3,767 research outputs found

    Ground-state fidelity of Luttinger liquids: A wave functional approach

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    We use a wave functional approach to calculate the fidelity of ground states in the Luttinger liquid universality class of one-dimensional gapless quantum many-body systems. The ground-state wave functionals are discussed using both the Schrodinger (functional differential equation) formulation and a path integral formulation. The fidelity between Luttinger liquids with Luttinger parameters K and K' is found to decay exponentially with system size, and to obey the symmetry F(K,K')=F(1/K,1/K') as a consequence of a duality in the bosonization description of Luttinger liquids.Comment: 13 pages, IOP single-column format. Sec. 3 expanded with discussion of short-distance cut-off. Some typos corrected. Ref. 44 in v2 is now footnote 2 (moved by copy editor). Published versio

    Phase diagram of a Bose-Fermi mixture in a one-dimensional optical lattice in terms of fidelity and entanglement

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    We study the ground-state phase diagram of a Bose-Fermi mixture loaded in a one-dimensional optical lattice by computing the ground-state fidelity and quantum entanglement. We find that the fidelity is able to signal quantum phase transitions between the Luttinger liquid phase, the density-wave phase, and the phase separation state of the system; and the concurrence can be used to signal the transition between the density-wave phase and the Ising phase.Comment: 4 pages 3 figure

    Structure and apparent topography of TiO2 (110) surfaces

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    We present self-consistent ab-initio total-energy and electronic-structure calculations on stoichiometric and non-stoichiometric TiO2 (110) surfaces. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) topographs are simulated by calculating the local electronic density of states over an energy window appropriate for the experimental positive-bias conditions. We find that under these conditions the STM tends to image the undercoordinated Ti atoms, in spite of the physical protrusion of the O atoms, giving an apparent reversal of topographic contrast on the stoichiometric 1x1 or missing-row 2x1 surface. We also show that both the interpretation of STM images and the direct comparison of surface energies favor an added-row structure over the missing-row structure for the oxygen-deficient 2x1 surface.Comment: 6 pages, two-column style with 5 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/index.html#ng_tio

    SPITZER SAGE Observations of Large Magellanic Cloud Planetary Nebulae

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    We present IRAC and MIPS images and photometry of a sample of previously known planetary nebulae (PNe) from the SAGE survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) performed with the Spitzer Space Telescope. Of the 233 known PNe in the survey field, 185 objects were detected in at least two of the IRAC bands, and 161 detected in the MIPS 24 micron images. Color-color and color-magnitude diagrams are presented using several combinations of IRAC, MIPS, and 2MASS magnitudes. The location of an individual PN in the color-color diagrams is seen to depend on the relative contributions of the spectral components which include molecular hydrogen, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), infrared forbidden line emission from the ionized gas, warm dust continuum, and emission directly from the central star. The sample of LMC PNe is compared to a number of Galactic PNe and found to not significantly differ in their position in color-color space. We also explore the potential value of IR PNe luminosity functions (LFs) in the LMC. IRAC LFs appear to follow the same functional form as the well-established [O III] LFs although there are several PNe with observed IR magnitudes brighter than the cut-offs in these LFs.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, to be published in the Astronomical Journal. Additional online data available at http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/irac/publications

    Dynamic Evolution Model of Isothermal Voids and Shocks

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    We explore self-similar hydrodynamic evolution of central voids embedded in an isothermal gas of spherical symmetry under the self-gravity. More specifically, we study voids expanding at constant radial speeds in an isothermal gas and construct all types of possible void solutions without or with shocks in surrounding envelopes. We examine properties of void boundaries and outer envelopes. Voids without shocks are all bounded by overdense shells and either inflows or outflows in the outer envelope may occur. These solutions, referred to as type X\mathcal{X} void solutions, are further divided into subtypes XI\mathcal{X}_{\rm I} and XII\mathcal{X}_{\rm II} according to their characteristic behaviours across the sonic critical line (SCL). Void solutions with shocks in envelopes are referred to as type Z\mathcal{Z} voids and can have both dense and quasi-smooth edges. Asymptotically, outflows, breezes, inflows, accretions and static outer envelopes may all surround such type Z\mathcal{Z} voids. Both cases of constant and varying temperatures across isothermal shock fronts are analyzed; they are referred to as types ZI\mathcal{Z}_{\rm I} and ZII\mathcal{Z}_{\rm II} void shock solutions. We apply the `phase net matching procedure' to construct various self-similar void solutions. We also present analysis on void generation mechanisms and describe several astrophysical applications. By including self-gravity, gas pressure and shocks, our isothermal self-similar void (ISSV) model is adaptable to various astrophysical systems such as planetary nebulae, hot bubbles and superbubbles in the interstellar medium as well as supernova remnants.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figuers, accepted by ApS

    Thermal Management in Large Bi2212 Mesas used for Terahertz Sources

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    We present a thermal analysis of a patterned mesa on a Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 (Bi2212) single crystal that is based on tunneling characteristics of the c-axis stack of ~800 intrinsic Josephson junctions in the mesa. Despite the large mesa volume (e.g., 40x300x1.2 micron3) and power dissipation that result in selfheating and backbending of the current-voltage curve (I-V), there are accessible bias conditions for which significant polarized THz-wave emission can be observed. We estimate the mesa temperature by equating the quasiparticle resistance, Rqp(T), to the ratio V/I over the entire I-V including the backbending region. These temperatures are used to predict the unpolarized black-body radiation reaching our bolometer and there is substantial agreement over the entire I-V. As such, backbending results from the particular Rqp(T) for Bi2212, as first discussed by Fenton, rather than a significant suppression of the energy gap. This model also correctly predicts the observed disappearance of backbending above ~60 K.Comment: 4 pages, 2008 Applied Superconductivity Conferenc

    Adherence to Discounting Guidelines: Evidence from Over 2000 Published Cost-Effectiveness Analyses

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    Previous studies have shown that not all cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs) adhere to recommended guidelines on intertemporal discounting. This analysis investigates adherence in a sample of over 2000 CEAs from seven countries. Guideline discount rates were retrieved for Australia, Belgium, Canada, Ireland, The Netherlands, New Zealand and the UK. Data on the rates applied in published CEAs were retrieved from the Tufts CEA Registry from the sample countries within the periods covered by the discounting guidelines. The relationship between adherence and candidate explanatory factors were assessed using logistic regression. The analysis appraised 2270 CEAs. The overall rate of adherence to discounting recommendations was 79%. Country-specific adherence ranged from 28% in New Zealand to 87% in Belgium and the UK. Adherence in Australia and Canada was 73% and 66%, respectively. Adherence is statistically significantly higher in more recent studies, countries currently applying differential discounting and manufacturer-sponsored studies. Relative to the reference case of Australia, adherence is statistically significantly higher in the UK and lower in Canada and New Zealand. There is notable variation in the rates of adherence to discounting recommendations between countries and over time. Incomplete adherence raises concerns regarding the comparability of evidence between studies. In turn, this raises concerns regarding equity of access to scarce healthcare resources. Journal editors should ensure that adherence to discounting recommendations is assessed as part of the peer review process.Access provided by IREL Consortium c/o Maynooth University The Library Maynooth Universit

    A side-by-side comparison of Daya Bay antineutrino detectors

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    The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment is designed to determine precisely the neutrino mixing angle θ13\theta_{13} with a sensitivity better than 0.01 in the parameter sin22θ13^22\theta_{13} at the 90% confidence level. To achieve this goal, the collaboration will build eight functionally identical antineutrino detectors. The first two detectors have been constructed, installed and commissioned in Experimental Hall 1, with steady data-taking beginning September 23, 2011. A comparison of the data collected over the subsequent three months indicates that the detectors are functionally identical, and that detector-related systematic uncertainties exceed requirements.Comment: 24 pages, 36 figure

    A new measurement of antineutrino oscillation with the full detector configuration at Daya Bay

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    We report a new measurement of electron antineutrino disappearance using the fully-constructed Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment. The final two of eight antineutrino detectors were installed in the summer of 2012. Including the 404 days of data collected from October 2012 to November 2013 resulted in a total exposure of 6.9×\times105^5 GWth_{\rm th}-ton-days, a 3.6 times increase over our previous results. Improvements in energy calibration limited variations between detectors to 0.2%. Removal of six 241^{241}Am-13^{13}C radioactive calibration sources reduced the background by a factor of two for the detectors in the experimental hall furthest from the reactors. Direct prediction of the antineutrino signal in the far detectors based on the measurements in the near detectors explicitly minimized the dependence of the measurement on models of reactor antineutrino emission. The uncertainties in our estimates of sin22θ13\sin^{2}2\theta_{13} and Δmee2|\Delta m^2_{ee}| were halved as a result of these improvements. Analysis of the relative antineutrino rates and energy spectra between detectors gave sin22θ13=0.084±0.005\sin^{2}2\theta_{13} = 0.084\pm0.005 and Δmee2=(2.42±0.11)×103|\Delta m^{2}_{ee}|= (2.42\pm0.11) \times 10^{-3} eV2^2 in the three-neutrino framework.Comment: Updated to match final published versio