899 research outputs found

    Chaos modified wall formula damping of the surface motion of a cavity undergoing fissionlike shape evolutions

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    The chaos weighted wall formula developed earlier for systems with partially chaotic single particle motion is applied to large amplitude collective motions similar to those in nuclear fission. Considering an ideal gas in a cavity undergoing fission-like shape evolutions, the irreversible energy transfer to the gas is dynamically calculated and compared with the prediction of the chaos weighted wall formula. We conclude that the chaos weighted wall formula provides a fairly accurate description of one body dissipation in dynamical systems similar to fissioning nuclei. We also find a qualitative similarity between the phenomenological friction in nuclear fission and the chaos weighted wall formula. This provides further evidence for one body nature of the dissipative force acting in a fissioning nucleus.Comment: 8 pages (RevTex), 7 Postscript figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.C., Section I (Introduction) is modified to discuss some other works (138 kb

    Chaoticity and Shell Effects in the Nearest-Neighbor Distributions

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    Statistics of the single-particle levels in a deformed Woods-Saxon potential is analyzed in terms of the Poisson and Wigner nearest-neighbor distributions for several deformations and multipolarities of its surface distortions. We found the significant differences of all the distributions with a fixed value of the angular momentum projection of the particle, more closely to the Wigner distribution, in contrast to the full spectra with Poisson-like behavior. Important shell effects are observed in the nearest neighbor spacing distributions, the larger the smaller deformations of the surface multipolarities.Comment: 10 pages and 9 figure

    Weighted pluricomplex energy

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    We study the complex Monge-Ampre operator on the classes of finite pluricomplex energy Eχ(Ω)\mathcal{E}_\chi (\Omega) in the general case (χ(0)=0\chi(0)=0 i.e. the total Monge-Ampre mass may be infinite). We establish an interpretation of these classes in terms of the speed of decrease of the capacity of sublevel sets and give a complete description of the range of the operator (ddc⋅)n(dd^c \cdot)^n on the classes Eχ(Ω).\mathcal{E}\chi(\Omega).Comment: Contrary to what we claimed in the previous version, in Theorem 5.1 we generalize some Theorem of Urban Cegrell but we do not give a new proof. To appear in Potenial Analysi

    On the Complexity of tt-Closeness Anonymization and Related Problems

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    An important issue in releasing individual data is to protect the sensitive information from being leaked and maliciously utilized. Famous privacy preserving principles that aim to ensure both data privacy and data integrity, such as kk-anonymity and ll-diversity, have been extensively studied both theoretically and empirically. Nonetheless, these widely-adopted principles are still insufficient to prevent attribute disclosure if the attacker has partial knowledge about the overall sensitive data distribution. The tt-closeness principle has been proposed to fix this, which also has the benefit of supporting numerical sensitive attributes. However, in contrast to kk-anonymity and ll-diversity, the theoretical aspect of tt-closeness has not been well investigated. We initiate the first systematic theoretical study on the tt-closeness principle under the commonly-used attribute suppression model. We prove that for every constant tt such that 0≤t<10\leq t<1, it is NP-hard to find an optimal tt-closeness generalization of a given table. The proof consists of several reductions each of which works for different values of tt, which together cover the full range. To complement this negative result, we also provide exact and fixed-parameter algorithms. Finally, we answer some open questions regarding the complexity of kk-anonymity and ll-diversity left in the literature.Comment: An extended abstract to appear in DASFAA 201
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