717 research outputs found

    On the buckling of bars and plates in the plastic range. Part II

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    A review is made of existing literature concerning comparison with experiment of various theoretical formulas for buckling of plates in the plastic region. The significance and relative merits of various theories are discussed

    Comparing theories: the dynamics of changing vocabulary. A case-study in relativity theory

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    There are several first-order logic (FOL) axiomatizations of special relativity theory in the literature, all looking essentially different but claiming to axiomatize the same physical theory. In this paper, we elaborate a comparison, in the framework of mathematical logic, between these FOL theories for special relativity. For this comparison, we use a version of mathematical definability theory in which new entities can also be defined besides new relations over already available entities. In particular, we build an interpretation of the reference-frame oriented theory SpecRel into the observationally oriented Signalling theory of James Ax. This interpretation provides SpecRel with an operational/experimental semantics. Then we make precise, "quantitative" comparisons between these two theories via using the notion of definitional equivalence. This is an application of logic to the philosophy of science and physics in the spirit of Johan van Benthem's work.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures. To appear in Springer Book series Trends in Logi

    Changing a semantics: opportunism or courage?

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    The generalized models for higher-order logics introduced by Leon Henkin, and their multiple offspring over the years, have become a standard tool in many areas of logic. Even so, discussion has persisted about their technical status, and perhaps even their conceptual legitimacy. This paper gives a systematic view of generalized model techniques, discusses what they mean in mathematical and philosophical terms, and presents a few technical themes and results about their role in algebraic representation, calibrating provability, lowering complexity, understanding fixed-point logics, and achieving set-theoretic absoluteness. We also show how thinking about Henkin's approach to semantics of logical systems in this generality can yield new results, dispelling the impression of adhocness. This paper is dedicated to Leon Henkin, a deep logician who has changed the way we all work, while also being an always open, modest, and encouraging colleague and friend.Comment: 27 pages. To appear in: The life and work of Leon Henkin: Essays on his contributions (Studies in Universal Logic) eds: Manzano, M., Sain, I. and Alonso, E., 201

    On the Right Path: A Modal Logic for Supervised Learning

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    Formal learning theory formalizes the process of inferring a general result from examples, as in the case of inferring grammars from sentences when learning a language. Although empirical evidence suggests that children can learn a language without responding to the correction of linguistic mistakes, the importance of Teacher in many other paradigms is significant. Instead of focusing only on learner(s), this work develops a general framework---the supervised learning game (SLG)---to investigate the interaction between Teacher and Learner. In particular, our proposal highlights several interesting features of the agents: on the one hand,Learner may make mistakes in the learning process, and she may also ignore the potential relation between different hypotheses; on the other hand, Teacher is able to correct Learner's mistakes, eliminate potential mistakes and point out the facts ignored by Learner. To reason about strategies in this game, we develop a modal logic of supervised learning (SLL). Broadly, this work takes a small step towards studying the interaction between graph games, logics and formal learning theory.Comment: The paper was accepted by LORI 2019. But due to the page-limit constraints, that Proceedings version does not include any proofs. In this version, we show the proofs for the result

    Aperture array development for future large radio telescopes

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    We present the design of a phased array system for future radio telescopes. This includes a system overview and recent results of the designed and implemented system, the Electronic Multi-Beam Radio Astronomy Concept (EMBRACE). Furthermore, simulations with a full-EM antenna simulator, combined with measurements on actual hardware, will provide information for the next design step, the Aperture Array Verification System (AAVS). With AAVS, we will prove design readiness of this novel array technology

    On Semantic Gamification

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    The purpose of this essay is to study the extent in which the semantics for different logical systems can be represented game theoretically. I will begin by considering different definitions of what it means to gamify a semantics, and show completeness and limitative results. In particular, I will argue that under a proper definition of gamification, all finitely algebraizable logics can be gamified, as well as some infinitely algebraizable ones (like Łukasiewicz) and some non-algebraizable (like intuitionistic and van Fraassen supervaluation logic)