33 research outputs found

    HLA-A2–Matched Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells From Type 1 Diabetic Patients, but Not Nondiabetic Donors, Transfer Insulitis to NOD-scid/γcnull/HLA-A2 Transgenic Mice Concurrent With the Expansion of Islet-Specific CD8+ T cells

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    OBJECTIVE: Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease characterized by the destruction of insulin-producing beta-cells. NOD mice provide a useful tool for understanding disease pathogenesis and progression. Although much has been learned from studies with NOD mice, increased understanding of human type 1 diabetes can be gained by evaluating the pathogenic potential of human diabetogenic effector cells in vivo. Therefore, our objective in this study was to develop a small-animal model using human effector cells to study type 1 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We adoptively transferred HLA-A2-matched peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from type 1 diabetic patients and nondiabetic control subjects into transgenic NOD-scid/gammac(null)/HLA-A*0201 (NOD-scid/gammac(null)/A2) mice. At various times after adoptive transfer, we determined the ability of these mice to support the survival and proliferation of the human lymphoid cells. Human lymphocytes were isolated and assessed from the blood, spleen, pancreatic lymph node and islets of NOD-scid/gammac(null)/A2 mice after transfer. RESULTS: Human T and B cells proliferate and survive for at least 6 weeks and were recovered from the blood, spleen, draining pancreatic lymph node, and most importantly, islets of NOD-scid/gammac(null)/A2 mice. Lymphocytes from type 1 diabetic patients preferentially infiltrate the islets of NOD-scid/gammac(null)/A2 mice. In contrast, PBMCs from nondiabetic HLA-A2-matched donors showed significantly less islet infiltration. Moreover, in mice that received PBMCs from type 1 diabetic patients, we identified epitope-specific CD8(+) T cells among the islet infiltrates. CONCLUSIONS: We show that insulitis is transferred to NOD-scid/gammac(null)/A2 mice that received HLA-A2-matched PBMCs from type 1 diabetic patients. In addition, many of the infiltrating CD8(+) T cells are epitope-specific and produce interferon-gamma after in vitro peptide stimulation. This indicates that NOD-scid/gammac(null)/A2 mice transferred with HLA-A2-matched PBMCs from type 1 diabetic patients may serve as a useful tool for studying epitope-specific T-cell-mediated responses in patients with type 1 diabetes

    Evaluation of crack-tip stress fields on microstructural-scale fracture in Al–Al2O3 interpenetrating network composites

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    The influence of local microstructure on the fracture process at the crack tip in a ceramic–metal composite was assessed by comparing the measured stress at a microstructural level and analogous finite element modelling (FEM). Fluorescence microprobe spectroscopy was used to investigate the influence of near-crack-tip stress fields on the resulting crack propagation at the microstructural scale. The high spatial resolution was effective at mapping the localized crack-tip stress distributions within the complex Al–Al2O3 phase morphologies, where the localized stress distribution about the crack tip within the Al2O3 phase could be measured. Regions of high-localized tensile stress within the microstructure resulting from a combination of applied load and thermal residual stress were identified and could be used in predicting the subsequent crack extension direction. Stress distributions calculated from spectroscopy results were compared with microstructural level FEM of the same structure and general agreement between the two techniques was observed

    Mapping of the diabetes polygene Idd3 on mouse Chromosome 3 using novel congenic strains

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    Development of novel congenic mouse strains has allowed us to better define the location of the diabetogenic locus, Idd3, on Chromosome (Chr) 3. Congenic strains were identified by use of published and newly developed microsatellite markers, their genomes fingerprinted by a rapid, fluorescence-based approach, and their susceptibility to type 1 diabetes evaluated. The maximum interval containing Idd3 is now approximately 4 cM