1,012 research outputs found

    The brightness temperature problem in extreme IDV quasars: a model for PKS 0405-385

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    I re-examine the brightness temperature problem in PKS 0405-385 which is an extreme intra-day variable radio quasar with an inferred brightness temperature of ∼5×1014\sim 5 \times 10^{14} K at 5 GHz, well above the Compton catastrophe limit of ∼1011\sim 10^{11} K reached when the synchrotron photon energy density exceeds the energy density of the magnetic field. If one takes into account the uncertainty in the distance to the ionized clouds responsible for interstellar scintillation causing rapid intra-day variability in PKS 0405-385 it is possible that the brightness temperature could be as low as ∼1013\sim 10^{13} K at 5 GHz, or even lower. The radio spectrum can be fitted by optically thin emission from mono-energetic electrons, or an electron spectrum with a low-energy cut-off such that the critical frequency of the lowest energy electrons is above the radio frequencies of interest. If one observes optically thin emission along a long narrow emission region, the average energy density in the emission region can be many orders of magnitude lower than calculated from the observed intensity if one assumed a spherical emission region. I discuss the physical conditions in the emission region and find that the Compton catastrophe can then be avoided using a reasonable Doppler factor. I also show that MeV to 100 GeV gamma-ray emission at observable flux levels should be expected from extreme intra-day variable sources such as PKS 0405-385.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Energy spectrum of extragalactic gamma-ray sources

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    The result of Monte Carlo electron photon cascade calculations for propagation of gamma rays through regions of extragalactic space containing no magnetic field are given. These calculations then provide upper limits to the expected flux from extragalactic sources. Since gamma rays in the 10 to the 14th power eV to 10 to the 17th power eV energy range are of interest, interactions of electrons and photons with the 3 K microwave background radiation are considered. To obtain an upper limit to the expected gamma ray flux from sources, the intergalactic field is assumed to be so low that it can be ignored. Interactions with photons of the near-infrared background radiation are not considered here although these will have important implications for gamma rays below 10 to the 14th power eV if the near infrared background radiation is universal. Interaction lengths of electrons and photons in the microwave background radiation at a temperature of 2.96 K were calculated and are given

    A Proton Synchrotron Blazar Model for Flaring in Markarian~501

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    (abr.) The spectral energy distribution (SED) of blazars typically has a double-humped appearance usually interpreted in terms of synchrotron self-Compton models. In proton blazar models, the SED is instead explained in terms of acceleration of protons and subsequent cascading. We discuss a variation of the Synchrotron Proton Blazar model, first proposed by M\"ucke & Protheroe (1999), in which the low energy part of the SED is mainly synchrotron radiation by electrons co-accelerated with protons which produce the high energy part of the SED mainly asproton synchrotron radiation. Using a Monte Carlo/numerical technique to simulate the interactions and subsequent cascading of the accelerated protons, we are able to fit the observed SED of Markarian 501 during the April 1997 flare. We find that the emerging cascade spectra initiated by gamma-rays from π0\pi^0 decay and by e±e^\pm from μ±\mu^\pm decay turn out to be relatively featureless. Synchrotron radiation produced by μ±\mu^\pm from π±\pi^\pm decay, and even more importantly by protons, and subsequent synchrotron-pair cascading, is able to reproduce well the high energy part of the SED. For this fit we find that synchrotron radiation by protons dominates the TeV emission, pion photoproduction being less important with the consequence that we predict a lower neutrino flux than in other proton blazar models.Comment: 28 pages, 8 Figures, accepted for publication in Astropart.Phy

    Neutrino Emission from HBLs and LBLs

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    The Synchrotron Proton Blazar model is a promising model to explain high energy emission from gamma-ray loud BL Lac objects like Mkn 421. In contrast to leptonic models, the hadronic explanation of gamma-ray emission predicts ultrahigh energy neutrinos. The predicted neutrino spectra from a typical High-energy cutoff BL Lac Object (HBL) and a Low-energy cutoff BL Lac Object (LBL) are presented. We find that cooling due to muon synchrotron radiation causes a cutoff of the neutrino spectrum at ∼1018\sim 10^{18} eV, with the exception of νμ\nu_\mu from kaon decay which may extend to higher energies if meson production takes place in the secondary resonance region of the cross section. The impact of the neutrino output from both source populations to the diffuse neutrino background is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in: Proc. 27th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Hamburg/German

    The physical parameters of Markarian 501 during flaring activity

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    We determine the physical parameters (magnetic field and Doppler factor) of the homogeneous synchrotron self-Compton model allowed by the observed X-ray to gamma-ray spectra and variability of Markarian~501 during the 15-16 April 1997 flaring activity. We find that magnetic fields between 0.07 G and 0.6 G and Doppler factors between 12 and 36 could fit (depending on observed variability time scale) these observations. We take account of photon-photon pair production interactions of gamma-ray photons occurring both inside the emission region and during propagation to Earth and find these to be extremely important in correctly determining the allowed model parameters. Previous estimates of the allowed parameter space have neglected this effect. Future multi-wavelength campaigns during strong flaring activity, including observations from optical to TeV gamma-rays, should enable the physical parameters to be further constrained.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, minor changes, additional reference, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Radiation force on relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei

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    Radiative deceleration of relativistic jets in active galactic nuclei as the result of inverse Compton scattering of soft photons from accretion discs is discussed. The Klein-Nishina (KN) cross section is used in the calculation of the radiation force due to inverse Compton scattering. Our result shows that deceleration due to scattering in the KN regime is important only for jets starting with a bulk Lorentz factor larger than 1000. When the bulk Lorentz factor satisfies this condition, particles scattering in the Thomson regime contribute positively to the radiation force (acceleration), but those particles scattering in the KN regime are dominant and the overall effect is deceleration. In the KN limit, the drag due to Compton scattering, though less severe than in the Thomson limit, strongly constrains the bulk Lorentz factor. Most of the power from the deceleration goes into radiation and hence the ability of the jet to transport significant power (in particle kinetic energy) out of the subparsec region is severely limited. The deceleration efficiency decreases significantly if the jet contains protons and the proton to electron number density ratio satisfies the condition np/ne0>2γmin/μpn_p/n_{e0}>2\gamma_{\rm min}/\mu_p where γmin\gamma_{\rm min} is the minimum Lorentz factor of relativistic electrons (or positrons) in the jet frame and μp\mu_p is the proton to electron mass ratio.Comment: 10 pages including 8 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA
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