.25\kappa_T \sim 0.25. We then consider the statistical properties of normalized eigenstates, in particular the entropy and the Inverse Participation Ratios (I.P.R.). In the localized phase, the typical entropy diverges as (W−Wc)−ΜS(W-W_c)^{- \nu_S} with ÎœS∌1.5\nu_S \sim 1.5, whereas it grows linearly in NN in the delocalized phase. Finally for the I.P.R., we explain how closely related variables propagate as traveling waves in the delocalized phase. In conclusion, both the localized phase and the delocalized phase are characterized by the traveling wave propagation of some probability distributions, and the Anderson localization/delocalization transition then corresponds to a traveling/non-traveling critical point. Moreover, our results point towards the existence of several exponents Îœ\nu at criticality.Comment: 28 pages, 21 figures, comments welcom

    The Universal Gaussian in Soliton Tails

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    We show that in a large class of equations, solitons formed from generic initial conditions do not have infinitely long exponential tails, but are truncated by a region of Gaussian decay. This phenomenon makes it possible to treat solitons as localized, individual objects. For the case of the KdV equation, we show how the Gaussian decay emerges in the inverse scattering formalism.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex with eps
