111 research outputs found

    Cancer stem cells in melanoma

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    The identification of cancer stem cells in various malignancies led to the hypothesis that these cells have the exclusive ability of self-renewal, contribute to the plasticity of the tumours and may be the cause for ineffective cancer therapies. Several markers of melanoma stem cells have been described in recent studies including CD133, CD166, Nestin and BMI-1. Further studies are necessary to identify, better define and understand the origin and function of cancer stem cells. If confirmed that cancer stem cells play an important role in malignancy, therapeutic strategies may need to be redirected towards these cells to circumvent the failure of conventional therapies

    Molecular characterization of signalling pathways in cancer stem cells

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    To avoid artefacts introduced by culturing cells for extended periods of time, it is crucial to use low-passage patient-derived tumour cells. The ability to enrich, isolate and assay sub-populations of cells that behave as cancer stem cells (CSCs) from these primary cell lines is essential before performing characterizations such as gene-expression profiling. We have isolated cells from glioblastomas which show characteristics of CSCs. Although glioblastomas contain only a relatively small amount of putative CSCs, these cells express many genes which seem to be worthy targets for future therapies

    Antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling across an amorphous metallic spacer layer

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    By means of magneto-optical Kerr effect we observe for the first time antiferromagnetic coupling between ferromagnetic layers across an amorphous metallic spacer layer. Biquadratic coupling occurs at the transition from a ferromagnetically to an antiferromagnetically coupled region. Scanning tunneling microscopy images of all involved layers are used to extract thickness fluctuations and to verify the amorphous state of the spacer. The observed antiferromagnetic coupling behavior is explained by RKKY interaction taking into account the amorphous structure of the spacer material.Comment: Typset using RevTex, 4 pages with 4 figures (.eps

    Reflection of neuroblastoma intratumor heterogeneity in the new OHC-NB1 disease model

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    Accurate modeling of intratumor heterogeneity presents a bottleneck against drug testing. Flexibility in a preclinical platform is also desirable to support assessment of different endpoints. We established the model system, OHC-NB1, from a bone marrow metastasis from a patient diagnosed with MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma and performed whole-exome sequencing on the source metastasis and the different models and passages during model development (monolayer cell line, 3D spheroid culture and subcutaneous xenograft tumors propagated in mice). OHC-NB1 harbors a MYCN amplification in double minutes, 1p deletion, 17q gain and diploid karyotype, which persisted in all models. A total of 80-540 single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) was detected in each sample, and comparisons between the source metastasis and models identified 34 of 80 somatic SNVs to be propagated in the models. Clonal reconstruction using the combined copy number and SNV data revealed marked clonal heterogeneity in the originating metastasis, with 4 clones being reflected in the model systems. The set of OHC-NB1 models represents 43% of somatic SNVs and 23% of the cellularity in the originating metastasis with varying clonal compositions, indicating that heterogeneity is partially preserved in our model system

    A RAS-independent biomarker panel to reliably predict response to MEK inhibition in colorectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: In colorectal cancer (CRC), mutations of genes associated with the TGF-β/BMP signaling pathway, particularly affecting SMAD4, are known to correlate with decreased overall survival and it is assumed that this signaling axis plays a key role in chemoresistance. METHODS: Using CRISPR technology on syngeneic patient-derived organoids (PDOs), we investigated the role of a loss-of-function of SMAD4 in sensitivity to MEK-inhibitors. CRISPR-engineered SMAD4(R361H) PDOs were subjected to drug screening, RNA-Sequencing, and multiplex protein profiling (DigiWest(R)). Initial observations were validated on an additional set of 62 PDOs with known mutational status. RESULTS: We show that loss-of-function of SMAD4 renders PDOs sensitive to MEK-inhibitors. Multiomics analyses indicate that disruption of the BMP branch within the TGF-β/BMP pathway is the pivotal mechanism of increased drug sensitivity. Further investigation led to the identification of the SFAB-signature (SMAD4, FBXW7, ARID1A, or BMPR2), coherently predicting sensitivity towards MEK-inhibitors, independent of both RAS and BRAF status. CONCLUSION: We identified a novel mutational signature that reliably predicts sensitivity towards MEK-inhibitors, regardless of the RAS and BRAF status. This finding poses a significant step towards better-tailored cancer therapies guided by the use of molecular biomarkers

    Stemming Cancer: Functional Genomics of Cancer Stem Cells in Solid Tumors

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    Cancer stem cells (CSCs) were discovered about 15 years ago in hematopoietic cancers. Subsequently, cancer stem cells were discovered in various solid tumors. Based on parallels with normal stem cells, a developmental process of cancer stem cells follows paths of organized, hierarchical structure of cells with different degrees of maturity. While some investigators have reported particular markers as identification of cancer stem cells, these markers require further research. In this review, we focus on the functional genomics of cancer stem cells. Functional genomics provides useful information on the signaling pathways which are consecutively activated or inactivated amongst those cells. This information is of particular importance for cancer research and clinical treatment in many respects. (1) Understanding of self-renewal mechanisms crucial to tumor growth. (2) Allow the identification of new, more specific marker for CSCs, and (3) pathways that are suitable as future targets for anti-cancer drugs. This is of particular importance, because today’s chemotherapy targets the proliferating cancer cells sparing the relatively slow dividing cancer stem cells. The first step on this long road therefore is to analyze genome-wide expression-profiles within the same type of cancer and then between different types of cancer, encircling those target genes and pathways, which are specific to these cells

    The molecular basis of genistein-induced mitotic arrest and exit of self-renewal in embryonal carcinoma and primary cancer cell lines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genistein is an isoflavonoid present in soybeans that exhibits anti-carcinogenic properties. The issue of genistein as a potential anti-cancer drug has been addressed in some papers, but comprehensive genomic analysis to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the effect elicited by genistein on cancer cells have not been performed on primary cancer cells, but rather on transformed cell lines. In the present study, we treated primary glioblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and human embryonic carcinoma cells (NCCIT) with μ-molar concentrations of genistein and assessed mitotic index, cell morphology, global gene expression, and specific cell-cycle regulating genes. We compared the expression profiles of NCCIT cells with that of the cancer cell lines in order to identify common genistein-dependent transcriptional changes and accompanying signaling cascades.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We treated primary cancer cells and NCCIT cells with 50 μM genistein for 48 h. Thereafter, we compared the mitotic index of treated versus untreated cells and investigated the protein expression of key regulatory self renewal factors as OCT4, SOX2 and NANOG. We then used gene expression arrays (Illumina) for genome-wide expression analysis and validated the results for genes of interest by means of Real-Time PCR. Functional annotations were then performed using the DAVID and KEGG online tools.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that cancer cells treated with genistein undergo cell-cycle arrest at different checkpoints. This arrest was associated with a decrease in the mRNA levels of core regulatory genes, <it>PBK</it>, <it>BUB1</it>, and <it>CDC20 </it>as determined by microarray-analysis and verified by Real-Time PCR. In contrast, human NCCIT cells showed over-expression of <it>GADD45 A </it>and <it>G </it>(growth arrest- and DNA-damage-inducible proteins 45A and G), as well as down-regulation of OCT4, and NANOG protein. Furthermore, genistein induced the expression of apoptotic and anti-migratory proteins p53 and p38 in all cell lines. Genistein also up-regulated steady-state levels of both <it>CYCLIN A </it>and <it>B</it>.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of the present study, together with the results of earlier studies show that genistein targets genes involved in the progression of the M-phase of the cell cycle. In this respect it is of particular interest that this conclusion cannot be drawn from comparison of the individual genes found differentially regulated in the datasets, but by the rather global view of the pathways influenced by genistein treatment.</p

    Age-related transcriptional changes in gene expression in different organs of mice support the metabolic stability theory of aging

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    Individual differences in the rate of aging are determined by the efficiency with which an organism transforms resources into metabolic energy thus maintaining the homeostatic condition of its cells and tissues. This observation has been integrated with analytical studies of the metabolic process to derive the following principle: The metabolic stability of regulatory networks, that is the ability of cells to maintain stable concentrations of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and other critical metabolites is the prime determinant of life span. The metabolic stability of a regulatory network is determined by the diversity of the metabolic pathways or the degree of connectivity of genes in the network. These properties can be empirically evaluated in terms of transcriptional changes in gene expression. We use microarrays to investigate the age-dependence of transcriptional changes of genes in the insulin signaling, oxidative phosphorylation and glutathione metabolism pathways in mice. Our studies delineate age and tissue specific patterns of transcriptional changes which are consistent with the metabolic stability–longevity principle. This study, in addition, rejects the free radical hypothesis which postulates that the production rate of ROS, and not its stability, determines life span