9 research outputs found

    Biology and dynamics of potential malaria vectors in Southern France

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria is a former endemic problem in the Camargue, South East France, an area from where very few recent data concerning Anopheles are available. A study was undertaken in 2005 to establish potential malaria vector biology and dynamics and evaluate the risk of malaria re-emergence. METHODS: Mosquitoes were collected in two study areas, from March to October 2005, one week every two weeks, using light traps+CO(2), horse bait traps, human bait catch, and by collecting females in resting sites. RESULTS: Anopheles hyrcanus was the most abundant Anopheles species. Anopheles melanoon was less abundant, and Anopheles atroparvus and Anopheles algeriensis were rare. Anopheles hyrcanus and An. melanoon were present in summer, whereas An. atroparvus was present in autumn and winter. A large number of An. hyrcanus females was collected on humans, whereas almost exclusively animals attracted An. melanoon. Based on an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, almost 90% of An. melanoon blood meals analysed had been taken on horse or bovine. Anopheles hyrcanus and An. melanoon parity rates showed huge variations according to the date and the trapping method. CONCLUSION: Anopheles hyrcanus seems to be the only Culicidae likely to play a role in malaria transmission in the Camargue, as it is abundant and anthropophilic

    Sensibilité de trois espèces de Chironomus (Diptera) à huit insecticides utilisés en démoustication

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    Des expérimentations de terrain en parcelles limitées ont permis, à partir de piégeages d'adultes, d'évaluer l'impact de huit insecticides sur des populations larvaires composées de 82 % de Chironomus salinarius, de 12 % de Chironomus halophilus et de Chironomus plumosus et 6 % d'autres espèces non identifées. Le diflubenzuron et les toxines de Bacillus thuringiensis H 14 et Bacillus sphaericus n'ont pas d'effet marqué aux doses détruisant les larves de moustiques. A ces mêmes doses, le fénitrothion, le téméphos et la deltaméthrine limitent fortement l'émergence. Le chlorpyrifos et le S 31183 (juvénoïde Sumitomo) sont très toxiques

    Behavioural adaptation of Coquillettidia (Coquillettidia) richiardii larvae to underwater life: environmental cues governing plant-insect interaction

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    International audienceDensely overgrown pre-alpine permanent aquatic habitats are overrun by the mosquito Coquillettidia (Coquillettidia) richiardii (Ficalbi) (Diptera: Culicidae). The invasive potential of this insect depends on the ability of its larvae to survive on the roots of emergent aquatic macrophytes. In order to characterize this particular ecological niche, which is out of reach for a direct investigation, environmental factors likely to influence the interaction between larvae and host plant roots were investigated using a simplified laboratory microcosm. Environmental light and oxygen concentrations appeared to be the main factors influencing larval attachment, a dark anoxic environment being significantly more favourable. Carbon dioxide produced by the root system of the host plant appeared to be an attractive cue for larval attachment. Knowledge of the hierarchy of these environmental factors may enable us to better understand the ecological traits of larval C. richiardii in deep water. With regard to their management, new ecological data are required to develop a long-term control strategy against Coquillettidia mosquitoes

    Controle de mosquitos com base em larvicidas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: a escolha do agente de controle Mosquito control based on larvicides in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: choice of the control agent

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    Desenvolveu-se neste estudo uma comparação entre larvicidas químicos e biológicos usados em programas de controle de mosquitos no Rio Grande do Sul. Em bioensaios de laboratório contra Culex quinquefasciatus constatou-se que as formulações biológicas líquidas Vectobac 12 AS e Teknar 3000 (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis), ABG 6262 líquido e em pó (B. sphaericus 2362), foram altamente eficazes. Também as formulações experimentais de B. thuringiensis israelensis produzidas em laboratórios brasileiros foram consideradas adequadas. Entre as formulações químicas, os compostos piretróides Pirisa e K-Othrine produziram resultados melhores do que os organo-fosforados Lebaycid e Abate. Estes últimos produziram respostas dez vezes mais fracas do que o previsto em outros estudos. Em condições de campo, a dose de 1250 mg/m² para as formulações biológicas foi considerada adequada para a rotina das aplicações, porque permite superar as influências físicas do meio sobre os resultados. Somente as formulações de B. sphaericus produziram interrupções nas reinfestações dos focos de culicídeos observados. Períodos de até 39 semanas sem reinfestações foram observados em focos naturais e de um mês sem sobrevivência foi observado em tanques, onde procedia-se a reinfestação artificial. Este estudo sugere que as alternativas biológicas devem ser consideradas em programas de controle de mosquitos. Elas podem superar os problemas de resistência e eliminação, bem como da ausência de efeito residual nas aplicações de larvicidas.<br>A comparison between chemical and biological larvicides in routine operations against mosquitoes in Rio Grande do Sul State was carried out in this study. In laboratory bioassays against Culex quinquefasciatus, biological formulations Vectobac 12 AS and Teknar 3000 (Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis) as well as ABG 6262 (B. sphaericus 2362), both in liquid and powder form, were highly effective. Locally produced B.thuringiensis israelensis, formulations also yielded good results. Among chemical larvicides, pyrethroid compounds Pirisa and K-Othrine yielded better results than the organophosphates Lebaycid and Abate. These last formulations yielded responses ten weaker than predicted in other studies. Under field conditions, a dose of 1250 mg/m² for biological formulations was considered adequate for routine application because at this level it is possible to overcome physical influences on results. Only B.sphaericus preparations caused important disruption of mosquito colonization in active breeding sites. Up to 39 weeks were tabulated without complete colonization in natural conditions and one month in artificially colonized tanks. This study suggests that biological alternatives should be considered in mosquito control programs. They may be a solution to such problems as resistance to larvicides, elimination of natural enemies, and short-lasting effects of applications