635 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Three Agent Games

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    We study the dynamics and resulting score distribution of three-agent games where after each competition a single agent wins and scores a point. A single competition is described by a triplet of numbers pp, tt and qq denoting the probabilities that the team with the highest, middle or lowest accumulated score wins. We study the full family of solutions in the regime, where the number of agents and competitions is large, which can be regarded as a hydrodynamic limit. Depending on the parameter values (p,q,t)(p,q,t), we find six qualitatively different asymptotic score distributions and we also provide a qualitative understanding of these results. We checked our analytical results against numerical simulations of the microscopic model and find these to be in excellent agreement. The three agent game can be regarded as a social model where a player can be favored or disfavored for advancement, based on his/her accumulated score. It is also possible to decide the outcome of a three agent game through a mini tournament of two-a gent competitions among the participating players and it turns out that the resulting possible score distributions are a subset of those obtained for the general three agent-games. We discuss how one can add a steady and democratic decline rate to the model and present a simple geometric construction that allows one to write down the corresponding score evolution equations for nn-agent games

    Dynamics of Multi-Player Games

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    We analyze the dynamics of competitions with a large number of players. In our model, n players compete against each other and the winner is decided based on the standings: in each competition, the mth ranked player wins. We solve for the long time limit of the distribution of the number of wins for all n and m and find three different scenarios. When the best player wins, the standings are most competitive as there is one-tier with a clear differentiation between strong and weak players. When an intermediate player wins, the standings are two-tier with equally-strong players in the top tier and clearly-separated players in the lower tier. When the worst player wins, the standings are least competitive as there is one tier in which all of the players are equal. This behavior is understood via scaling analysis of the nonlinear evolution equations.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    The Morphologically Divided Redshift Distribution of Faint Galaxies

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    We have constructed a morphologically divided redshift distribution of faint field galaxies using a statistically unbiased sample of 196 galaxies brighter than I = 21.5 for which detailed morphological information (from the Hubble Space Telescope) as well as ground-based spectroscopic redshifts are available. Galaxies are classified into 3 rough morphological types according to their visual appearance (E/S0s, Spirals, Sdm/dE/Irr/Pec's), and redshift distributions are constructed for each type. The most striking feature is the abundance of low to moderate redshift Sdm/dE/Irr/Pec's at I < 19.5. This confirms that the faint end slope of the luminosity function (LF) is steep (alpha < -1.4) for these objects. We also find that Sdm/dE/Irr/Pec's are fairly abundant at moderate redshifts, and this can be explained by strong luminosity evolution. However, the normalization factor (or the number density) of the LF of Sdm/dE/Irr/Pec's is not much higher than that of the local LF of Sdm/dE/Irr/Pec's. Furthermore, as we go to fainter magnitudes, the abundance of moderate to high redshift Irr/Pec's increases considerably. This cannot be explained by strong luminosity evolution of the dwarf galaxy populations alone: these Irr/Pec's are probably the progenitors of present day ellipticals and spiral galaxies which are undergoing rapid star formation or merging with their neighbors. On the other hand, the redshift distributions of E/S0s and spirals are fairly consistent those expected from passive luminosity evolution, and are only in slight disagreement with the non-evolving model.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures (published in ApJ

    Ballistic Annihilation

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    Ballistic annihilation with continuous initial velocity distributions is investigated in the framework of Boltzmann equation. The particle density and the rms velocity decay as c=tαc=t^{-\alpha} and =tβ=t^{-\beta}, with the exponents depending on the initial velocity distribution and the spatial dimension. For instance, in one dimension for the uniform initial velocity distribution we find β=0.230472...\beta=0.230472.... We also solve the Boltzmann equation for Maxwell particles and very hard particles in arbitrary spatial dimension. These solvable cases provide bounds for the decay exponents of the hard sphere gas.Comment: 4 RevTeX pages and 1 Eps figure; submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Kinetics of Clustering in Traffic Flows

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    We study a simple aggregation model that mimics the clustering of traffic on a one-lane roadway. In this model, each ``car'' moves ballistically at its initial velocity until it overtakes the preceding car or cluster. After this encounter, the incident car assumes the velocity of the cluster which it has just joined. The properties of the initial distribution of velocities in the small velocity limit control the long-time properties of the aggregation process. For an initial velocity distribution with a power-law tail at small velocities, \pvim as v0v \to 0, a simple scaling argument shows that the average cluster size grows as n \sim t^{\va} and that the average velocity decays as v \sim t^{-\vb} as tt\to \infty. We derive an analytical solution for the survival probability of a single car and an asymptotically exact expression for the joint mass-velocity distribution function. We also consider the properties of spatially heterogeneous traffic and the kinetics of traffic clustering in the presence of an input of cars.Comment: 18 pages, Plain TeX, 2 postscript figure

    The Relationship Between Stellar Light Distributions of Galaxies and their Formation Histories

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    A major problem in extragalactic astronomy is the inability to distinguish in a robust, physical, and model independent way how galaxy populations are related to each other and to their formation histories. A similar, but distinct, and also long standing question is whether the structural appearances of galaxies, as seen through their stellar light distributions, contain enough physical information to offer this classification. We argue through the use of 240 images of nearby galaxies that three model independent parameters measured on a single galaxy image reveal its major ongoing and past formation modes, and can be used as a robust classification system. These parameters quantitatively measure: the concentration (C), asymmetry (A) and clumpiness (S) of a galaxy's stellar light distribution. When combined into a three dimensional `CAS' volume all major classes of galaxies in various phases of evolution are cleanly distinguished. We argue that these three parameters correlate with important modes of galaxy evolution: star formation and major merging activity. This is argued through the strong correlation of Halpha equivalent width and broad band colors with the clumpiness parameter, the uniquely large asymmetries of 66 galaxies undergoing mergers, and the correlation of bulge to total light ratios, and stellar masses, with the concentration index. As an obvious goal is to use this system at high redshifts to trace evolution, we demonstrate that these parameters can be measured, within a reasonable and quantifiable uncertainty, with available data out to z ~ 3 using the Hubble Space Telescope GOODS ACS and Hubble Deep Field images.Comment: ApJS, in press, 30 pages, Figures 15 and 16 are in color. For a full resolution version, please go to http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~cc/cas.p

    Persistence with Partial Survival

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    We introduce a parameter pp, called partial survival, in the persistence of stochastic processes and show that for smooth processes the persistence exponent θ(p)\theta(p) changes continuously with pp, θ(0)\theta(0) being the usual persistence exponent. We compute θ(p)\theta(p) exactly for a one-dimensional deterministic coarsening model, and approximately for the diffusion equation. Finally we develop an exact, systematic series expansion for θ(p)\theta(p), in powers of ϵ=1p\epsilon=1-p, for a general Gaussian process with finite density of zero crossings.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, references added, to appear in Phys.Rev.Let

    Persistence in Cluster--Cluster Aggregation

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    Persistence is considered in diffusion--limited cluster--cluster aggregation, in one dimension and when the diffusion coefficient of a cluster depends on its size ss as D(s)sγD(s) \sim s^\gamma. The empty and filled site persistences are defined as the probabilities, that a site has been either empty or covered by a cluster all the time whereas the cluster persistence gives the probability of a cluster to remain intact. The filled site one is nonuniversal. The empty site and cluster persistences are found to be universal, as supported by analytical arguments and simulations. The empty site case decays algebraically with the exponent θE=2/(2γ)\theta_E = 2/(2 - \gamma). The cluster persistence is related to the small ss behavior of the cluster size distribution and behaves also algebraically for 0γ<20 \le \gamma < 2 while for γ<0\gamma < 0 the behavior is stretched exponential. In the scaling limit tt \to \infty and K(t)K(t) \to \infty with t/K(t)t/K(t) fixed the distribution of intervals of size kk between persistent regions scales as n(k;t)=K2f(k/K)n(k;t) = K^{-2} f(k/K), where K(t)tθK(t) \sim t^\theta is the average interval size and f(y)=eyf(y) = e^{-y}. For finite tt the scaling is poor for ktzk \ll t^z, due to the insufficient separation of the two length scales: the distances between clusters, tzt^z, and that between persistent regions, tθt^\theta. For the size distribution of persistent regions the time and size dependences separate, the latter being independent of the diffusion exponent γ\gamma but depending on the initial cluster size distribution.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, RevTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Competitive random sequential adsorption of point and fixed-sized particles: analytical results

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    We study the kinetics of competitive random sequential adsorption (RSA) of particles of binary mixture of points and fixed-sized particles within the mean-field approach. The present work is a generalization of the random car parking problem in the sense that it considers the case when either a car of fixed size is parked with probability q or the parking space is partitioned into two smaller spaces with probability (1-q) at each time event. This allows an interesting interplay between the classical RSA problem at one extreme (q=1), and the kinetics of fragmentation processes at the other extreme (q=0). We present exact analytical results for coverage for a whole range of q values, and physical explanations are given for different aspects of the problem. In addition, a comprehensive account of the scaling theory, emphasizing on dimensional analysis, is presented, and the exact expression for the scaling function and exponents are obtained.Comment: 7 pages, latex, 3 figure

    Jamming transition in a homogeneous one-dimensional system: the Bus Route Model

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    We present a driven diffusive model which we call the Bus Route Model. The model is defined on a one-dimensional lattice, with each lattice site having two binary variables, one of which is conserved (``buses'') and one of which is non-conserved (``passengers''). The buses are driven in a preferred direction and are slowed down by the presence of passengers who arrive with rate lambda. We study the model by simulation, heuristic argument and a mean-field theory. All these approaches provide strong evidence of a transition between an inhomogeneous ``jammed'' phase (where the buses bunch together) and a homogeneous phase as the bus density is increased. However, we argue that a strict phase transition is present only in the limit lambda -> 0. For small lambda, we argue that the transition is replaced by an abrupt crossover which is exponentially sharp in 1/lambda. We also study the coarsening of gaps between buses in the jammed regime. An alternative interpretation of the model is given in which the spaces between ``buses'' and the buses themselves are interchanged. This describes a system of particles whose mobility decreases the longer they have been stationary and could provide a model for, say, the flow of a gelling or sticky material along a pipe.Comment: 17 pages Revtex, 20 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.