107 research outputs found

    Principales espèces herbacées de quelques formations pastorales de l'Adamaoua camerounais. Ecologie et dynamique à différents rythmes d'exploitation

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    Dans trois formations naturelles pastorales de l'Adamaoua camerounais, l'écologie des principales espèces herbacées et leur comportement à différents rythmes de fauche ont été étudiés. Cette étude met en évidence que si la majorité des espèces présentes est liée à des conditions écologiques, certaines autres réagissent surtout aux conditions d'exploitatio

    Percutaneous & Mini Invasive Achilles tendon repair

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    Rupture of the Achilles tendon is a considerable cause of morbidity with reduced function following injury. Recent studies have shown little difference in outcome between the techniques of open and non-operative treatment using an early active rehabilitation programme. Meta-analyses have shown that non-operative management has increased risk of re-rupture whereas surgical intervention has risks of complications related to the wound and iatrogenic nerve injury. Minimally invasive surgery has been adopted as a way of reducing infections rates and wound breakdown however avoiding iatrogenic nerve injury must be considered. We discuss the techniques and outcomes of percutaneous and minimally invasive repairs of the Achilles tendon

    Guidelines for autopsy investigation of sudden cardiac death: 2017 update from the Association for European Cardiovascular Pathology.

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    Although sudden cardiac death (SCD) is one of the most important modes of death in Western countries, pathologists and public health physicians have not given this problem the attention it deserves. New methods of preventing potentially fatal arrhythmias have been developed and the accurate diagnosis of the causes of SCD is now of particular importance. Pathologists are responsible for determining the precise cause and mechanism of sudden death but there is still considerable variation in the way in which they approach this increasingly complex task. The Association for European Cardiovascular Pathology has developed these guidelines, which represent the minimum standard that is required in the routine autopsy practice for the adequate investigation of SCD. The present version is an update of our original article, published 10 years ago. This is necessary because of our increased understanding of the genetics of cardiovascular diseases, the availability of new diagnostic methods, and the experience we have gained from the routine use of the original guidelines. The updated guidelines include a detailed protocol for the examination of the heart and recommendations for the selection of histological blocks and appropriate material for toxicology, microbiology, biochemistry, and molecular investigation. Our recommendations apply to university medical centers, regionals hospitals, and all healthcare professionals practicing pathology and forensic medicine. We believe that their adoption throughout Europe will improve the standards of autopsy practice, allow meaningful comparisons between different communities and regions, and permit the identification of emerging patterns of diseases causing SCD. Finally, we recommend the development of regional multidisciplinary networks of cardiologists, geneticists, and pathologists. Their role will be to facilitate the identification of index cases with a genetic basis, to screen appropriate family members, and ensure that appropriate preventive strategies are implemented

    <em>Brachiaria brizantha</em>. Meilleurs temps de repos

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    Les auteurs ont étudié, pendant cinq ans, l'influence du rythme de l'exploitation de Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst.) Stapf sur les rendements en matière sèche, la valeur fourragère et la dynamique de cette espèce. Les temps de repos entre 20 et 30 jours sont les plus intéressants pour une exploitation par pâture. Les temps de repos de 80 jours et plus doivent être envisagés pour la production de réserves fourragères (ensilage, foin). Brachiaria brizantha, très répandue en Adamaoua, est intéressante dans une perspective de restauration pastorale

    Fire management of natural grasslands and cattle productivity in the lower eastern plains of Colombia

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    The productivity and nutritive value of various natural grasslands of the lower eastern plains (Llanos) of Colombia, fire-managed annually during the dry season, were usually low. Annual biomass was 2-3.5 tons of dry matter (DM) per hectare and total crude protein content of fodder was 5-11% of DM depending on the season and phenological stage. Under traditional managing conditions (non-stop grazing, no fire or fire at the beginning of the dry season, stocking rate of 8-10 ha per animal), cattle weight gains were low during the rainy season (average daily weight gains between 150-300 g) and cattle usually lost weight during the dry season (150-250 g per day). During in-station experiments, significant differences in animal productivity were observed based on the botanical content and, even more so, on the pastoral value (a grassland value scale that combined productivity, nutritive value and desire of the animal for the species) of the natural grassland, which were determined by the soil texture (either sandy-clay or clay-silty). Regrowth occurred as a result of annual fires in the dry season. Nevertheless, the year after year repetition of these fires associated with free non-stop grazing negatively modified the flora. The authors tested two grassland-burning sequential systems in a set of parcels used in rotation. The systems allowed burning intervals of 16 months and provided the cattle with regrowths protected from grazing every four weeks. Even with an average annual stocking rate multiplied by two (4 ha per head), the individual weight gains of growing cattle were significantly improved without degrading the vegetation

    Sonographische Achsenbestimmungen am Skelett

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