139 research outputs found

    Kajian Biblika Tentang Yesus sebagai Pintu dan Gembala Menurut Yohanes 10:1-18

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    This paper examines two things, which is Jesus\u27 statement about Himself in the Gospel of John and a statement that begins with: "I ..." (Greek: εγω ειμι = ego eimi). These two statements come out the phrase "I am the door" and "I am the good shepherd." Theologically, especially Christology, this emphasizes His personality as God, who can be an example of leadership in the church. The purpose is to describe Jesus\u27 declaration that He is the door and the Good Shepherd in John 10: 1-18 and its implications for the ministers as church leaders. The methodology in this research is descriptive analysis. As a result, the two statements of Jesus in John 10: 1-18 reflect the example of Jesus as the Good Shepherd

    Analisis Kebijakan Harga TBS Kelapa Sawit Pada PIR Perkebunan Sei Besitang Sumatera Utara

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    Setelah masa konversi, pendapatan petani plasma PIR-BUN Kelapa Sawit sangat tergantung dari harga jual TBS (Tandan Buah Segar). Tingkat produksi dan efisiensi teknis relatif sudah cukup baik, walaupun masih banyak peluang untuk ditingkatkan. Berdasarkan perjanjian, petani plasma seharusnya menjual hasil untuk diolah di inti. Sehingga petani berada pada posisi penerima harga sementara itu inti pemberi harga. Pada awalnya, inti menetapkan harga beli hasil petani, berdasarkan harga jual minyak sawit dan inti sawit oleh PTP dan juga biaya pengolahan serta ongkos transportasi dan administrasi. Pengawal tahun 1987, banyak dibahas terutama kasus-kasus yang ditemukan mengenai penjual hasil plasma ke luar inti. Dibahas juga, bahwa penjual hasil plasma keluar inti. Dibahas juga, penyebab terjadinya penjualan ke luar inti tersebut, adalah sebagai akibat merosotnya harga beli inti dibandingkan swasta, sehingga logis bila petani plasma cenderung menjual hasil keluar inti. Gejala ini dikhawatirkan akan membawa dampak yang kurang baik pada kelestarian USAha kebun petani sesuai dengan budidaya dan juga pada pengembalian kredit oleh petani plasma. Sehingga, untuk mengatasi hal ini pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijaksanaan penetapan harga beli kelapa sawit petani plasma oleh inti. Tulisan ini mencoba menganalisis jalannya kebijaksanaan tersebut. Ternyata kebijaksanaan ini relatif sudah berjalan secara efektif meningkatkan harga jual petani. Tetapi masih terjadi suatu gejolak harga. Hal ini sulit bila kebijaksanaan harga dan jumlah ekspor (makro) dianggap lebih ensesi. Karena turbulensi harga di tingkat petani juga dipengaruhi oleh kebijaksanaan makro ini, tergantung dari kecepatan perambatan harga dan kesimetrisan Perubahan

    Orientasi Pasar Sebagai Strategi Perusahaan Kecil Menghadapi Faktor Lingkungan

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    Konsep orientasi pasar telah muncul sejak tahun 1990 yang dikemukakan oleh Kohli dan Jaworski yang kemudian diikuti oleh Narver dan Slater. Sampai saat ini orientasi pasar masih menjadi topik yang sering dikaji dalam berbagai penelitian yang dilakukan oleh akademisi dan peneliti. Orientasi pasar merupakan salah satu strategi yang dapat digunakan Perusahaan termasuk Perusahaan kecil dalam menghadapi faktor lingkungan yang sangat cepat berubah. Faktor kunci dari Perusahaan yang sukses menerapkan orientasi pasar adalah bagaimana memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan atau orientasi pelanggan, melakukan tindakan terhadap strategi pesaing atau orientasi pesaing dan mengkoordinasikan semua fungsi dalam Perusahaan agar orientasi pelanggan dan orientasi pesaing dapat dilakukan secara maksimal. Dalam banyak penelitian pada level Usaha Kecil Menengah, telah dibuktikan bahwa orientasi pasar dapat meningkatkan kinerja bisnis Perusahaan

    Mengapa Harus Iklan ?

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    Advertising is one of promotion tools besides sales promotion, public relations (PR), personal selling and direct marketing. Advertising is still favourite for producers to promote their product. Advertising is anywhere around us, especially in big city so we always see advertising every day. Even advertising through village people including mountain and forest areas by television channel. This article will try to discuss 5 main decisions in advertising. First is Mission: What are the advertising objectives? Second, Money: How much can be spent Third, Message: What message should be sent? Fourth, Media: What media should be used? Fifth, Measurement: How should the results be evaluated? Keywords: Advertising, promotion, message, budget, media, television, communicativ

    Beberapa Bentuk Hubungan Antara Franchisor (Pewaralaba) Dan Franchisee (Terwaralaba) Dalam Sistem Franchise (Waralaba)

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    Franchise is increasingly becoming an option for people who want to become anentrepreneur. Someone who has the capital to pay royalty fees and meet the re-quirements specified by the franchisor thus he/she soon became a franchisee. He/shecan immediately run the business without necessary start a business from zero. Infranchise business, franchisee operation can not be separated from control by thefranchisor as the owner of the franchise because the franchisee is bound to what iswritten on an agreement that has been made by the franchisor. In addition to theformal relationship between franchisee and franchisor, there is also a non formalrelationship between franchisee and franchisor. It can not be avoided because thefranchise system included in the model of agency theory and the franchisee to besuccessful so the closer relationship between the franchisee and the franchisor mustbe achieved in the form of trust

    Bangunan Stratejik Organisasi Pembelajar

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    One of the characteristics of modern organization is a learning organization.Learning organization is an organization that is continually learning shared amongmembers use existing knowledge so that the company can achieve success. Somecompanies have succeeded as a learning organization. since the 1990s. Learningorganization continuously practice and utilize the knowledge in accordance withthe company's ability. The ability to practise is known as learning capability.Five characteristics are called building strategic that become the foundation of alearning organization is the clarity of the vision and mission, leadership commitmentand empowerment, experimentation and rewards, effective transfer of knowledge,teamwork and group problem solving

    Perencanaan Jangka Panjang Di Perusahaan Multi Nasional

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    Basically every company should use planning in corporate management becauseplanning is a management function which is considered more fundamental than theother functions such as organizing, leading and controlling. Planning is done to de-termine the objectives to be achieved in the future and the steps that must be done toachieve that goals. A company without good planning is impossible to achieve whatthe company wants in the future. One type of planning is a long-range planning orstrategic planning within a period of about 3-5 years. Multi national company (MNC)as a big company should have long-range planning to survive in the long term. Inaddition, the MNC which operates in many countries require long-range planningto be able to deal with various problems that exist in countries where the MNC hassubsidiary such as socio-cultural, political and economic factors

    Pemasaran Pada Era Globalisasi

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    In the era of globalization many companies choose a global target market. The com-panies are going to carry out the global marketing activities or marketing strategiesthat match the conditions of the world today. Currently there are almost borderlessworld with the advent of the internet and the free trade blocks as a result of global-ization in economics and business. Internet is very easily done by companies aroundthe world, and the free trade makes it easy for companies to market their productsto various countries around the world. Global marketing is not only done by largecorporations, but also can be done by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
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