9 research outputs found

    Pesticides and the biochemistry of the liver

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    Ispitan je uticaj pesticida lindana, binapakrila i parationa na: sadržaj citohroma P450, glutationa, sulf- i methemoglobina, aktivnosti lipoperoksidaze, ksantinoksidaze i transaminaza (SGOT i SPGT). Takođe je ispitivana njihovo delovanje na relativnu masu jetre i vijabilnost izolovanih hepatocita. Eksperimentalne životinje su bili pacovi rase Wistar a merenja su vršena u homogenatu jetre i izolovanim vijabilnim hepatocitima. Lindan je u homogenatu jetre i izolovanim vijabilnim hepatocitima smanjio sadržaj glutationa i aktivnost ksantinoksidaze. Povećana je masa jetre i sadržaj citohroma P450, dok je kod izolovanih hepatocita smanjena vijabilnost ćelija i sadržaj citohroma P450.· Binapakril je uticao na smanjenje sadržaja glutationa i aktivnost ksantinoksidaze a povećao je aktivnost lipoperoksidaze u ogledu sa homogenatom jetre i u izolovanim hepatocitima. Takođe je povećao sadržaj citohroma P450 i povećao smrtnost ćelija kod izolovanih hepatocita, a u in vivo pokusu smanjio je sadržaj citohroma P 450 i povećao masu jetre. Paration je povećao sadržaj citohroma P450 i aktivnost lipoperoksidaze a smanjio sadržaj glutationa u oba ogleda. Smanjio je vijabilnost hepatocita, a povećao masu jetre. Aktivnost ksantinoksidaze je smanjio u ogledu sa izolovanim hepatocitima, a povećao u homogenatu jetre. Sva tri pesticida su smanjila sadržaj glutationa u krvi, dok na ostale ispitivane parametre u krvi nisu bitnije uticali.The effects of various pesticides (lindane, binapacrile and parathion) on the content of cytochrome P450 and glutathione, and on the activity of lipoperoxidase, xanthine oxidase and transaminases (SGOT and SPGT) were examined. Other parameters, such as the relative liver mass and hepatocyte viability were also estimated. All the studied parameters in the liver homogenate and in hepatocytes were changed by binapacrile, whereas in blood only the glutathione level was altered. Lindane produced an effect on all the parameters. In hepatocytes it did not affect only the lipoperoxidase activity. In the blood it changed only the level of glutathione content. Parathion, in the liver homogenate, changed all of the parameters examined, whereas in hepatocytes only lipoperoxidase activity remained unchanged. In the blood parathion caused a slight increase in the sulphhaemoglobin level and decreased the glutathione content

    Xenobiotics and biochemical parameters of isolated rat hepatocytes

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    U radu su ispitivane promene nekih biohemijskih parametara jetre pod uticajem induktora (grizeofulvin i fenitoin) i inhibitora (metronidazol, hloramfenikol i fenilbutazon), citohroma P-450, lekova sa purinskom strukturom (aminofilin, ksantinolnikotinat, pentoksifilin, azatioprin, tiogvanin i 6-merkaptopurin) i spojeva iz grupe pesticida (lindan, binapikril, paration). Ispitivani su sledeći parametri: vijabilnost hepatocita, sadržaj glutationa i citohroma P-450, te aktivnost ksantinoksidaze i lipoperoksidaze. Ogledi na Wistar pacovima vršeni su na dva načina. U ogledima in vivo životinje su tokom tri dana dobijale navedene supstance, nakon čega su izolirani hepatociti i određivani biokemijski parametri. U ogledima in vitro vijabilni hepatociti su inkubirani tokom tri časa navedenim supstancama nakon čega su određivani biohemijski parametri. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su vijabilnost hepatocita i osta i posmatrani parametri najjače promenjeni pod uticajem hloramfenikola, azatioprina i parationa, dok ostale supstance ispoljavaju znatno manji efekt.The authors investigated the effects of the inductors (griseofulvin and fenitoin) and the inhibitors of the cytochrome P-450 (metronidazole, chloramphenicol and phenylbutazone), the effects of the drugs with the purine structure (aminophylline, xanthinol-nicotmate, pentoxiphylline, azothioprine, thioguanine, 6-mercaptopurine), and the effects of several pesticides (lmdane, binapicrile, paratbion) on some biochemical parameters of the rat liver. The following parameters were determined: viability of hepatocytes, the content of glutathione and cytochrome P-450, and the activity of xanthinoxidase and hpoperoxidase. The experiments were performed in vivo and in vitro. The results showed that the cell viability as well as the other parameters studied, were most drastically affected by chloramphenicol, azathioprine and parathion, whereas the other substances elicited less intensive changes

    The effect of chlorinated aromatic compounds on isolated hepatocytes

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    Ispitan je efekt 1,2-dihlorbenzena, 1,2,3,4- tetrahlorbenzena, 1,2,3,5- -tetrahlorbenzena, pentahlorbenzena, heksahlorbenzena i Arohlora 1254 na aktivnost enzima lipoperoksidaze i ksantinoksidaze, sadržaj citohroma P-450 i glutationa u izolovanim hepatocitima. Vijabilnost hepatocita bila je smanjena kod primene svih ispitivanih supstancija. 1,2- dihlorbenzen je smanjio sadržaj citohroma P-450 kao i aktivnost enzima, a ostali hlorbenzeni povećavali su aktivnosti enzima, ali nisu uticali na sadržaj citohroma P-450. Arohlor 1254 je povećao sadržaj citohroma P-450, a nije uticao na enzimsku aktivnost. Svi ispitivani spojevi su smanjili sadržaj glutationa.The effects of 1,2-dichlorbenzene, 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorbenzene, 1,2,3,5-tetrachlorbenzene, pentachlorbenzene, hexachlorbenzene and Arochlor 1254 on hepatocyte functions were investigated. The viability of hepatocytes as well as glutathione concentration were decreased in all treatments. 1,2- dichlorbenzene diminished the content of cytochrome P-450 and decreased lipoperoxydase and xantinoxydase activities. Under the same conditions the other compounds investigated increased lipoperoxydase and xantinoxydase activities without influencing cytochrome P-450 content. Arochlor 1254 increased the content of cytocrome P-450 in hepatocytes, but had no effect on enzyme activities

    Color discrimination impairment in workers exposed to mercury vapor.

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    Objective: To study color discrimination impairment in workers exposed to elemental mercury (Hg) vapor. Subjects:Twenty-four male workers from a chloralkali plant exposed to Hg vapor, aged 429.8 years, duration of exposure14.79.7 years, were examined. The 8 h TWA air-borne Hg concentration in workplace was 59 mg/m3; mean Hg urinaryexcretion (HgU) was 20.519.3 mg/g creatinine; mean Hg urinary excretion after the administration of a chelatingagent, sodium 2,3-dimercapto-1-propane-sulfonate (DMPS), was 751.9648 mg/48 h. Twenty-four age- and gendermatchedcontrol subjects were compared. Visual acuity, alcohol intake, smoking habits, and history of diseases or drugspotentially influencing color vision were registered. Methods: The Lanthony 15-Hue desaturated test (L-D15-d) was usedto assess color vision. The results were expressed quantitatively as Bowman’s Color Confusion Index (CCI), andqualitatively according to Verriest’s classification of acquired dyschromatopsias. Results: The CCI was significantlyhigher in the exposed group than in the control (mean CCI 1.15 versus 1.04; P ¼0.04). The proportion of subjects witherrorless performance on the Lanthony test was significantly lower in the Hg exposed group compared to referents (52%versus 73%; P ¼0.035). The exposed group showed higher frequency of type III dyschromatopsias (blue–yellowconfusion axis) in comparison with the control group (12.5% versus 8.3%), however, the difference did not reachstatistical significance. Multiple regression did not show any significant relationship between the CCI, and age, alcoholconsumption, or measures of exposure. Conclusion: In agreement with previous studies by Cavalleri et al. [Toxicol. Lett.77 (1995) 351; Environ. Res. Sec. A 77 (1998) 173], the results of this study support the hypothesis that exposure tomercury vapor can induce sub-clinical color vision impairment. This effect was observed at an exposure level below thecurrent biological limit for occupational exposure to mercury. This raises doubts on the actual protection afforded by thislimit concerning the effect of mercury on color vision