2,828 research outputs found

    Point force manipulation and activated dynamics of polymers adsorbed on structured substrates

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    We study the activated motion of adsorbed polymers which are driven over a structured substrate by a localized point force.Our theory applies to experiments with single polymers using, for example, tips of scanning force microscopes to drag the polymer.We consider both flexible and semiflexible polymers,and the lateral surface structure is represented by double-well or periodic potentials. The dynamics is governed by kink-like excitations for which we calculate shapes, energies, and critical point forces. Thermally activated motion proceeds by the nucleation of a kink-antikink pair at the point where the force is applied and subsequent diffusive separation of kink and antikink. In the stationary state of the driven polymer, the collective kink dynamics can be described by an one-dimensional symmetric simple exclusion process.Comment: 7 pages, 2 Figure

    Piezoelectric control of the magnetic anisotropy via interface strain coupling in a composite multiferroic structure

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    We investigate theoretically the magnetic dynamics in a ferroelectric/ferromagnetic heterostructure coupled via strain-mediated magnetoelectric interaction. We predict an electric field-induced magnetic switching in the plane perpendicular to the magneto-crystalline easy axis, and trace this effect back to the piezoelectric control of the magnetoelastic coupling. We also investigate the magnetic remanence and the electric coercivity

    Fcc breathing instability in BaBiO_3 from first principles

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    We present first-principles density-functional calculations using the local density approximation to investigate the structural instability of cubic perovskite BaBiO_3. This material might exhibit charge disproportionation and some evidence thereof has been linked to the appearance of an additional, fourth peak in the experimental IR spectrum. However, our results suggest that the origin of this additional peak can be understood within the picture of a simple structural instability. While the true instability consists of an oxygen-octahedra breathing distortion and a small octahedra rotation, we find that the breathing alone in a fcc-type cell doubling is sufficient to explain the fourth peak in the IR spectrum. Our results show that the oscillator strength of this particular mode is of the same order of magnitude as the other three modes, in agreement with experiment.Comment: submitted to PRB, completely revised version after referee repor

    Polar phonons and intrinsic dielectric response of the ferromagnetic insulating spinel CdCr2_2S4_4 from first principles

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    We have studied the dielectric properties of the ferromagnetic spinel CdCr2_2S4_4 from first principles. Zone-center phonons and Born effective charges were calculated by frozen-phonon and Berry phase techniques within LSDA+U. We find that all infrared-active phonons are quite stable within the cubic space group. The calculated static dielectric constant agrees well with previous measurements. These results suggest that the recently observed anomalous dielectric behavior in CdCr2_2S4_4 is not due to the softening of a polar mode. We suggest further experiments to clarify this point

    Enhancement of piezoelectricity in a mixed ferroelectric

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    We use first-principles density-functional total energy and polarization calculations to calculate the piezoelectric tensor at zero temperature for both cubic and simple tetragonal ordered supercells of Pb_3GeTe_4. The largest piezoelectric coefficient for the tetragonal configuration is enhanced by a factor of about three with respect to that of the cubic configuration. This can be attributed to both the larger strain-induced motion of cations relative to anions and higher Born effective charges in the tetragonal case. A normal mode decomposition shows that both cation ordering and local relaxation weaken the ferroelectric instability, enhancing piezoelectricity.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, 2 eps figure

    d0 Perovskite-Semiconductor Electronic Structure

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    We address the low-energy effective Hamiltonian of electron doped d0 perovskite semiconductors in cubic and tetragonal phases using the k*p method. The Hamiltonian depends on the spin-orbit interaction strength, on the temperature-dependent tetragonal distortion, and on a set of effective-mass parameters whose number is determined by the symmetry of the crystal. We explain how these parameters can be extracted from angle resolved photo-emission, Raman spectroscopy, and magneto-transport measurements and estimate their values in SrTiO3

    First-principles theory of ferroelectric phase transitions for perovskites: The case of BaTiO3

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    We carry out a completely first-principles study of the ferroelectric phase transitions in BaTiO3_3. Our approach takes advantage of two features of these transitions: the structural changes are small, and only low-energy distortions are important. Based on these observations, we make systematically improvable approximations which enable the parameterization of the complicated energy surface. The parameters are determined from first-principles total-energy calculations using ultra-soft pseudopotentials and a preconditioned conjugate-gradient scheme. The resulting effective Hamiltonian is then solved by Monte Carlo simulation. The calculated phase sequence, transition temperatures, latent heats, and spontaneous polarizations are all in good agreement with experiment. We find the transitions to be intermediate between order-disorder and displacive character. We find all three phase transitions to be of first order. The roles of different interactions are discussed.Comment: 33 pages latex file, 9 figure

    Formalizing Mathematical Knowledge as a Biform Theory Graph: A Case Study

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    A biform theory is a combination of an axiomatic theory and an algorithmic theory that supports the integration of reasoning and computation. These are ideal for formalizing algorithms that manipulate mathematical expressions. A theory graph is a network of theories connected by meaning-preserving theory morphisms that map the formulas of one theory to the formulas of another theory. Theory graphs are in turn well suited for formalizing mathematical knowledge at the most convenient level of abstraction using the most convenient vocabulary. We are interested in the problem of whether a body of mathematical knowledge can be effectively formalized as a theory graph of biform theories. As a test case, we look at the graph of theories encoding natural number arithmetic. We used two different formalisms to do this, which we describe and compare. The first is realized in CTTuqe{\rm CTT}_{\rm uqe}, a version of Church's type theory with quotation and evaluation, and the second is realized in Agda, a dependently typed programming language.Comment: 43 pages; published without appendices in: H. Geuvers et al., eds, Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 10383, pp. 9-24, Springer, 201

    Temperature-dependent Raman scattering of DyScO3 and GdScO3 single crystals

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    We report a temperature-dependent Raman scattering investigation of DyScO3 and GdScO3 single crystals from room temperature up to 1200 {\deg}C. With increasing temperature, all modes decrease monotonously in wavenumber without anomaly, which attests the absence of a structural phase transition. The high temperature spectral signature and extrapolation of band positions to higher temperatures suggest a decreasing orthorhombic distortion towards the ideal cubic structure. Our study indicates that this orthorhombic-to-cubic phase transition is close to or higher than the melting point of both rare-earth scandates (\approx 2100 {\deg}C), which might exclude the possibility of the experimental observation of such a phase transition before melting. The temperature-dependent shift of Raman phonons is also discussed in the context of thermal expansion
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