14,502 research outputs found

    Measurement of minority carrier transport parameters in heavily doped n-type silicon

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    Measurement of minority transport parameters in heavily doped silicon is covered. The basic transport equations were used to define two independent parameters. Use of special vertical and lateral transistor test devices permitted the measurement of both parameters. Prior studies were normalized to show excellent agreement over the heavy doping region

    On the decode error probability for Reed-Solomon codes

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    Upper bounds on the decoder error probability for Reed-Solomon codes are derived. By definition, decoder error occurs when the decoder finds a codeword other than the transmitted codeword; this is in contrast to decoder failure, which occurs when the decoder fails to find any codeword at all. The results imply, for example, that for a t error correcting Reed-Solomon code of length q - 1 over GF(q), if more than t errors occur, the probability of decoder error is less than 1/t! In particular, for the Voyager Reed-Solomon code, the probability of decoder error given a word error is smaller than 3 x 10 to the minus 14th power. Thus, in a typical operating region with probability 100,000 of word error, the probability of undetected word error is about 10 to the minus 14th power

    Inverse airfoil design procedure using a multigrid Navier-Stokes method

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    The Modified Garabedian McFadden (MGM) design procedure was incorporated into an existing 2-D multigrid Navier-Stokes airfoil analysis method. The resulting design method is an iterative procedure based on a residual correction algorithm and permits the automated design of airfoil sections with prescribed surface pressure distributions. The new design method, Multigrid Modified Garabedian McFadden (MG-MGM), is demonstrated for several different transonic pressure distributions obtained from both symmetric and cambered airfoil shapes. The airfoil profiles generated with the MG-MGM code are compared to the original configurations to assess the capabilities of the inverse design method

    An entropy maximization problem related to optical communication

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    Motivated by a problem in optical communication, we consider the general problem of maximizing the entropy of a stationary random process that is subject to an average transition cost constraint. Using a recent result of Justenson and Hoholdt, we present an exact solution to the problem and suggest a class of finite state encoders that give a good approximation to the exact solution

    A note on the wideband Gaussian broadcast channel

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    It is well known that for the Gaussian broadcast channel, timeshared coding is not as efficient as more sophisticated broadcast coding strategies. However, the relative advantage of broadcast coding over timeshared coding is shown to be small if the signal-to-noise ratios of both receivers are small. One surprising consequence of this is that for the wideband Gaussian broadcast channel, which is defined, broadcast coding offers no advantage over timeshared coding at all, and so timeshared coding is optimal

    An effective multigrid method for high-speed flows

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    The use is considered of a multigrid method with central differencing to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for high speed flows. The time dependent form of the equations is integrated with a Runge-Kutta scheme accelerated by local time stepping and variable coefficient implicit residual smoothing. Of particular importance are the details of the numerical dissipation formulation, especially the switch between the second and fourth difference terms. Solutions are given for 2-D laminar flow over a circular cylinder and a 15 deg compression ramp

    Friction factors for smooth pipe flow

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    Friction factor data from two recent pipe flow experiments are combined to provide a comprehensive picture of the friction factor variation for Reynolds numbers from 10 to 36,000,000

    Performance of binary block codes at low signal-to-noise ratios

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    The performance of general binary block codes on an unquantized additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel at low signal-to-noise ratios is considered. Expressions are derived for both the block error and the bit error probabilities near the point where the bit signal-to-noise ratio is zero. These expressions depend on the global geometric structure of the code, although the minimum distance still seems to play a crucial role. Examples of codes such as orthogonal codes, biorthogonal codes, the (24,12) extended Golay code, and the (15,6) expurgated BCH code are discussed. The asymptotic coding gain at low signal-to-noise ratios is also studied

    Applications of FEM and BEM in two-dimensional fracture mechanics problems

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    A comparison of the finite element method (FEM) and boundary element method (BEM) for the solution of two-dimensional plane strain problems in fracture mechanics is presented in this paper. Stress intensity factors (SIF's) were calculated using both methods for elastic plates with either a single-edge crack or an inclined-edge crack. In particular, two currently available programs, ANSYS for finite element analysis and BEASY for boundary element analysis, were used

    Behavior of various adsorbates on metal substrates quarterly progress report no. 3, 1 dec. 1964 - 28 feb. 1965

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    Vacuum breakdown studies - surface kinetics of adsorbed layers by field emission, sputtering of metallic surfaces, and electron interactions with adsorbed layers on metallic surface