83 research outputs found

    Phase shift effective range expansion from supersymmetric quantum mechanics

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    Supersymmetric or Darboux transformations are used to construct local phase equivalent deep and shallow potentials for 0\ell \neq 0 partial waves. We associate the value of the orbital angular momentum with the asymptotic form of the potential at infinity which allows us to introduce adequate long-distance transformations. The approach is shown to be effective in getting the correct phase shift effective range expansion. Applications are considered for the 1P1^1P_1 and 1D2^1D_2 partial waves of the neutron-proton scattering.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Revtex4, version to be publised in Physical Review

    Spectral properties of non-conservative multichannel SUSY partners of the zero potential

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    Spectral properties of a coupled N×NN \times N potential model obtained with the help of a single non-conservative supersymmetric (SUSY) transformation starting from a system of NN radial Schr\"odinger equations with the zero potential and finite threshold differences between the channels are studied. The structure of the system of polynomial equations which determine the zeros of the Jost-matrix determinant is analyzed. In particular, we show that the Jost-matrix determinant has N2N1N2^{N-1} zeros which may all correspond to virtual states. The number of bound states satisfies 0nbN0\leq n_b\leq N. The maximal number of resonances is nr=(N1)2N2n_r=(N-1)2^{N-2}. A perturbation technique for a small coupling approximation is developed. A detailed study of the inverse spectral problem is given for the 2×22\times 2 case.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Toward a Spin- and Parity-Independent Nucleon-Nucleon Potential

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    A supersymmetric inversion method is applied to the singlet 1S0^1S_0 and 1P1^1P_1 neutron-proton elastic phase shifts. The resulting central potential has a one-pion-exchange (OPE) long-range behavior and a parity-independent short-range part; it fits inverted data well. Adding a regularized OPE tensor term also allows the reproduction of the triplet 3P0^3P_0, 3P1^3P_1 and 3S1^3S_1 phase shifts as well as of the deuteron binding energy. The potential is thus also spin-independent (except for the OPE part) and contains no spin-orbit term. These important simplifications of the neutron-proton interaction are shown to be possible only if the potential possesses Pauli forbidden bound states, as proposed in the Moscow nucleon-nucleon model.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 5 ps figure

    Exactly-solvable coupled-channel potential models of atom-atom magnetic Feshbach resonances from supersymmetric quantum mechanics

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    Starting from a system of NN radial Schr\"odinger equations with a vanishing potential and finite threshold differences between the channels, a coupled N×NN \times N exactly-solvable potential model is obtained with the help of a single non-conservative supersymmetric transformation. The obtained potential matrix, which subsumes a result obtained in the literature, has a compact analytical form, as well as its Jost matrix. It depends on N(N+1)/2N (N+1)/2 unconstrained parameters and on one upper-bounded parameter, the factorization energy. A detailed study of the model is done for the 2×22\times 2 case: a geometrical analysis of the zeros of the Jost-matrix determinant shows that the model has 0, 1 or 2 bound states, and 0 or 1 resonance; the potential parameters are explicitly expressed in terms of its bound-state energies, of its resonance energy and width, or of the open-channel scattering length, which solves schematic inverse problems. As a first physical application, exactly-solvable 2×22\times 2 atom-atom interaction potentials are constructed, for cases where a magnetic Feshbach resonance interplays with a bound or virtual state close to threshold, which results in a large background scattering length.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Supersymmetric transformations for coupled channels with threshold differences

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    The asymptotic behaviour of the superpotential of general SUSY transformations for a coupled-channel Hamiltonian with different thresholds is analyzed. It is shown that asymptotically the superpotential can tend to a diagonal matrix with an arbitrary number of positive and negative entries depending on the choice of the factorization solution. The transformation of the Jost matrix is generalized to "non-conservative" SUSY transformations introduced in Sparenberg et al (2006 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 L639). Applied to the zero initial potential the method permits to construct superpartners with a nontrivially coupled Jost-matrix. Illustrations are given for two- and three-channel cases.Comment: 17 pages, 3 explicit examples and figures adde

    Eigenphase preserving two-channel SUSY transformations

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    We propose a new kind of supersymmetric (SUSY) transformation in the case of the two-channel scattering problem with equal thresholds, for partial waves of the same parity. This two-fold transformation is based on two imaginary factorization energies with opposite signs and with mutually conjugated factorization solutions. We call it an eigenphase preserving SUSY transformation as it relates two Hamiltonians, the scattering matrices of which have identical eigenphase shifts. In contrast to known phase-equivalent transformations, the mixing parameter is modified by the eigenphase preserving transformation.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Darboux transformations for quasi-exactly solvable Hamiltonians

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    We construct new quasi-exactly solvable one-dimensional potentials through Darboux transformations. Three directions are investigated: Reducible and two types of irreducible second-order transformations. The irreducible transformations of the first type give singular intermediate potentials and the ones of the second type give complex-valued intermediate potentials while final potentials are meaningful in all cases. These developments are illustrated on the so-called radial sextic oscillator.Comment: 11 pages, Late

    Many-body approach to proton emission and the role of spectroscopic factors

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    The process of proton emission from nuclei is studied by utilizing the two-potential approach of Gurvitz and Kalbermann in the context of the full many-body problem. A time-dependent approach is used for calculating the decay width. Starting from an initial many-body quasi-stationary state, we employ the Feshbach projection operator approach and reduce the formalism to an effective one-body problem. We show that the decay width can be expressed in terms of a one-body matrix element multiplied by a normalization factor. We demonstrate that the traditional interpretation of this normalization as the square root of a spectroscopic factor is only valid for one particular choice of projection operator. This causes no problem for the calculation of the decay width in a consistent microscopic approach, but it leads to ambiguities in the interpretation of experimental results. In particular, spectroscopic factors extracted from a comparison of the measured decay width with a calculated single-particle width may be affected.Comment: 17 pages, Revte

    Equivalence of the Siegert-pseudostate and Lagrange-mesh R-matrix methods

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    Siegert pseudostates are purely outgoing states at some fixed point expanded over a finite basis. With discretized variables, they provide an accurate description of scattering in the s wave for short-range potentials with few basis states. The R-matrix method combined with a Lagrange basis, i.e. functions which vanish at all points of a mesh but one, leads to simple mesh-like equations which also allow an accurate description of scattering. These methods are shown to be exactly equivalent for any basis size, with or without discretization. The comparison of their assumptions shows how to accurately derive poles of the scattering matrix in the R-matrix formalism and suggests how to extend the Siegert-pseudostate method to higher partial waves. The different concepts are illustrated with the Bargmann potential and with the centrifugal potential. A simplification of the R-matrix treatment can usefully be extended to the Siegert-pseudostate method.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Multi-Channel Inverse Scattering Problem on the Line: Thresholds and Bound States

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    We consider the multi-channel inverse scattering problem in one-dimension in the presence of thresholds and bound states for a potential of finite support. Utilizing the Levin representation, we derive the general Marchenko integral equation for N-coupled channels and show that, unlike to the case of the radial inverse scattering problem, the information on the bound state energies and asymptotic normalization constants can be inferred from the reflection coefficient matrix alone. Thus, given this matrix, the Marchenko inverse scattering procedure can provide us with a unique multi-channel potential. The relationship to supersymmetric partner potentials as well as possible applications are discussed. The integral equation has been implemented numerically and applied to several schematic examples showing the characteristic features of multi-channel systems. A possible application of the formalism to technological problems is briefly discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure