155 research outputs found

    Avaliação das características enológicas da cv. Alicante Bouschet produzida em uma região tropical, no Nordeste do Brasil.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as características das uvas e do vinho elaborado a partir da cultivar Alicante Bouschet, instalada em fevereiro de 2001 em um solo tipo aluvião, sendo as plantas enxertadas sobre IAC-572 (Vitis caribaea e 101-14 Mgt) e irrigadas por gotejamento

    Avaliação e seleção de clones e capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum) na Zona da Mata de Pernambuco - aspectos qualitativos.

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    A pesquisa foi realizada na Estação Experimental de Itambé-PE, Zona da Mata de Pernambuco, objetivando avaliar e selecionar clones de capim-elefante oriundos da RENACE quanto aos aspectos qualitativos. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com testemunhas adicionais, sendo avaliados 51 clones de capim- elefante, em presença de três testemunhas locais: Cameroon, Mineirão e Roxo de Botucatu, distribuídos em cinco diferentes grupos. O experimento foi conduzido de maio de 1999 a outubro de 2000, realizando-se cinco cortes do material experimental, sendo dois de uniformização e três cortes de avaliação, aos 60 dias de crescimento. Foram observados valores médios de 11,64%; 71,95%; 34,05%; 12,62%; 61,63%; 31,65%; 84, 13%; 8, 75%; 56,27%; 78,83%, 10' 76%; 62,61 %; para proteína bruta na lâmina foliar, fibra em detergente neutro na lâmina foliar, fibra em detergente ácido na lâmina foliar, proteína bruta no colmo, fibra em detergente neutro no colmo, fibra em detergente ácido no colmo, matéria orgânica rB lâmina foliar, cinzas na lâmina foliar, digestibilidade "in vitro" na lâmina foliar, matéria orgânica no colmo, cinzas no colmo, digestibilidade "in vitro" no colmo, respectivamente. Foram observadas diferenças significativas (P<0,05) para as variáveis: fibra em detergente ácido de lâmina foliar e matéria orgânica no colmo. A maioria dos clones avaliados foi similar nas condições estudadas

    Synthesis of novel sulfide-based cyclic peptidomimetic analogues to solonamides

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    Eight new sulfide-based cyclic peptidomimetic analogues of solonamides A and B have been synthesized via solid-phase peptide synthesis and SN2’ reaction on a Morita–Baylis–Hillman (MBH) residue introduced at the N-terminal of a tetrapeptide. This last step takes advantage of the electrophilic feature of the MBH residue and represents a new cyclization strategy occurring. The analogues were prepared in moderate overall yields and did not show toxic effects on Staphylococcus aureus growth and were not toxic to human fibroblasts. Two of them inhibited the hemolytic activity of S. aureus, suggesting an interfering action in the bacterial quorum sensing similar to the one already reported for solonamides

    Caractérisation de vins rouges tropicaux produits au Nord-Est du Brésil.

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    Le Nord-Est du Brésil est en train de dévenir une région assez connue pour ses vins tropicaux

    COAUTHOR - a MoU to create a COnsortium of Academics from Universities promoting the use of THORium

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    This paper describes the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the authors to create a future consortium of academics from universities to promote the utilization of thorium (COAUTHOR). Besides the description of the MoU, also results of the research conducted in each participating partner or collaborative work performed among them will be described. Finally, the future work planned in the framework of the MoU, will be discussed

    A MoU to create a COnsortium of Academics from Universities promoting the use of THORrium (COAUTHOR)

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    Nuclear Energy, primarily to produce electricity and other use, and the enveloping Nuclear Technology, as inherited from the XX Century, constitutes a controversial issue for political and economic reasons. On the one hand, the energy source is promoted in several Countries and an unavoidable mean to ensure growth for the human civilization ad suitable living standard with reduced or no impact upon the environment, on the other hand it is abandoned or going to be abandoned in other Countries which did benefit of stable economic growth. Thorium is an emblem for such a situation: huge reserves are available all over the world (primarily India, Turkey, and Brazil, but not only) and its technological worth for exploitation in current generation of thermal fission reactors is demonstrated, on the other hand no industrial use is ongoing or planned for the near future (with an exception constituted by situation in India). Moreover, research on thorium utilization in nuclear reactors and associated fuel cycles has been of academic interest for many researchers around the world. These researches are being conducted to increase the natural resource utilization, reduces the radiotoxicity, and other criteria of sustainability, by using thorium in the present time advanced reactors (Generation III), as well for the future Generation IV, mainly in Molten Salt Reactors (MSR) and in hybrid fusion/ accelerators driven system. Here we are going to describe a MoU signed by the authors to promote the utilization of thorium as nuclear fuel, and shortly describe the research activities conducted by the MoU partners

    Bacteria from tropical semiarid temporary ponds promote maize growth under hydric stress.

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    World climate change has triggered soil water stress and imposed limitations on agricultural production. Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPBs) have been an efficient strategy to improve the biological supply and growth of plants under distinct abiotic stress conditions. We hypothesized that the soils from a temporary pond may harbor PGPBs with potential strains which increase maize tolerance to water deficit. We studied rhizosphere and bulk soil of Mimosa bimucronata in a temporary pond from semiarid Northeast Brazil to access strains with characteristics to promote plant growth and mitigate abiotic stress for maize crop. We isolated 355 bacterial isolates, from which 96 were selected based on the morphophysiological characterization to assess IAA production (42 % produced over 50 ug mL-1 of IAA), calcium phosphate solubilization (with one isolate achieving medium IS), biofilm and exopolysaccharides production (66 % and 98 % of isolates, respectively). Based on these mechanisms, the 30 most promising bacterial isolates were selected to assess biological nitrogen fixation (74 % of the isolates showed nitrogenase activity greater than 20 C2H4.h-1.mg-1), ACC deaminase activity (80 % of isolates) and growth in medium with reduced water activity (8 % of isolates grew in medium with water activity (Aw) of 0.844). We sequenced the 16S rRNA gene from the seven most promising isolates in in vitro and in vivo assays, which were identified as Staphylococcus edaphicus, Bacillus wiedmannii, Micrococcus yunnanensis, Streptomyces alboflavus, Streptomyces alboflavus, Bacillus wiedmanni and Bacillus cereus. In vivo, eleven isolates and three bacterial consortia did not differ from the control with nutrient solution, for total leaf area and root dry mass of maize. S. alboflavus (BS43) had the best in vivo results, not differing from the control with nutrient solution. We highlight the unpublished potential of Staphylococcus edaphicus and Streptomyces alboflavus in promoting the growth of plants under water stress. In addition, it is the first report of bacteria isolated from a temporary pond in the Brazilian semiarid which promoting plant growth attributes and development