8 research outputs found

    Probing of InAs/AlSb double barrier heterostructures by ballistic electron emission spectroscopy

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    InAs/AlSb resonant tunneling heterostructures have been studied by ballistic electron emission spectroscopy. Current thresholds attributed to quasibound states in the quantum well and emission over the AlSb barriers are observed. The observed shape of thresholds is consistent with inelastic processes in the InAs layers of the structures, where a high number of electron–hole pairs are generated. A threshold consistent with the generation of electron–hole pairs in quantum well states is observed

    Electrical Vibrations of Yeast Cell Membrane

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    Abstract-Cytoskeleton with microtubules is the main organization structure of the eukaryotic cell. Possible sources of vibrational excitations of electrically polar cytoskeleton components are enumerated. Temperature stabilized, triple screened box (electrically and electromagnetically by mumetal) with point sensor and preamplifiers was used for measurement of electrical oscillations of yeast cell. Preliminary findings of the electrical measurement and local nanomechanical AFM measurements are presented. Findings correspond to the Frölich's postulate of coherent electrically polar longitudinal vibrations in biological systems