6 research outputs found

    Table S5. Annotation of reported PIR crosslinks. Search engine output: react2 data files for each crosslink are listed in the two rightmost columns. React2 files and the corresponding mzXML files have been uploaded to ProteomeXchange as part of this publication. from Protein interaction networks at the host–microbe interface in <i>Diaphorina citri</i>, the insect vector of the citrus greening pathogen

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    The Asian citrus psyllid (<i>Diaphorina citri)</i> is the insect vector responsible for the worldwide spread of ‘<i>Candidatus</i> Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas), the bacterial pathogen associated with citrus greening disease. Developmental changes in the insect vector impact pathogen transmission, such that <i>D. citri</i> transmission of CLas is more efficient when bacteria are acquired by nymphs when compared with adults. We hypothesize that expression changes in the <i>D. citri</i> immune system and commensal microbiota occur during development and regulate vector competency. In support of this hypothesis, more proteins, with greater fold changes, were differentially expressed in response to CLas in adults when compared with nymphs, including insect proteins involved in bacterial adhesion and immunity. Compared with nymphs, adult insects had a higher titre of CLas and the bacterial endosymbionts Wolbachia, Profftella and Carsonella. All Wolbachia and Profftella proteins differentially expressed between nymphs and adults are upregulated in adults, while most differentially expressed Carsonella proteins are upregulated in nymphs. Discovery of protein interaction networks has broad applicability to the study of host–microbe relationships. Using protein interaction reporter technology, a <i>D. citri</i> haemocyanin protein highly upregulated in response to CLas was found to physically interact with the CLas coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis enzyme phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase/decarboxylase. CLas pantothenate kinase, which catalyses the rate-limiting step of CoA biosynthesis, was found to interact with a <i>D. citri</i> myosin protein. Two Carsonella enzymes involved in histidine and tryptophan biosynthesis were found to physically interact with <i>D. citri</i> proteins. These co-evolved protein interaction networks at the host–microbe interface are highly specific targets for controlling the insect vector responsible for the spread of citrus greening

    File S1. Supplemental methods: Protein Interaction Reporter (PIR) crosslinking from Protein interaction networks at the host–microbe interface in <i>Diaphorina citri</i>, the insect vector of the citrus greening pathogen

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    The Asian citrus psyllid (<i>Diaphorina citri)</i> is the insect vector responsible for the worldwide spread of ‘<i>Candidatus</i> Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas), the bacterial pathogen associated with citrus greening disease. Developmental changes in the insect vector impact pathogen transmission, such that <i>D. citri</i> transmission of CLas is more efficient when bacteria are acquired by nymphs when compared with adults. We hypothesize that expression changes in the <i>D. citri</i> immune system and commensal microbiota occur during development and regulate vector competency. In support of this hypothesis, more proteins, with greater fold changes, were differentially expressed in response to CLas in adults when compared with nymphs, including insect proteins involved in bacterial adhesion and immunity. Compared with nymphs, adult insects had a higher titre of CLas and the bacterial endosymbionts Wolbachia, Profftella and Carsonella. All Wolbachia and Profftella proteins differentially expressed between nymphs and adults are upregulated in adults, while most differentially expressed Carsonella proteins are upregulated in nymphs. Discovery of protein interaction networks has broad applicability to the study of host–microbe relationships. Using protein interaction reporter technology, a <i>D. citri</i> haemocyanin protein highly upregulated in response to CLas was found to physically interact with the CLas coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis enzyme phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase/decarboxylase. CLas pantothenate kinase, which catalyses the rate-limiting step of CoA biosynthesis, was found to interact with a <i>D. citri</i> myosin protein. Two Carsonella enzymes involved in histidine and tryptophan biosynthesis were found to physically interact with <i>D. citri</i> proteins. These co-evolved protein interaction networks at the host–microbe interface are highly specific targets for controlling the insect vector responsible for the spread of citrus greening

    Table S1. Spectral count data for differentially expressed proteins identified between CLas(+)/(-) adult ACP. Average spectral count calculated from three biological replicates analyzed from each sample category. Statistical analysis using Fisher's exact test (p-value<0.05 with Hochberg-Benjamini multiple testing correction) was used to determine significance of spectral count differences between categories

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    The Asian citrus psyllid (<i>Diaphorina citri)</i> is the insect vector responsible for the worldwide spread of ‘<i>Candidatus</i> Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas), the bacterial pathogen associated with citrus greening disease. Developmental changes in the insect vector impact pathogen transmission, such that <i>D. citri</i> transmission of CLas is more efficient when bacteria are acquired by nymphs when compared with adults. We hypothesize that expression changes in the <i>D. citri</i> immune system and commensal microbiota occur during development and regulate vector competency. In support of this hypothesis, more proteins, with greater fold changes, were differentially expressed in response to CLas in adults when compared with nymphs, including insect proteins involved in bacterial adhesion and immunity. Compared with nymphs, adult insects had a higher titre of CLas and the bacterial endosymbionts Wolbachia, Profftella and Carsonella. All Wolbachia and Profftella proteins differentially expressed between nymphs and adults are upregulated in adults, while most differentially expressed Carsonella proteins are upregulated in nymphs. Discovery of protein interaction networks has broad applicability to the study of host–microbe relationships. Using protein interaction reporter technology, a <i>D. citri</i> haemocyanin protein highly upregulated in response to CLas was found to physically interact with the CLas coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis enzyme phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase/decarboxylase. CLas pantothenate kinase, which catalyses the rate-limiting step of CoA biosynthesis, was found to interact with a <i>D. citri</i> myosin protein. Two Carsonella enzymes involved in histidine and tryptophan biosynthesis were found to physically interact with <i>D. citri</i> proteins. These co-evolved protein interaction networks at the host–microbe interface are highly specific targets for controlling the insect vector responsible for the spread of citrus greening

    Table S3. Spectral count data for differentially expressed proteins identified between Adult and Nymph CLas(+) ACP. Average spectral count calculated from three biological replicates analyzed from each sample category. Statistical analysis using Fisher's exact test (p-value<0.05 with Hochberg-Benjamini multiple testing correction) was used to determine significance of spectral count differences between categories

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    The Asian citrus psyllid (<i>Diaphorina citri)</i> is the insect vector responsible for the worldwide spread of ‘<i>Candidatus</i> Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas), the bacterial pathogen associated with citrus greening disease. Developmental changes in the insect vector impact pathogen transmission, such that <i>D. citri</i> transmission of CLas is more efficient when bacteria are acquired by nymphs when compared with adults. We hypothesize that expression changes in the <i>D. citri</i> immune system and commensal microbiota occur during development and regulate vector competency. In support of this hypothesis, more proteins, with greater fold changes, were differentially expressed in response to CLas in adults when compared with nymphs, including insect proteins involved in bacterial adhesion and immunity. Compared with nymphs, adult insects had a higher titre of CLas and the bacterial endosymbionts Wolbachia, Profftella and Carsonella. All Wolbachia and Profftella proteins differentially expressed between nymphs and adults are upregulated in adults, while most differentially expressed Carsonella proteins are upregulated in nymphs. Discovery of protein interaction networks has broad applicability to the study of host–microbe relationships. Using protein interaction reporter technology, a <i>D. citri</i> haemocyanin protein highly upregulated in response to CLas was found to physically interact with the CLas coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis enzyme phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase/decarboxylase. CLas pantothenate kinase, which catalyses the rate-limiting step of CoA biosynthesis, was found to interact with a <i>D. citri</i> myosin protein. Two Carsonella enzymes involved in histidine and tryptophan biosynthesis were found to physically interact with <i>D. citri</i> proteins. These co-evolved protein interaction networks at the host–microbe interface are highly specific targets for controlling the insect vector responsible for the spread of citrus greening

    Table S4. Spectral count data for differentially expressed proteins identified between Adult and Nymph CLas(-) ACP. Average spectral count calculated from three biological replicates analyzed from each sample category. Statistical analysis using Fisher's exact test (p-value<0.05 with Hochberg-Benjamini multiple testing correction) was used to determine significance of spectral count differences between categories

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    The Asian citrus psyllid (<i>Diaphorina citri)</i> is the insect vector responsible for the worldwide spread of ‘<i>Candidatus</i> Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas), the bacterial pathogen associated with citrus greening disease. Developmental changes in the insect vector impact pathogen transmission, such that <i>D. citri</i> transmission of CLas is more efficient when bacteria are acquired by nymphs when compared with adults. We hypothesize that expression changes in the <i>D. citri</i> immune system and commensal microbiota occur during development and regulate vector competency. In support of this hypothesis, more proteins, with greater fold changes, were differentially expressed in response to CLas in adults when compared with nymphs, including insect proteins involved in bacterial adhesion and immunity. Compared with nymphs, adult insects had a higher titre of CLas and the bacterial endosymbionts Wolbachia, Profftella and Carsonella. All Wolbachia and Profftella proteins differentially expressed between nymphs and adults are upregulated in adults, while most differentially expressed Carsonella proteins are upregulated in nymphs. Discovery of protein interaction networks has broad applicability to the study of host–microbe relationships. Using protein interaction reporter technology, a <i>D. citri</i> haemocyanin protein highly upregulated in response to CLas was found to physically interact with the CLas coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis enzyme phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase/decarboxylase. CLas pantothenate kinase, which catalyses the rate-limiting step of CoA biosynthesis, was found to interact with a <i>D. citri</i> myosin protein. Two Carsonella enzymes involved in histidine and tryptophan biosynthesis were found to physically interact with <i>D. citri</i> proteins. These co-evolved protein interaction networks at the host–microbe interface are highly specific targets for controlling the insect vector responsible for the spread of citrus greening

    Table S2. Spectral count data for differentially expressed proteins identified between CLas(+)/(-) nymph ACP. Average spectral count calculated from three biological replicates analyzed from each sample category. Statistical analysis using Fisher's exact test (p-value<0.05 with Hochberg-Benjamini multiple testing correction) was used to determine significance of spectral count differences between categories

    No full text
    The Asian citrus psyllid (<i>Diaphorina citri)</i> is the insect vector responsible for the worldwide spread of ‘<i>Candidatus</i> Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas), the bacterial pathogen associated with citrus greening disease. Developmental changes in the insect vector impact pathogen transmission, such that <i>D. citri</i> transmission of CLas is more efficient when bacteria are acquired by nymphs when compared with adults. We hypothesize that expression changes in the <i>D. citri</i> immune system and commensal microbiota occur during development and regulate vector competency. In support of this hypothesis, more proteins, with greater fold changes, were differentially expressed in response to CLas in adults when compared with nymphs, including insect proteins involved in bacterial adhesion and immunity. Compared with nymphs, adult insects had a higher titre of CLas and the bacterial endosymbionts Wolbachia, Profftella and Carsonella. All Wolbachia and Profftella proteins differentially expressed between nymphs and adults are upregulated in adults, while most differentially expressed Carsonella proteins are upregulated in nymphs. Discovery of protein interaction networks has broad applicability to the study of host–microbe relationships. Using protein interaction reporter technology, a <i>D. citri</i> haemocyanin protein highly upregulated in response to CLas was found to physically interact with the CLas coenzyme A (CoA) biosynthesis enzyme phosphopantothenoylcysteine synthetase/decarboxylase. CLas pantothenate kinase, which catalyses the rate-limiting step of CoA biosynthesis, was found to interact with a <i>D. citri</i> myosin protein. Two Carsonella enzymes involved in histidine and tryptophan biosynthesis were found to physically interact with <i>D. citri</i> proteins. These co-evolved protein interaction networks at the host–microbe interface are highly specific targets for controlling the insect vector responsible for the spread of citrus greening