1,365 research outputs found

    Non-Tychonoff e-Compactifiable Spaces

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    Stress-strain behavior and geometrical properties of packings of elongated particles

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    We present a numerical analysis of the effect of particle elongation on the quasistatic behavior of sheared granular media by means of the Contact Dynamics method. The particle shapes are rounded-cap rectangles characterized by their elongation. The macroscopic and microstructural properties of several packings subjected to biaxial compression are analyzed as a function of particle elongation. We find that the shear strength is an increasing linear function of elongation. Performing an additive decomposition of the stress tensor based on a harmonic approximation of the angular dependence of branch vectors, contact normals and forces, we show that the increasing mobilization of friction force and the associated anisotropy are key effects of particle elongation. These effects are correlated with partial nematic ordering of the particles which tend to be oriented perpendicular to the major principal stress direction and form side-to-side contacts. However, the force transmission is found to be mainly guided by cap-to-side contacts, which represent the largest fraction of contacts for the most elongated particles. Another interesting finding is that, in contrast to shear strength, the solid fraction first increases with particle elongation, but declines as the particles become more elongated. It is also remarkable that the coordination number does not follow this trend so that the packings of more elongated particles are looser but more strongly connected.Comment: Submited to Physical Review

    Gebruikservaringen met het Biofix-systeem op het Proefstation

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    In dit artikel worden de gebruikservaringen met het Biofix-systeem gedurende de aanloopperiode beschreven. Het aantal wisselingen bij de voertrog en/of agressieve interacties tussen zeugen tijdens het voeren is te hoog. Controle tijdens het voeren is nodig, vooral bij de nieuw ingezette groepe

    Non-Tychonoff ee-compactifiable spaces

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    Joint Segmentation and Uncertainty Visualization of Retinal Layers in Optical Coherence Tomography Images using Bayesian Deep Learning

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is commonly used to analyze retinal layers for assessment of ocular diseases. In this paper, we propose a method for retinal layer segmentation and quantification of uncertainty based on Bayesian deep learning. Our method not only performs end-to-end segmentation of retinal layers, but also gives the pixel wise uncertainty measure of the segmentation output. The generated uncertainty map can be used to identify erroneously segmented image regions which is useful in downstream analysis. We have validated our method on a dataset of 1487 images obtained from 15 subjects (OCT volumes) and compared it against the state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms that does not take uncertainty into account. The proposed uncertainty based segmentation method results in comparable or improved performance, and most importantly is more robust against noise

    Rheophysics of dense granular materials : Discrete simulation of plane shear flows

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    We study the steady plane shear flow of a dense assembly of frictional, inelastic disks using discrete simulation and prescribing the pressure and the shear rate. We show that, in the limit of rigid grains, the shear state is determined by a single dimensionless number, called inertial number I, which describes the ratio of inertial to pressure forces. Small values of I correspond to the quasi-static regime of soil mechanics, while large values of I correspond to the collisional regime of the kinetic theory. Those shear states are homogeneous, and become intermittent in the quasi-static regime. When I increases in the intermediate regime, we measure an approximately linear decrease of the solid fraction from the maximum packing value, and an approximately linear increase of the effective friction coefficient from the static internal friction value. From those dilatancy and friction laws, we deduce the constitutive law for dense granular flows, with a plastic Coulomb term and a viscous Bagnold term. We also show that the relative velocity fluctuations follow a scaling law as a function of I. The mechanical characteristics of the grains (restitution, friction and elasticity) have a very small influence in this intermediate regime. Then, we explain how the friction law is related to the angular distribution of contact forces, and why the local frictional forces have a small contribution to the macroscopic friction. At the end, as an example of heterogeneous stress distribution, we describe the shear localization when gravity is added.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figure

    A quadrature filter approach for registration accuracy assessment of fundus images

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    This paper presents a method to automatically assess the accuracy of image registration. It is applicable to images in which vessels are the main landmarks such as fundus images and angiography. The method simultaneously exploits not only the position, but also the intensity profile across the vasculatures. The accuracy measure is defined as the energy of the odd component of the 1D vessel profile in the difference image divided by the total energy of the corresponding vessels in the constituting images. Scale and orientation-selective quadrature filter banks have been employed to analyze the 1D signal profiles. Subsequently, the relative energy measure has been calibrated such that the measure translates to a spatial misalignment in pixels. The method was validated on a fundus image dataset from a diabetic retinopathy screening program at the Rotterdam Eye Hospital. An evaluation showed that the proposed measure assesses the registration accuracy with a bias of -0.1 pixels and a precision (standard deviation) of 0.9 pixels. The small Fourier footprint of the orientation selective quadrature filters makes the method robust against noise

    The anisotropy of granular materials

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    The effect of the anisotropy on the elastoplastic response of two dimensional packed samples of polygons is investigated here, using molecular dynamics simulation. We show a correlation between fabric coefficients, characterizing the anisotropy of the granular skeleton, and the anisotropy of the elastic response. We also study the anisotropy induced by shearing on the subnetwork of the sliding contacts. This anisotropy provides an explanation to some features of the plastic deformation of granular media.Comment: Submitted to PR