9 research outputs found

    Potential of the Eu:LYB crystal as a laser material for DPSS lasers emitting at 613 nm

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    We show the spectroscopic properties of a new potential laser crystal in the visible range. The Eu-doped borate compound has the structure Eu3+:Li6Y(BO3)3 with a doping concentration of about 25%. We studied the absorption and emission spectra of the crystal and calculated the gain cross sections. The compound shows a strong emission peak at 613 nm and absorption at 394 nm, which is compatible with pumping by new blue laser diodes. These features make the Eu:LYB crystal a very interesting candidate for the development of DPSS lasers emitting in the visible range

    Humulus lupulus L., a very popular beer ingredient and medicinal plant: overview of its phytochemistry, its bioactivity, and its biotechnology

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    National audienceHumulus lupulus L. (Cannabaceae), commonly named hop, is widely grown around the world for its use in the brewing industry. Its female inflorescences (hops) are particularly prized by brewers because they produce some secondary metabolites that confer bitterness, aromas and antiseptic properties to the beer. These sought-after metabolites include terpenes and sesquiterpenes, found in essential oil, but also prenylated phenolic compounds, mainly acylphloroglucinols (bitter acids) from the series of alpha-acids (humulone derivatives). These metabolites have shown numerous biological activities, including among others, antimicrobial, sedative and estrogenic properties. This review provides an inventory of hop's chemistry, with an emphasis on the secondary metabolites and their biological activities. These compounds of biological interest are essentially produced in female inflorescences, while other parts of the plant only synthetize low quantities of them. Lastly, our article provides an overview of the research in plant biotechnology that could bring alternatives for hops metabolites production

    Humulus lupulus L., a very popular beer ingredient and medicinal plant: overview of its phytochemistry, its bioactivity, and its biotechnology

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