14 research outputs found

    Management of geomorphosites in high tourist vocation area: an example of Geo-Hiking maps in the Alpe di Fanes (Natural Park of Fanes-Senes-Braies, Italian Dolomites).

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    Hiking tourism, which combines sport activities and appreciation of Nature, is today one of the main economic activities and among the markets that will experience a great increase in the near future. This paper illustrates a methodology to develop a thematic map, the “geo-hiking map”, which emphasises only the landscape elements that the tourist can recognise and observe, as well as the possible hazards. The geo-hiking map derives from the combination between the geo-tourist map and the geomorphological-hazard map: the first one is a map of geomorphosites enriched with useful indication for tourists (signed paths, refugees, camps etc.); the second one shows hazard levels of different landslide types, snow avalanches and floods. A prototype case study has been chosen within the Natural Park of Fanes-Senes-Braies (Dolomites, Italy). The area has a strong hiking-tourism vocation thanks to its spectacular high-mountain landscape and a dense network of hiking tracks. This innovative study could represent an important instrument for a responsible and safe fruition of high-mountain tourist areas: it combines a cultural dimension of the geomorphological landscape with a conscious respect of its natural behaviour

    Geo-Tourist map of the upper Tagliole valley (Modena Apennines, northern Italy)

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    The criteria and methods applied for the implementing of Geo-Tourist map of the upper Tagliole Valley (Modena Apennines) are here described. It is comprised within the Frignano Park and is mainly characterized by glacial and cryogenic landforms. Geomorphologic map and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) have been realized. The Geo-Tourist map, derived from the Geomorphologic map, combines the most evident geomorphological features with fundamental tourist information.The DTM and Geo-Tourist map will be the characterizing documents of a tourist foldable, pocket-size, front/rear printed Tourist-Environmental map

    Geo-tourist maps: examples in mountain, hilly and plain areas of Modena Province (Northern Italy).

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    The criteria and methods applied for implementing Geo-Tourist maps in three protected areas of the Modena Province are here described.The study mountain area is the upper Tagliole Valley located in the Modena Apennines. It is comprised within the Frignano Park and is mainly characterized by glacial and cryogenic landforms, The hilly area is the Natural Reserve of Salse di Nirano located in the Modena Apennines margin. The “Salse” are small mud volcanoes built by emissions of salt water mixed with mud and pushed up by methane coming to surface along ground discontinuities. The third study area is the Natural Oasis of Mirandola Valleys, the lowest depressed area of the Modena plain. It is characterized by fluvial geomorphologic features and humid environment.In order to have detailed information about the physical landscape of the study areas, Geomorphologic maps and Digital Terrain Models (DTM) have been realized. The Geo-Tourist maps were derived (with appropriate simplifications and integrations) from the Geomorphologic maps. The Geo-Tourist maps combine the most evident geomorphological features with fundamental tourist information (parking places, excursion trails, picnic areas, refreshment and overnight-stay sites, etc…), The goal was to produce maps that could be easily interpreted by tourists and help them to understand the landscape.The DTM and Geo-Tourist maps were the characterizing documents of tourist foldables, pocket-size, front/rear printed Tourist-Environmental maps. These initiatives witness how geomorphologic investigations can contribute to the activities of the Public Administrations aiming to improve the information, fruition and appraisal of protected areas

    The contribution f the geomorphologic mapping to the environmental tourism in protected areas: examples in Modena Province (Northern Italy).

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    This work describes the contribution of geomorphologic documents and the criteria and methodology used for the implementation of Geo-tourist maps and Environmental-Tourist Maps in three protected areas located in mountain, hilly and plain areas of the Modena Province (Northern Italy).The study mountain area is the upper Tagliole Valley located in the Modena Apennines. It is mainly characterised by glacial and cryogenic landforms. The hilly area is the Natural Reserve of Salse di Nirano located in the Modena Apennines margin. The “Salse” are small mud volcanoes. The third study area is the Natural Oasis of Mirandola Valleys which is characterised by fluvial geomorphologic features and humid environment.Geomorphologic maps and Digital Terrain Models (DTM) have been realized. The Geo-tourist maps, derived from the Geomorphologic maps, combine the most evident geomorphologic features with fundamental tourist information (e.g. parking places, excursion trails, picnic areas, overnight-stay sites, etc…). The goal was to produce maps that could be easily interpreted by tourists and help them to understand the landscape.The Geo-Tourist maps and the DTM are the cartographic documents characterising Environmental-Tourist maps. These are thematic pocket foldable maps printed on both sides with illustration notes both in English and Italian.The Environmental -Tourist maps are part of the initiatives adopted for improving the knowledge, fruition and appraisal of the environment of protected areas. These studies witness how geomorphologic investigations can effectively contribute to the elaboration of maps utilizable in the field of environmental tourism

    The contribution of the geomorphologic mapping to the environmental tourism in protected areas: examples from the Apennines of Modena (Northern Italy)

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    This paper considers the contribution of geomorphological documents and the criteria and methodology used for the implementation of tourist - environmental maps in two protected areas located in hilly and mountain areas of the Apennines of Modena (Northern Italy). The hilly area is the Natural Reserve of Salse di Nirano; the “Salse” are small mud volcanoes formed by emissions of salt water mixed with mud and pushed up by methane rising to the surface along ground discontinuities. The mountain area consists of the Upper Tagliole Valley, located within the Frignano Park; it is mainly characterized by glacial and cryogenic landforms.Geomorphological maps and Digital Terrain Models (DTM) have been produced. Geo-tourist maps were derived from the geomorphological maps; the geo-tourist maps combine the most evident geomorphological features with fundamental tourist information. The goal was to produce maps that could be easily interpreted by tourists to help them understand the landscape.The geo-tourist maps and the DTM are the cartographic documents characterising tourist-environmental maps; these are thematic pocket foldable maps printed on both sides with illustration notes both in English and Italian. In addition, the tourist-environmental maps contain a synoptic description of the geological, geomorphological, botanical and zoological aspects, accompanied by photographs and information on excursion trails, visitor centers, behaviour rules, refreshment points and overnight-stay places and, finally, cultural and tourist attractions in the protected and surrounding areas. The tourist-environmental maps form part of the initiatives taken by Public Boards to improve the knowledge, utilisation and appraisal of the environment of protected areas. These studies show how geomorphological investigations can effectively contribute to the production of maps which can be used in the field of environmental tourism

    Geomorphological and Geotourist Maps of the Upper Tagliole Valley (Modena Apennines, Northern Italy)

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    This paper considers the geomorphological map and the criteria and methodology used for the production of a geo-tourist map of the upper Tagliole Valley – which is located in the Frignano Park (high Modena Apennines, Italy). These documents, at the 1:10,000 scale, elaborated by means of ArcView GIS computer programme, should help to explain the landscape of this area to tourists. The Regional Technical Map (CTR) of the Emilia-Romagna Region was used as the topographic basis for their elaboration.The geomorphological features of the study area are represented in detail in the geomorphological map. The landforms and deposits of the upper Tagliole Valley, characterised by arenaceous rock types, may be grouped according to the following systems or groups of morphogenetic factors and processes: structural landforms, glacial landforms and deposits, cryogenetic landforms and deposits, landforms and deposits due to running waters, slope landforms, deposits due to gravity, anthropogenetic landforms.The geo-tourist map was derived (with appropriate simplifications and integrations) from the geomorphological map. The geo-tourist map combines the most evident geological-geomorphological features (e.g. bedrock, hydrography, glacial landforms and deposits, scarps, ridges, saddles, waterfalls) – which can be observed and recognised even by non-experts – with basic tourist information (e.g., parking places, excursion trails, refuges, picnic areas). The geo-tourist map is the characterising document of a tourist-environmental map of the upper Tagliole Valley.This article proves that geomorphological research can effectively contribute to the implementation of documents and maps useful in the field of tourism

    Geo-Tourist Map of the Natural Reserve of Salse di Nirano (Modena Apennines, Northern Italy)

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    This article illustrates the criteria and methods applied for implementing a Geo-Tourist map of the Natural Reserve of “Salse di Nirano”. This map is an “original” cartographic elaboration in the field of Italian thematic mapping.The “Salse” are small mud volcanoes genetically linked to the ascent to the surface of salty and muddy waters mixed with gaseous (methane) and, to a lesser extent, fluid hydrocarbons along tectonic discontinuities produced by overthrusting along the front of the Apennine chain. The mud volcanoes of the Modena Apennines have been known since a long time and have always aroused great interest: they are described in many papers, starting as early as Pliny the Elder, in around 50 A.D.Since the “Salse di Nirano” are one of the best developed mud-volcano phenomena of the entire Italian territory and among the largest in Europe, in 1982 a Natural Reserve was established in the area by the Emilia-Romagna Region; the reserve territory covers a total area of about 200 ha with elevations ranging from 140 to 308 m.By means of ArcView GIS computer program a Digital Terrain Model (DTM), a Geomorphologic map and a Geo-Tourist map have been elaborated and will be displayed at the Visitor Center of the Reserve. The orographic arrangement of the territory is effectively illustrated by DTM, which was implemented on the basis of altimetric data of the Regional Technical Map (CTR) of the Emilia-Romagna Region. The detailed geomorphologic features are represented in a Geomorphologic map, elaborated on the basis of bibliographic research, interpretation of aerial photographs and field survey. In the study area, where silty-clay soil types (Plio-Pleistocene in age) crop out, landforms and deposits resulting from the endogenetic activity of the mud volcanoes, running water, gravity, anthropogenic activities and polygenetic landforms were recognized.The Geo-Tourist map was derived (with appropriate simplifications and integration) from the Geomorphologic map. The Geo-Tourist map combines the most evident geomorphologic features (mud volcanoes, badlands, landslides, anthropogenetic landforms, bedrock, surface deposits, ponds, marshes etc.) – which can be observed and recognized even by non-experts – with fundamental tourist information (main roads, parking places, visitor center, excursion trails, picnic areas, panoramic points, restaurants and places to stay). The Geo-Tourist map and DTM are the characterizing documents of a new tourist map of the Reserve (Tourist-Environmental map). In particular, the Geo-Tourist map is a foldable, pocket-size, front/rear printed map, with explanatory notes in Italian and English: it was published with the financial support of the Municipality of Fiorano Modenese.This article proves that geomorphologic research can effectively contribute to the implementation of documents and maps useful in the field of tourism