31,706 research outputs found

    Singularity dominated strong fluctuations for some random matrix averages

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    The circular and Jacobi ensembles of random matrices have their eigenvalue support on the unit circle of the complex plane and the interval (0,1)(0,1) of the real line respectively. The averaged value of the modulus of the corresponding characteristic polynomial raised to the power 2μ2 \mu diverges, for 2μ≤−12\mu \le -1, at points approaching the eigenvalue support. Using the theory of generalized hypergeometric functions based on Jack polynomials, the functional form of the leading asymptotic behaviour is established rigorously. In the circular ensemble case this confirms a conjecture of Berry and Keating.Comment: 11 pages, to appear Commun. Math. Phy

    Nodal domain distributions for quantum maps

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    The statistics of the nodal lines and nodal domains of the eigenfunctions of quantum billiards have recently been observed to be fingerprints of the chaoticity of the underlying classical motion by Blum et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 88 (2002), 114101) and by Bogomolny and Schmit (Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 88 (2002), 114102). These statistics were shown to be computable from the random wave model of the eigenfunctions. We here study the analogous problem for chaotic maps whose phase space is the two-torus. We show that the distributions of the numbers of nodal points and nodal domains of the eigenvectors of the corresponding quantum maps can be computed straightforwardly and exactly using random matrix theory. We compare the predictions with the results of numerical computations involving quantum perturbed cat maps.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures. Second version: minor correction

    Observing the Galaxy's massive black hole with gravitational wave bursts

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    An extreme-mass-ratio burst (EMRB) is a gravitational wave signal emitted when a compact object passes through periapsis on a highly eccentric orbit about a much more massive object, in our case a stellar mass object about a 10^6 M_sol black hole. EMRBs are a relatively unexplored means of probing the spacetime of massive black holes (MBHs). We conduct an investigation of the properties of EMRBs and how they could allow us to constrain the parameters, such as spin, of the Galaxy's MBH. We find that if an EMRB event occurs in the Galaxy, it should be detectable for periapse distances r_p < 65 r_g for a \mu = 10 M_sol orbiting object, where r_g = GM/c^2 is the gravitational radius. The signal-to-noise ratio scales as \rho ~ -2.7 log(r_p/r_g) + log(\mu/M_sol) + 4.9. For periapses r_p < 10 r_g, EMRBs can be informative, and provide good constraints on both the MBH's mass and spin. Closer orbits provide better constraints, with the best giving accuracies of better than one part in 10^4 for both the mass and spin parameter.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figures, 1 appendix. One more typo fixe

    Expectations for extreme-mass-ratio bursts from the Galactic Centre

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    When a compact object on a highly eccentric orbit about a much more massive body passes through periapsis it emits a short gravitational wave signal known as an extreme-mass-ratio burst (EMRB). We consider stellar mass objects orbiting the massive black hole (MBH) found in the Galactic Centre. EMRBs provide a novel means of extracting information about the MBH; an EMRB from the Galactic MBH could be highly informative regarding the MBH's mass and spin if the orbital periapsis is small enough. However, to be a useful astronomical tool EMRBs must be both informative and sufficiently common to be detectable with a space-based interferometer. We construct a simple model to predict the event rate for Galactic EMRBs. We estimate there could be on average ~2 bursts in a two year mission lifetime for LISA. Stellar mass black holes dominate the event rate. Creating a sample of 100 mission realisations, we calculate what we could learn about the MBH. On average, we expect to be able to determine the MBH mass to ~1% and the spin to ~0.1 using EMRBs.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, 2 appendices. Minor changes to reflect published versio

    Methods of calculation of a friction coefficient: Application to the nanotubes

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    In this work we develop theoretical and numerical methods of calculation of a dynamic friction coefficient. The theoretical method is based on an adiabatic approximation which allows us to express the dynamic friction coefficient in terms of the time integral of the autocorrelation function of the force between both sliding objects. The motion of the objects and the autocorrelation function can be numerically calculated by molecular-dynamics simulations. We have successfully applied these methods to the evaluation of the dynamic friction coefficient of the relative motion of two concentric carbon nanotubes. The dynamic friction coefficient is shown to increase with the temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Charge order in Magnetite. An LDA+UU study

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    The electronic structure of the monoclinic structure of Fe3_3O4_4 is studied using both the local density approximation (LDA) and the LDA+UU. The LDA gives only a small charge disproportionation, thus excluding that the structural distortion should be sufficient to give a charge order. The LDA+UU results in a charge disproportion along the c-axis in good agreement with the experiment. We also show how the effective UU can be calculated within the augmented plane wave methods

    Decimation and Harmonic Inversion of Periodic Orbit Signals

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    We present and compare three generically applicable signal processing methods for periodic orbit quantization via harmonic inversion of semiclassical recurrence functions. In a first step of each method, a band-limited decimated periodic orbit signal is obtained by analytical frequency windowing of the periodic orbit sum. In a second step, the frequencies and amplitudes of the decimated signal are determined by either Decimated Linear Predictor, Decimated Pade Approximant, or Decimated Signal Diagonalization. These techniques, which would have been numerically unstable without the windowing, provide numerically more accurate semiclassical spectra than does the filter-diagonalization method.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    The design of digital-adaptive controllers for VTOL aircraft

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    Design procedures for VTOL automatic control systems have been developed and are presented. Using linear-optimal estimation and control techniques as a starting point, digital-adaptive control laws have been designed for the VALT Research Aircraft, a tandem-rotor helicopter which is equipped for fully automatic flight in terminal area operations. These control laws are designed to interface with velocity-command and attitude-command guidance logic, which could be used in short-haul VTOL operations. Developments reported here include new algorithms for designing non-zero-set-point digital regulators, design procedures for rate-limited systems, and algorithms for dynamic control trim setting

    Modern digital flight control system design for VTOL aircraft

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    Methods for and results from the design and evaluation of a digital flight control system (DFCS) for a CH-47B helicopter are presented. The DFCS employed proportional-integral control logic to provide rapid, precise response to automatic or manual guidance commands while following conventional or spiral-descent approach paths. It contained altitude- and velocity-command modes, and it adapted to varying flight conditions through gain scheduling. Extensive use was made of linear systems analysis techniques. The DFCS was designed, using linear-optimal estimation and control theory, and the effects of gain scheduling are assessed by examination of closed-loop eigenvalues and time responses

    Evidence for the Validity of the Berry-Robnik Surmise in a Periodically Pulsed Spin System

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    We study the statistical properties of the spectrum of a quantum dynamical system whose classical counterpart has a mixed phase space structure consisting of two regular regions separated by a chaotical one. We make use of a simple symmetry of the system to separate the eigenstates of the time-evolution operator into two classes in agreement with the Percival classification scheme \cite{Per}. We then use a method firstly developed by Bohigas et. al. \cite{BoUlTo} to evaluate the fractional measure of states belonging to the regular class, and finally present the level spacings statistics for each class which confirm the validity of the Berry-Robnik surmise in our model.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures available upon request, Latex fil
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