139 research outputs found
Endotrophic mycorrhiza and the nutrition of grape vines
The roots of grape vines collected from a number of different localities throughout the Australian continent were all infected with mycorrhiza of the vesiculararbuscular type. Similarly a range of Vitis species and hybrids and a number of V. vinifera cultivars all displayed microscopic evidence of mycorrhizal infection.The growth of vine seedlings in soils sterilized either by autoclaving or by gamma irradiation was less than in similar non-sterile soil. The vine seedlings in sterile soils were not infected with mycorrhiza while those in non sterile were. Normal growth of vine seedlings in sterile soils was obtained by inoculating them with vine roots infected with live mycorrhiza. lnoculatio!1 of vine seedlings grown in sterile soils with roots containing dead mycorrhiza (autoclaved) or with filtered soil suspensions does not stimulate their growth. The shoots of vine seedlings grown In nori-sterile soil or in sterile soils and inoculated with live mycorrhiza had a significantly higher phosphorus content than seedlings not infected with mycorrhiza.i:t is suggested that in many of the habitats in which vines are grown in Australia and in Europe vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza aids their nutrition
The Cannon Hall Muscat grape
The Canon Hall Muscat table grape grown for export in Western Australia is consistent with the early descriptions and the present appearance of the original Cannon Hall Muscat vine, and is clearly the same variety. It has the diploid number of chromosomes and the use of its name for tetraploid sports of Muscat of Alexandria is not justified.Die Rebensorte Cannon Hall MuscatDie Tafeltraube Canon Hall Muscat, die in Westaustralien zum Export angebaut wird, gleicht der ursprünglichen Cannon-Hall-Muscat-Rebe, da die erstgenannte eindeutig den alten Beschreibungen und dem heutigen Aussehen der letzteren entspricht. Canon Hall Muscat ist diploid, und deshalb sollte dieser Name nicht für tetraploide Mutanten von Muscat of Alexandria gebraucht werden
Anatomical aspects of grape berry development
The anatomical development of the sultana-grape berry has been followed from anthesis to maturity on material grown under glasshouse and field conditions including field-grown clonal lines differing in final fruit size. Fresh weight, volume, berry dimensions, moisture content and dry weight were measured on whole berries. Pericarp growth was studied at the cell level. Pericarp growth is basically responsible for the overall growth of the berry and this tissue represents 64% of the mature fruit's total volume. The period required for complete berry development (approximately 100 days) falls into two major growth periods separated by a lag phase. Before the lag phase pericarp growth results partly from cell division but mainly from cell enlargement. After the lag phase pericarp growth results entirely from cell enlargement. Cell division in the pericarp ceases about one week before the lag phase. Berry size differences between clonal lines were primarily due to differences in the size of pericarp cells. Berry size differences between fruits grown in the glasshouse and in the field at Merbein were due to differences in both pericarp cell number and cell size
Use of nitrogen and potassium reserves during growth of grape vine cuttings
Single node cuttings of dormant grape vine canes were analysed to determine the relative amounts of soluble and insoluble nitrogen, and of potassium that are stored in bark and wood and in node and internode respectively. The amounts of these constituents that can be utilized for the growth of new shoot and roots were determined in experiments in which cuttings were grown in nutrient solutions which were either complete or lacking in nitrogen or potassium. When cuttings were grown for ten weeks with no added nitrogen 87 percent of the soluble nitrogen and 43 percent of the insoluble nitrogen was utilized for new growth. When cuttings were grown with an unrestricted supply of fertilizer nitrogen 82 percent of the soluble nitrogen and 20 percent of the insoluble nitrogen was utilized for new growth during the same period. Even in vines adequately supplied with fertilizer nitrogen, stored nitrogen of the cane is used preferentially for new growth.Vine cuttings grown for ten weeks with no supplemental potassium utilized 48 percent of the potassium reserve in the dormant cane for the growth of new shoot and roots. The amount translocated to the shoots was five times the amount transferred to roots. When supplemental potassium was supplied in the nutrient solution the potassium level in plant canes (initial cutting) was increased relative to that in the original cutting with equal amounts being translocated to both shoots and roots. It would appear that in contrast to nitrogen, stored potassium is not used preferentially for the growth of new shoot and roots.Die Nutzung von Stickstoff- und Kaliumreserven beim Wachstum von RebstecklingenEinaugenstecklinge von Rebenholz, das sich in der Ruhephase befand, wurden analysiert, um die relativen Mengen von löslichem und unlöslichem Stickstoff und von Kalium zu bestimmen, die im Rinden- und Holzteil bzw. Nodus und Internodium eingelagert waren. In Nährlösungen, die entweder vollständig waren oder in denen N oder K fehlten, wurden Stecklinge angezogen und an ihnen ermittelt, in welchem Ausmaß diese Elemente für das Wachstum neuer Sprosse und Wurzeln genutzt wurden.Wuchsen die Stecklinge 10 Wochen lang ohne zusätzlichen Stickstoff, so wurden 87% des löslichen und 43% des unlöslichen Stickstoffs für das neue Wachstum genutzt. Bei unbeschränktem Vorrat an Düngerstickstoff wurden 82% des löslichen und 20% des unlöslichen Stickstoffs für das neue Wachstum während derselben Periode genutzt. Selbst in Reben, die ausreichend mit Dünger-Stickstoff versorgt waren, wurde vorzugsweise der im Holz eingelagerte Stickstoff für das neue Wachstum verwendet. Rebstecklinge, die 10 Wochen lang ohne zusätzliches Kalium wuchsen, nutzten 48% der Kalium-Reserve in dem ruhenden Rebholz für die Entwicklung neuer Sprosse und Wurzeln. In die Sprosse wurde fünf mal so viel Kalium wie in die Wurzeln befördert. Nach einem Kalium-Zusatz zur Nährlösung stieg der Kaliumgehalt im Stecklingsholz (Ausgangsholz) gegenüber dem im Ausgangsstück, wobei gleiche Mengen in Sprosse und Wurzeln befördert wurden. Es hat den Anschein, als ob bei der Bildung neuer Sprosse und Wurzeln das eingelagerte Kalium - im Gegensatz zum Stickstoff - nicht bevorzugt verwertet würde
Stomata and starch in grape berries
Developing grape berries of the varieties Sultana and Cabernet Sauvignon were examined by light microscopy following plastic embedding. In ovaries and young berries stomata were detected by the presence of starch grains in their guard cells. In older berries lenticels formed beneath the stomata. Dependant on variety, lenticel numbers ranged between 2 and 16 per berry with up to half of these being associated with stomata. At anthesis most cells of the pericarp of grape berries contained starch granules. These disappeared as the berries grew, and at maturity they were present only in the epidermis and a few layers of sub-epidermal cells.Stomata und Stärke in TraubenbeerenDünnschnitte durch sich entwickelnde Traubenbeeren der Sorten Sultana und Cabernet Sauvignon wurden nach Einbettung in Kunstharz lichtmikroskopisch untersucht. An Fruchtknoten und jungen Beeren wurden die Stomata aufgrund der Stärkekörner in den Schließzellen aufgefunden. An älteren Beeren bildeten sich unter den Stomata Lenticellen. Je nach Sorte variierte die Anzahl der Lenticellen zwischen 2 und 16 pro Beere, wovon bis zur Hälfte mit Stomata vergesellschaftet sein konnten.Bei der Anthese enthielten die meisten Zellen des Perikarps Stärkekörner. Diese verschwanden mit fortschreitendem Beerenwachstum; bei der Reife kamen sie nur noch in der Epidermis und in einigen subepidermalen Zellschichten vor
Grape berry respiration: Effects of metabolic inhibitors
The rate of O2 uptake, respiratory quotient and the effects of metabolic inhibitors on respiration were followed throughout berry development of 4 varieties of Vitis vinifera L. No obvious differences in respiratory characteristics were found between seeded and seedless and between pigmented and nonpigmented grapes.Physiological differences between immature and maturing grape berries involve altered rates of respiration and a changed sensitivity to metabolic inhibitors. With development in all varieties there was a decline in O2 uptake on a fresh weight basis while R.Q. values rose to greater than unity. Dinitrophenol failed to stimulate O, uptake at any stage and the inhibition of O2 uptake caused by azide or DNP was more severe in mature fruit than in immature fruit. Cyanide stimulated O2 uptake in tissue slices from immature Sultana berries but inhibited O2 uptake in slices from more developed fruit.These data, coupled with the absence of any major alteration in the level of insoluble nitrogen per unit fresh weight of berry suggest that respiration is both quantitatively and qualitatively different in immature compared with maturing grape berries
Breeding grapevines for tropical environments
Grapevines are increasingly grown in the latitudes between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. In many cases environments modified by elevation are utilized to create temperate growing conditions. The majority of tropical grapes are consumed fresh but some are dried (India) and others are made into wine (Brazil, Venezuela). Currently most plantings are of pure Vitis vinifera varieties. Early ripening, low acid cultivars such as Cardinal, Perlette, Ribier and Thompson Seedless which have a relatively short cycle between budburst and harvest are commonly used, and pruning is timed to ensure maturation before the onset of heavy tropical rains. Other V. vinifera varieties used in the tropics such as Muscat Hamburg, Teneron, Anab-e-Shahi, and Italia have bunch and skin characteristics that give them some resistance to rain damage. There are a number of grapevine varieties that are hybrids between V. vinifera and other Vitis species which are currently grown in the tropics. These have some degree of resistance to fungal diseases and include Isabella, Kyoho, Delaware, Himrod, Campbell Early (V. labrusca hybrids), the Criolla hybrids (V. caribaea hybrids and Villard blanc (a complex French hybrid based on American species). There is considerable scope to increase the resistance of grapes to the main fungal diseases encountered in the tropics such as downy and powdery mildew, anthracnose and bunch rots by using a range of Vitis species as parents. These hybrids should be based on species that do not give strong 'foxy' flavours and could involve complex French hybrids, V. rotundifolia and also Asian species such as V. amurensis and V. armata. CSIRO Merbein has a small hybridisation program aimed at developing new varieties for tropical environments
A simple method for demonstrating macroscopically the location of polyphenolic compounds in grape berries
Slices of berries of several varieties of Vitis vinifera were stained with HCl, vanillin-HCl or FeCl3 to demonstrate macroscopically that the bulk of the polyphenolic compounds occur in the skins, seeds and conducting tissue of grape berries at all stages of development.Eine einfache Methode zur makroskopischen Lokalisation polyphenolischer Verbindungen in WeinbeerenSchnitte von Beeren verschiedener Vitis vinifera-Sorten wurden mit HCl, Vanillin-HCl oder FeCl3 angefärbt, um makroskopisch zu zeigen, daß der Hauptanteil der polyphenolischen Verbindungen in allen Entwicklungsphasen in der Schale, den Samen und den Leitbündeln der Weinbeere lokalisiert ist
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