771 research outputs found

    Comment on ``Two Time Scales and Violation of the Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem in a Finite Dimensional Model for Structural Glasses''

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    In cond-mat/0002074 Ricci-Tersenghi et al. find two linear regimes in the fluctuation-dissipation relation between density-density correlations and associated responses of the Frustrated Ising Lattice Gas. Here we show that this result does not seem to correspond to the equilibrium quantities of the model, by measuring the overlap distribution P(q) of the density and comparing the FDR expected on the ground of the P(q) with the one measured in the off-equilibrium experiments.Comment: RevTeX, 1 page, 2 eps figures, Comment on F. Ricci-Tersenghi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 4473 (2000

    Optimal rotations of deformable bodies and orbits in magnetic fields

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    Deformations can induce rotation with zero angular momentum where dissipation is a natural ``cost function''. This gives rise to an optimization problem of finding the most effective rotation with zero angular momentum. For certain plastic and viscous media in two dimensions the optimal path is the orbit of a charged particle on a surface of constant negative curvature with magnetic field whose total flux is half a quantum unit.Comment: 4 pages revtex, 4 figures + animation in multiframe GIF forma

    A frictionless microswimmer

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    We investigate the self-locomotion of an elongated microswimmer by virtue of the unidirectional tangential surface treadmilling. We show that the propulsion could be almost frictionless, as the microswimmer is propelled forward with the speed of the backward surface motion, i.e. it moves throughout an almost quiescent fluid. We investigate this swimming technique using the special spheroidal coordinates and also find an explicit closed-form optimal solution for a two-dimensional treadmiler via complex-variable techniques.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum dynamics and breakdown of classical realism in nonlinear oscillators

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    The dynamics of a quantum nonlinear oscillator is studied in terms of its quasi-flow, a dynamical mapping of the classical phase plane that represents the time-evolution of the quantum observables. Explicit expressions are derived for the deformation of the classical flow by the quantum nonlinearity in the semiclassical limit. The breakdown of the classical trajectories under the quantum nonlinear dynamics is quantified by the mismatch of the quasi-flow carried by different observables. It is shown that the failure of classical realism can give rise to a dynamical violation of Bell's inequalities.Comment: RevTeX 4 pages, no figure

    Statistical geometry in scalar turbulence

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    A general link between geometry and intermittency in passive scalar turbulence is established. Intermittency is qualitatively traced back to events where tracer particles stay for anomalousy long times in degenerate geometries characterized by strong clustering. The quantitative counterpart is the existence of special functions of particle configurations which are statistically invariant under the flow. These are the statistical integrals of motion controlling the scalar statistics at small scales and responsible for the breaking of scale invariance associated to intermittency.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The Dynamical Behaviors in (2+1)-Dimensional Gross-Neveu Model with a Thirring Interaction

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    We analyze (2+1)-dimensional Gross-Neveu model with a Thirring interaction, where a vector-vector type four-fermi interaction is on equal terms with a scalar-scalar type one. The Dyson-Schwinger equation for fermion self-energy function is constructed up to next-to-leading order in 1/N expansion. We determine the critical surface which is the boundary between a broken phase and an unbroken one in (αc, βc, Nc\alpha_c,~ \beta_c,~ N_c) space. It is observed that the critical behavior is mainly controlled by Gross-Neveu coupling αc\alpha_c and the region of the broken phase is separated into two parts by the line αc=αc(=8π2)\alpha_c=\alpha_c^*(=\frac{8}{\pi^2}). The mass function is strongly dependent upon the flavor number N for α>αc\alpha > \alpha_c^*, while weakly for ααc\alpha \alpha_c^*, the critical flavor number NcN_c increases as Thirring coupling β\beta decreases. By driving the CJT effective potential, we show that the broken phase is energetically preferred to the symmetric one. We discuss the gauge dependence of the mass function and the ultra-violet property of the composite operators.Comment: 19 pages, LaTex, 6 ps figure files(uuencoded in seperate file

    O(1/N_f) Corrections to the Thirring Model in 2<d<4

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    The Thirring model, that is, a relativistic field theory of fermions with a contact interaction between vector currents, is studied for dimensionalities 2<d<4 using the 1/N_f expansion, where N_f is the number of fermion species. The model is found to have no ultraviolet divergences at leading order provided a regularization respecting current conservation is used. Explicit O(1/N_f) corrections are computed, and the model shown to be renormalizable at this order in the massless limit; renormalizability appears to hold to all orders due to a special case of Weinberg's theorem. This implies there is a universal amplitude for four particle scattering in the asymptotic regime. Comparisons are made with both the Gross-Neveu model and QED.Comment: 22 pages in plain TeX, with 7 figs included using psfig.tex (Minor conceptual changes - algebra unaffected

    Muon Spin Relaxation and Susceptibility Studies of Pure and Doped Spin 1/2 Kagom\'{e}-like system (Cux_xZn1x_{1-x})3_{3}V2_{2}O7_7(OH)2_{2} 2H2_2O

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    Muon spin relaxation (μ\muSR) and magnetic susceptibility measurements have been performed on the pure and diluted spin 1/2 kagom\'{e} system (Cux_xZn1x_{1-x})3_{3}V2_{2}O7_7(OH)2_{2} 2H2_2O. In the pure x=1x=1 system we found a slowing down of Cu spin fluctuations with decreasing temperature towards T1T \sim 1 K, followed by slow and nearly temperature-independent spin fluctuations persisting down to TT = 50 mK, indicative of quantum fluctuations. No indication of static spin freezing was detected in either of the pure (xx=1.0) or diluted samples. The observed magnitude of fluctuating fields indicates that the slow spin fluctuations represent an intrinsic property of kagom\'e network rather than impurity spins.Comment: 4 pges, 4 color figures, Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    Equation of state for the 2+1 dimensional Gross-Neveu model at order 1/N

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    We calculate the equation of state of the Gross-Neveu model in 2+1 dimensions at order 1/N, where N is the number of fermion species. We make use of a general formula valid for four-fermion theories, previously applied to the model in 1+1 dimensions. We consider both the discrete and continuous symmetry versions of the model. We show that the pion-like excitations give the dominant contribution at low temperatures. The range of validity for such pion dominance is analyzed. The complete analysis from low to high temperatures also shows that in the critical region the role of composite states is relevant, even for quite large N, and that the free-component behaviour at high T starts at about twice the mean field critical temperature.Comment: 19 pages, RevTeX, 10 figures.p