49 research outputs found

    Enhanced J/psi suppression due to gluon depletion

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    The nonlinear effect of gluon depletion in the collision of large nuclei can be large. It is due to multiple scatterings among comoving partons initiated by primary scattering of partons in the colliding nuclei. The effect can give rise to substantial suppression of J/ψJ/\psi production in very large nuclei, even if the linear depletion effect is insignificant for the collisions of nuclei of smaller sizes. This mechanism offers a natural explanation of the enhanced suppression in the Pb-Pb data recently observed by NA50.Comment: 6 pages + 2 figures (in ps file), LaTex, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Mass and width of sigma(750) scalar meson from measurements of piN->pi(-)pi(+)N on polarized targets

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    The measurements of reactions πpππ+n\pi^- p_\uparrow \to \pi^- \pi^+ n at 17.2 GeV/c and π+nπ+πp\pi^+ n_\uparrow \to \pi^+ \pi^- p at 5.98 and 11.85 GeV/c made at CERN with polarized targets provide a model-independent and solution-independent evidence for a narrow scalar state sigma(750). The original chi^2 minimization method and the recent Monte Carlo method for amplitude analysis of data at 17.2 GeV/c are in excellent agreement. Both methods find that the mass distribution of the measured amplitude S2Σ|\overline S |^2\Sigma with recoil transversity ``up'' resonates near 750 MeV while the amplitude S2Σ|S|^2\Sigma with recoil transversity ``down'' is large and nonresonating. The amplitude S2Σ|S|^2\Sigma contributes as a strong background to S-wave intensity I_S = (|S|^2 + |\overline S |^2)\Sigmaanddistortsthedeterminationsof and distorts the determinations of \sigmaresonanceparametersfrom resonance parameters from I_S.ToavoidthisproblemweperformaseriesofBreitWignerfitsdirectlytothemeasureddistribution. To avoid this problem we perform a series of Breit-Wigner fits directly to the measured distribution |\overline S |^2\Sigma.Theinclusionofvariousbackgroundscausesthewidthofsigma(750)tobecomeverynarrow.Ourbestfitwith. The inclusion of various backgrounds causes the width of sigma(750) to become very narrow. Our best fit with taveragedcoherentbackgroundyields-averaged coherent background yields m_\sigma = 753 \pm 19MeVand MeV and \Gamma_\sigma = 108 \pm 53MeV.ThesevaluesareinexcellentagreementwithEllisLaniktheoremforthewidthofscalargluonium.Thegluoniuminterpretationof MeV. These values are in excellent agreement with Ellis-Lanik theorem for the width of scalar gluonium. The gluonium interpretation of \sigma(750)isalsosupportedbytheabsenceof is also supported by the absence of \sigma(750)inreactions in reactions \gamma\gamma \to \pi\pi.Wealsoshowhowdataonpolarizedtargetinvalidateessentialassumptionsofpastdeterminationsof. We also show how data on polarized target invalidate essential assumptions of past determinations of \pi\pi$ phase shifts .Comment: 77 page

    Factorization in the model of unstable particles with continuous masses

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    We study processes with unstable particles in intermediate time-like states. It is shown that the amplitudes squared of such processes factor exactly in the framework of the model of unstable particles with continuous masses. Decay widths and cross sections can then be represented in a universal factorized form for an arbitrary set of interacting particles. This exact factorization is caused by specific structure of propagators in the model. We formulate the factorization method and perform a phenomenological analysis of the factorization effects. The factorization method considerably simplifies calculations while leading to compact and reasonable results.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    ALICE: Physics Performance Report, Volume I

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    ALICE is a general-purpose heavy-ion experiment designed to study the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the LHC. It currently includes more than 900 physicists and senior engineers, from both nuclear and high-energy physics, from about 80 institutions in 28 countries. The experiment was approved in February 1997. The detailed design of the different detector systems has been laid down in a number of Technical Design Reports issued between mid-1998 and the end of 2001 and construction has started for most detectors. Since the last comprehensive information on detector and physics performance was published in the ALICE Technical Proposal in 1996, the detector as well as simulation, reconstruction and analysis software have undergone significant development. The Physics Performance Report (PPR) will give an updated and comprehensive summary of the current status and performance of the various ALICE subsystems, including updates to the Technical Design Reports, where appropriate, as well as a description of systems which have not been published in a Technical Design Report. The PPR will be published in two volumes. The current Volume I contains: 1. a short theoretical overview and an extensive reference list concerning the physics topics of interest to ALICE, 2. relevant experimental conditions at the LHC, 3. a short summary and update of the subsystem designs, and 4. a description of the offline framework and Monte Carlo generators. Volume II, which will be published separately, will contain detailed simulations of combined detector performance, event reconstruction, and analysis of a representative sample of relevant physics observables from global event characteristics to hard processes

    On the resonance

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