593 research outputs found

    Evaporation of buffer gas-thermalized anions out of a multipole rf ion trap

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    We identify plain evaporation of ions as the fundamental loss mechanism out of a multipole ion trap. Using thermalized negative Cl- ions we find that the evaporative loss rate is proportional to a Boltzmann factor. This thermodynamic description sheds new light on the dynamics of particles in time-varying confining potentials. It specifically allows us to extract the effective depth of the ion trap as the activation energy for evaporation. As a function of the rf amplitude we find two distinct regimes related to the stability of motion of the trapped ions. For low amplitudes the entire trap allows for stable motion and the trap depth increases with the rf field. For larger rf amplitudes, however, rapid energy transfer from the field to the ion motion can occur at large trap radii, which leads to a reduction of the effective trapping volume. In this regime the trap depth decreases again with increasing rf amplitude. We give an analytical parameterization of the trap depth for various multipole traps that allows predictions of the most favorable trapping conditions.Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Potential and limitations of nucleon transfer experiments with radioactive beams at REX-ISOLDE

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    As a tool for studying the structure of nuclei far off stability the technique of gamma-ray spectroscopy after low-energy single-nucleon transfer reactions with radioactive nuclear beams in inverse kinematics was investigated. Modules of the MINIBALL germanium array and a thin position-sensitive parallel plate avalanche counter (PPAC) to be employed in future experiments at REX-ISOLDE were used in a test experiment performed with a stable 36S beam on deuteron and 9Be targets. It is demonstrated that the Doppler broadening of gamma lines detected by the MINIBALL modules is considerably reduced by exploiting their segmentation, and that for beam intensities up to 10^6 particles/s the PPAC positioned around zero degrees with respect to the beam axis allows not only to significantly reduce the gamma background by requiring coincidences with the transfer products but also to control the beam and its intensity by single particle counting. The predicted large neutron pickup cross sections of neutron-rich light nuclei on 2H and 9Be targets at REX-ISOLDE energies of 2.2 MeV A are confirmed.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    A renormalisation approach to excitable reaction-diffusion waves in fractal media

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    Of fundamental importance to wave propagation in a wide range of physical phenomena is the structural geometry of the supporting medium. Recently, there have been several investigations on wave propagation in fractal media. We present here a renormalization approach to the study of reaction-diffusion (RD) wave propagation on finitely ramified fractal structures. In particular we will study a Rinzel-Keller (RK) type model, supporting travelling waves on a Sierpinski gasket (SG), lattice

    Energy-sensitive imaging detector applied to the dissociative recombination of D2H+

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    We report on an energy-sensitive imaging detector for studying the fragmentation of polyatomic molecules in the dissociative recombination of fast molecular ions with electrons. The system is based on a large area (10 cm x 10 cm) position-sensitive, double-sided Si-strip detector with 128 horizontal and 128 vertical strips, whose pulse height information is read out individually. The setup allows to uniquely identify fragment masses and is thus capable of measuring branching ratios between different fragmentation channels, kinetic energy releases, as well as breakup geometries, as a function of the relative ion-electron energy. The properties of the detection system, which has been installed at the TSR storage ring facility of the Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, is illustrated by an investigation of the dissociative recombination of the deuterated triatomic hydrogen cation D2H+. A huge isotope effect is observed when comparing the relative branching ratio between the D2+H and the HD+D channel; the ratio 2B(D2+H)/B(HD+D), which is measured to be 1.27 +/- 0.05 at relative electron-ion energies around 0 eV, is found to increase to 3.7 +/- 0.5 at ~5 eV.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Dissociative recombination measurements of HCl+ using an ion storage ring

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    We have measured dissociative recombination of HCl+ with electrons using a merged beams configuration at the heavy-ion storage ring TSR located at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany. We present the measured absolute merged beams recombination rate coefficient for collision energies from 0 to 4.5 eV. We have also developed a new method for deriving the cross section from the measurements. Our approach does not suffer from approximations made by previously used methods. The cross section was transformed to a plasma rate coefficient for the electron temperature range from T=10 to 5000 K. We show that the previously used HCl+ DR data underestimate the plasma rate coefficient by a factor of 1.5 at T=10 K and overestimate it by a factor of 3.0 at T=300 K. We also find that the new data may partly explain existing discrepancies between observed abundances of chlorine-bearing molecules and their astrochemical models.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (July 7, 2013

    Enhanced dielectronic recombination of lithium-like Ti19+ ions in external ExB fields

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    Dielectronic recombination(DR) of lithium-like Ti19+(1s2 2s) ions via 2s->2p core excitations has been measured at the Heidelberg heavy ion storage ring TSR. We find that not only external electric fields (0 <= Ey <= 280 V/cm) but also crossed magnetic fields (30 mT <= Bz <= 80 mT) influence the DR via high-n (2p_j nl)-Rydberg resonances. This result confirms our previous finding for isoelectronic Cl14+ ions [Bartsch T et al, PRL 82, 3779 (1999)] that experimentally established the sensitivity of DR to ExB fields. In the present investigation the larger 2p_{1/2}-2p_{3/2} fine structure splitting of Ti19+ allowed us to study separately the influence of external fields via the two series of Rydberg DR resonances attached to the 2s -> 2p_{1/2} and 2s -> 2p_{3/2} excitations of the Li-like core, extracting initial slopes and saturation fields of the enhancement. We find that for Ey > 80 V/cm the field induced enhancement is about 1.8 times stronger for the 2p_{3/2} series than for the 2p_{1/2} series.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to be published in Journal of Physics B, see also http://www.strz.uni-giessen.de/~k

    Dielectronic Recombination in Photoionized Gas. II. Laboratory Measurements for Fe XVIII and Fe XIX

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    In photoionized gases with cosmic abundances, dielectronic recombination (DR) proceeds primarily via nlj --> nl'j' core excitations (Dn=0 DR). We have measured the resonance strengths and energies for Fe XVIII to Fe XVII and Fe XIX to Fe XVIII Dn=0 DR. Using our measurements, we have calculated the Fe XVIII and Fe XIX Dn=0 DR DR rate coefficients. Significant discrepancies exist between our inferred rates and those of published calculations. These calculations overestimate the DR rates by factors of ~2 or underestimate it by factors of ~2 to orders of magnitude, but none are in good agreement with our results. Almost all published DR rates for modeling cosmic plasmas are computed using the same theoretical techniques as the above-mentioned calculations. Hence, our measurements call into question all theoretical Dn=0 DR rates used for ionization balance calculations of cosmic plasmas. At temperatures where the Fe XVIII and Fe XIX fractional abundances are predicted to peak in photoionized gases of cosmic abundances, the theoretical rates underestimate the Fe XVIII DR rate by a factor of ~2 and overestimate the Fe XIX DR rate by a factor of ~1.6. We have carried out new multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock and multiconfiguration Breit-Pauli calculations which agree with our measured resonance strengths and rate coefficients to within typically better than <~30%. We provide a fit to our inferred rate coefficients for use in plasma modeling. Using our DR measurements, we infer a factor of ~2 error in the Fe XX through Fe XXIV Dn=0 DR rates. We investigate the effects of this estimated error for the well-known thermal instability of photoionized gas. We find that errors in these rates cannot remove the instability, but they do dramatically affect the range in parameter space over which it forms.Comment: To appear in ApJS, 44 pages with 13 figures, AASTeX with postsript figure

    A Global Potential Analysis of the 16^{16}O+28^{28}Si Reaction Using a New Type of Coupling Potential

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    A new approach has been used to explain the experimental data for the 16^{16}O+28^{28}Si system over a wide energy range in the laboratory system from 29.0 to 142.5 MeV. A number of serious problems has continued to plague the study of this system for a couple of decades. The explanation of anomalous large angle scattering data; the reproduction of the oscillatory structure near the Coulomb barrier; the out-of-phase problem between theoretical predictions and experimental data; the consistent description of angular distributions together with excitation functions data are just some of these problems. These are long standing problems that have persisted over the years and do represent a challenge calling for a consistent framework to resolve these difficulties within a unified approach. Traditional frameworks have failed to describe these phenomena within a single model and have so far only offered different approaches where these difficulties are investigated separately from one another. The present work offers a plausible framework where all these difficulties are investigated and answered. Not only it improves the simultaneous fits to the data of these diverse observables, achieving this within a unified approach over a wide energy range, but it departs for its coupling potential from the standard formulation. This new feature is shown to improve consistently the agreement with the experimental data and has made major improvement on all the previous coupled-channels calculations for this system.Comment: 21 pages with 12 figure

    Anisotropic fragmentation in low-energy dissociative recombination

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    On a dense energy grid reaching up to 75 meV electron collision energy the fragmentation angle and the kinetic energy release of neutral dissociative recombination fragments have been studied in a twin merged beam experiment. The anisotropy described by Legendre polynomials and the extracted rotational state contributions were found to vary on a likewise narrow energy scale as the rotationally averaged rate coefficient. For the first time angular dependences higher than 2nd^{nd} order could be deduced. Moreover, a slight anisotropy at zero collision energy was observed which is caused by the flattened velocity distribution of the electron beam.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; The Article will be published in the proceedings of DR 2007, a symposium on Dissociative Recombination held in Ameland, The Netherlands (18.-23. July 2008); Reference 19 has been published meanwhile in S. Novotny, PRL 100, 193201 (2008

    One Dimensional Oxygen Ordering in YBa2Cu3O(7-delta)

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    A model consisting of oxygen-occupied and -vacant chains is considered, with repulsive first and second nearest-neighbor interactions V1 and V2, respectively. The statistical mechanics and the diffraction spectrum of the model is solved exactly and analytically with the only assumption V1 >> V2. At temperatures T ~ V1 only a broad maximum at (1/2,0,0) is present, while for ABS(delta - 1/2) > 1/14 at low enough T, the peak splits into two. The simple expression for the diffraction intensity obtained for T << V1 represents in a more compact form previous results of Khachaturyan and Morris[1],extends them to all delta and T/V2 and leads to a good agreement with experiment. [1] A.G.Khachaturyan and J.W.Morris, Jr., Phys.Rev.Lett. 64,76(1990)Comment: 13 pages,Revtex,3 figures available upon request but can be plotted using simple analytical functions,CNEA-CAB 92/04