4,537 research outputs found

    Large 2D Coulomb crystals in a radio frequency surface ion trap

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    We designed and operated a surface ion trap, with an ion-substrate distance of 500\mum, realized with standard printed-circuit-board techniques. The trap has been loaded with up to a few thousand Sr+ ions in the Coulomb-crystal regime. An analytical model of the pseudo-potential allowed us to determine the parameters that drive the trap into anisotropic regimes in which we obtain large (N>150) purely 2D ion Coulomb crystals. These crystals may open a simple and reliable way to experiments on quantum simulations of large 2D systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure


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    La irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías en la vida cotidiana ha supuesto una enorme revolución a la hora de determinar tanto las relaciones entre los sujetos como de comprender e interpretar la realidad. Por ello, la alfabetización mediática se plantea hoy como una disciplina indispensable en los sistemas educativos de todo el mundo. Este artículo recoge los resultados obtenidos en un experimento con estudiantes de educación secundaria. El objetivo es observar hasta qué punto la alfabetización mediática puede resultar de utilidad a la hora de potenciar las competencias interpretativas de los estudiantes. La muestra está formada por alumnos de 14-15 años, pertenecientes al curso Décimo de tres centros escolares de Guayaquil. La variable independiente es conformada por cinco spots. Los resultados subrayan que, al margen del contexto socioeconómico, los alumnos instruidos mediáticamente muestran una capacidad interpretativa y decodificadora superior a aquellos otros que no lo fueron.  &nbsp

    An ice giant exoplanet interpretation of the anomaly in microlensing event OGLE-2011-BLG-0173

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    We analyze the microlensing event OGLE-2011-BLG-0173, which shows a small perturbation at the end of the microlensing event caused by the primary lens. We consider both binary lens and binary source models and we explore their degeneracies, some of which have not previously been recognized. There are two families of binary lens solutions, one with a mass ratio q4×104q\approx4\times10^{-4} and a separation s~4.6 and the other with q~0.015 and s~0.22, i.e, both have companions in the planetary regime. We search for solutions by using Bayesian analysis that includes planet frequency as a prior and find that the s~4.6 family is the preferred one with ~4 M_Uranus mass planet on an orbit of ~10 AU. The degeneracies arise from a paucity of information on the anomaly, demonstrating that high-cadence observations are essential for characterizing wide-orbit microlensing planets. Hence, we predict that the planned WFIRST microlensing survey will be less prone to these degeneracies than the ongoing ground-based surveys. We discuss the known low-mass, wide-orbit companions and we notice that for the largest projected separations the mass ratios are either high (consistent with brown dwarf companions) or low (consistent with Uranus analogs), but intermediate mass ratios (Jupiter analogs on wide orbits) have not been detected to date, despite the fact that the sensitivity to such planets should be higher than that of Uranus analogs. This is therefore tentative evidence of the existence of a massive ice giant desert at wide separations. On the other hand, given their low intrinsic detection sensitivity, Uranus analogs may be ubiquitous.Comment: AJ accepted, 6 figures, 4 table

    Revenue divergence and competitive balance in a divisional sports league

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    The North American model of resource allocation in professional sports leagues is adapted for English (association) football. The theoretical relationship between revenue and competitive balance is shown to be robust with respect to changes in teams’ objectives and labour market conditions. Empirical revenue functions are reported for 1926-1999. These indicate a shift in the composition of demand favouring big-city teams and an increase in the sensitivity of revenue to performance. An analysis of match results in the FA Cup competition suggests an increase in competitive imbalance between teams at different levels of the league’s divisional hierarchy, as the theory suggests

    ROTSE All Sky Surveys for Variable Stars I: Test Fields

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    The ROTSE-I experiment has generated CCD photometry for the entire Northern sky in two epochs nightly since March 1998. These sky patrol data are a powerful resource for studies of astrophysical transients. As a demonstration project, we present first results of a search for periodic variable stars derived from ROTSE-I observations. Variable identification, period determination, and type classification are conducted via automatic algorithms. In a set of nine ROTSE-I sky patrol fields covering about 2000 square degrees we identify 1781 periodic variable stars with mean magnitudes between m_v=10.0 and m_v=15.5. About 90% of these objects are newly identified as variable. Examples of many familiar types are presented. All classifications for this study have been manually confirmed. The selection criteria for this analysis have been conservatively defined, and are known to be biased against some variable classes. This preliminary study includes only 5.6% of the total ROTSE-I sky coverage, suggesting that the full ROTSE-I variable catalog will include more than 32,000 periodic variable stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in AJ 4/00. LaTeX manuscript. (28 pages, 11 postscript figures and 1 gif