30 research outputs found

    Odd-Minors I: Excluding small parity breaks

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    Given a graph class~C\mathcal{C}, the C\mathcal{C}-blind-treewidth of a graph~GG is the smallest integer~kk such that~GG has a tree-decomposition where every bag whose torso does not belong to~C\mathcal{C} has size at most~kk. In this paper we focus on the class~B\mathcal{B} of bipartite graphs and the class~P\mathcal{P} of planar graphs together with the odd-minor relation. For each of the two parameters, B\mathcal{B}-blind-treewidth and (BβˆͺP){(\mathcal{B}\cup\mathcal{P})}-blind-treewidth, we prove an analogue of the celebrated Grid Theorem under the odd-minor relation. As a consequence we obtain FPT-approximation algorithms for both parameters. We then provide FPT-algorithms for \textsc{Maximum Independent Set} on graphs of bounded B\mathcal{B}-blind-treewidth and \textsc{Maximum Cut} on graphs of bounded (BβˆͺP){(\mathcal{B}\cup\mathcal{P})}-blind-treewidth

    Obstructions for bounded branch-depth in matroids

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    DeVos, Kwon, and Oum introduced the concept of branch-depth of matroids as a natural analogue of tree-depth of graphs. They conjectured that a matroid of sufficiently large branch-depth contains the uniform matroid Un,2nU_{n,2n} or the cycle matroid of a large fan graph as a minor. We prove that matroids with sufficiently large branch-depth either contain the cycle matroid of a large fan graph as a minor or have large branch-width. As a corollary, we prove their conjecture for matroids representable over a fixed finite field and quasi-graphic matroids, where the uniform matroid is not an option.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

    A unified Erd\H{o}s-P\'{o}sa theorem for cycles in graphs labelled by multiple abelian groups

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    In 1965, Erd\H{o}s and P\'{o}sa proved that there is a duality between the maximum size of a packing of cycles and the minimum size of a vertex set hitting all cycles. Such a duality does not hold for odd cycles, and Dejter and Neumann-Lara asked in 1988 to find all pairs (β„“,z){(\ell, z)} of integers where such a duality holds for the family of cycles of length β„“\ell modulo zz. We characterise all such pairs, and we further generalise this characterisation to cycles in graphs labelled with a bounded number of abelian groups, whose values avoid a bounded number of elements of each group. This unifies almost all known types of cycles that admit such a duality, and it also provides new results. Moreover, we characterise the obstructions to such a duality in this setting, and thereby obtain an analogous characterisation for cycles in graphs embeddable on a fixed compact orientable surface.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figure

    Product structure of graph classes with bounded treewidth

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    We show that many graphs with bounded treewidth can be described as subgraphs of the strong product of a graph with smaller treewidth and a bounded-size complete graph. To this end, define the "underlying treewidth" of a graph class G\mathcal{G} to be the minimum non-negative integer cc such that, for some function ff, for every graph G∈G{G \in \mathcal{G}} there is a graph HH with tw(H)≀c{\text{tw}(H) \leq c} such that GG is isomorphic to a subgraph of H⊠Kf(tw(G)){H \boxtimes K_{f(\text{tw}(G))}}. We introduce disjointed coverings of graphs and show they determine the underlying treewidth of any graph class. Using this result, we prove that the class of planar graphs has underlying treewidth 3; the class of Ks,tK_{s,t}-minor-free graphs has underlying treewidth ss (for tβ‰₯max⁑{s,3}{t \geq \max\{s,3\}}); and the class of KtK_t-minor-free graphs has underlying treewidth tβˆ’2{t-2}. In general, we prove that a monotone class has bounded underlying treewidth if and only if it excludes some fixed topological minor. We also study the underlying treewidth of graph classes defined by an excluded subgraph or excluded induced subgraph. We show that the class of graphs with no HH subgraph has bounded underlying treewidth if and only if every component of HH is a subdivided star, and that the class of graphs with no induced HH subgraph has bounded underlying treewidth if and only if every component of HH is a star

    Representations of Infinite Tree Sets

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    Tree sets are abstract structures that can be used to model various tree-shaped objects in combinatorics. Finite tree sets can be represented by finite graph-theoretical trees. We extend this representation theory to infinite tree sets. First we characterise those tree sets that can be represented by tree sets arising from infinite trees; these are precisely those tree sets without a chain of order type omega + 1. Then we introduce and study a topological generalisation of infinite trees which can have limit edges, and show that every infinite tree set can be represented by the tree set admitted by a suitable such tree-like space11Nsciescopu