9 research outputs found

    Mitigating demand-capacity unbalances through interairline slot trading

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    When airspace capacity is reduced, some flights may be delayed through the allocation of air traffic flow management slots, in accordance with the FPFS rule. Although this reassignment seems the natural way to handle such a situation, the fact that different flights have generally different economical values suggests that other reallocation mechanisms may provide more convenient solutions from the airlines’ cost perspective. For instance, each airline could propose a set of slot swap offers, with the Network Manager (NM) playing the role of the mediator and deciding which offers to match. However, this mechanism requires a huge effort from the airlines to evaluate all possible offer combinations, a number which is exponentially growing with the size of their fleet. In addition, all airlines make their offers simply relying on their flights and their current schedule, without the possibility to fully exploit what is available on the market, as they have no information regarding other airlines’ offers. With our Inter-airline Slot Swap Offer Provider model, we aim to invert this process: we allow airlines to assign preferences to their flights and let the NM instead to play the role of the airlines’ broker, who, based on the preferences and ensuring no negative impact to all airlines, provides a set of ready-made offers that each airline can decide either to accept or refuse. Hence, a slot trade is represented by the matching of several offers of different airlines; if all the offers defining a trade are accepted then the corresponding slot swap eventually takes place, otherwise all the flights involved in the trade keep their initial position in the schedule

    Aceite de oliva y cancer

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    CRISSUE-S: Neutronics Thermal-hydraulics coupling in LWR Technology – Synthesis Report

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    The CRISSUE-S Project is a FP6 EC (European Commission - EURATOM) framework project leaded by University of Pisa (F. D’Auria). A dozen international institutions are member including Unites States (US) institutions. Cooperation with Japan Institutions was also established. The present document constitutes the first delivery of the final report by University of Pisa to EC in Brussels. Later on the report with modifications was published by Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development / Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD/NEA) in Paris (see the supporting document)

    Einkommen und Verbrauch in den privaten Haushalten der neuen Bundeslaender

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    SIGLEIAB-90-0DD0-111000 AW 784 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman