41,643 research outputs found

    Mapping class group and U(1) Chern-Simons theory on closed orientable surfaces

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    U(1) Chern-Simons theory is quantized canonically on manifolds of the form M=R×ΣM=\mathbb{R}\times\Sigma, where Σ\Sigma is a closed orientable surface. In particular, we investigate the role of mapping class group of Σ\Sigma in the process of quantization. We show that, by requiring the quantum states to form representation of the holonomy group and the large gauge transformation group, both of which are deformed by quantum effect, the mapping class group can be consistently represented, provided the Chern-Simons parameter kk satisfies an interesting quantization condition. The representations of all the discrete groups are unique, up to an arbitrary sub-representation of the mapping class group. Also, we find a k↔1/kk\leftrightarrow1/k duality of the representations.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Phases of the Shastry-Sutherland Kondo Lattice: Implications for the Global Phase Diagram of Heavy Fermion Metals

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    Considerable recent theoretical and experimental efforts have been devoted to the study of quantum criticality and novel phases of antiferromagnetic heavy-fermion metals. In particular, quantum phase transitions have been discovered in the compound Yb2_2Pt2_2Pb. These developments have motivated us to study the competition between the RKKY and Kondo interactions on the Shastry-Sutherland lattice. We determine the zero-temperature phase diagram as a function of magnetic frustration and Kondo coupling within a slave-fermion approach. Pertinent phases include the Shastry-Sutherland valence bond solid and heavy Fermi liquid. In the presence of antiferromagnetic order, our zero-temperature phase diagram is remarkably similar to the global phase diagram proposed earlier based on general grounds. We discuss the implications of our results for the experiments on Yb2_2Pt2_2Pb and other geometrically frustrated heavy fermion compounds.Comment: 5 pages 4 figures - Supplementary Material 4 pages 6 figures. Updated with published versio

    Cluster Extended Dynamical Mean Field Approach and Unconventional Superconductivity

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    The extended dynamical mean field theory has played an important role in the study of quantum phase transitions in heavy fermion systems. In order to incorporate the physics of unconventional superconductivity, we develop a cluster version of the extended dynamical mean field theory. In this approach, we show how magnetic order and superconductivity develop as a result of inter-site spin exchange interactions, and analyze in some detail the form of correlation functions. We also discuss the methods that can be used to solve the dynamical equations associated with this approach. Finally, we consider different settings in which our approach can be applied, including the periodic Anderson model for heavy fermion systems.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, Replaced with published versio

    Pairing Correlations Near a Kondo-Destruction Quantum Critical Point

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    Motivated by the unconventional superconductivity observed in heavy-fermion metals, we investigate pairing susceptibilities near a continuous quantum phase transition of the Kondo-destruction type. We solve two-impurity Bose-Fermi Anderson models with Ising and Heisenberg forms of the interimpurity exchange interaction using continuous-time quantum Monte-Carlo and numerical renormalization-group methods. Each model exhibits a Kondo-destruction quantum critical point separating Kondo-screened and local-moment phases. For antiferromagnetic interimpurity exchange interactions, singlet pairing is found to be enhanced in the vicinity of the transition. Implications of this result for heavy-fermion superconductivity are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures + supplementary material 2 page, 2 figures: Replaced with published versio

    Quantum criticality in the pseudogap Bose-Fermi Anderson and Kondo models: Interplay between fermion- and boson-induced Kondo destruction

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    We address the phenomenon of critical Kondo destruction in pseudogap Bose-Fermi Anderson and Kondo quantum impurity models. These models describe a localized level coupled both to a fermionic bath having a density of states that vanishes like |\epsilon|^r at the Fermi energy (\epsilon=0) and, via one component of the impurity spin, to a bosonic bath having a sub-Ohmic spectral density proportional to |\omega|^s. Each bath is capable by itself of suppressing the Kondo effect at a continuous quantum phase transition. We study the interplay between these two mechanisms for Kondo destruction using continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo for the pseudogap Bose-Fermi Anderson model with 0<r<1/2 and 1/2<s<1, and applying the numerical renormalization-group to the corresponding Kondo model. At particle-hole symmetry, the models exhibit a quantum critical point between a Kondo (fermionic strong-coupling) phase and a localized (Kondo-destroyed) phase. The two solution methods, which are in good agreement in their domain of overlap, provide access to the many-body spectrum, as well as to correlation functions including, in particular, the single-particle Green's function and the static and dynamical local spin susceptibilities. The quantum-critical regime exhibits the hyperscaling of critical exponents and \omega/T scaling in the dynamics that characterize an interacting critical point. The (r,s) plane can be divided into three regions: one each in which the calculated critical properties are dominated by the bosonic bath alone or by the fermionic bath alone, and between these two regions, a third in which the bosonic bath governs the critical spin response but both baths influence the renormalization-group flow near the quantum critical point.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures. Replaced with published version, added discussion of particle hole asymmetr
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