12,571 research outputs found

    Moduli and periods of simply connected Enriques surfaces

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    We describe a period map for those simply connected Enriques surfaces in characteristic 2 whose canonical double cover is K3. The moduli stack for these surfaces has a Deligne-Mumford quotient that is an open substack of a P1\mathbb P^1-bundle over the period space. We also give some general results relating local and global moduli for algebraic varieties and describe the difference in their dimensions in terms of the failure of the automorphism group scheme to be reduced

    HIV positive patient with GBS-like syndrome

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    Introduction. Guillain–Barré Syndrome (GBS) is an acute demyelinating polyneuropathy which can occur post-infection. Criteria of diagnosis of GBS include areflexia with progressive bilateral weakness in arms and legs. GBS can lead to severe respiratory and cardiac complications. The fatality rate can be up to 5 % in patients, depending on the severity of the symptoms. HIV can cause a range of neurological disorders including, on rare occasions, GBS. GBS can occur at any stage of HIV infection, highlighting the complexity of diagnosis of GBS within HIV patients. Case presentation. A 57 year old female with lumbar back pain radiating to the legs, poor mobility and tiredness, with reports of a viral-like illness four days previously, was initially diagnosed with a lower respiratory tract infection and discharged. Seventeen days later the patient was readmitted to hospital with progressive lower and upper limb weakness, areflexia and sensory loss. She was diagnosed with GBS and was unexpectedly discovered to be HIV-positive. HIV avidity was low indicating a recently acquired HIV infection. The patient was treated with intravenous immunoglobulin for five days for the GBS and commenced antriretrovirals for HIV. The patient was discharge from hospital 53 days after admission with walking aids and regular physiotherapy follow-up. Conclusion. This case highlighted the need for all clinicians to be aware that patients with symptoms of GBS, regardless of clinical history should be offered an HIV test. GBS can be the first sign a patient is HIV-positive

    The incidence and risk factors for new onset atrial fibrillation in the PROSPER study

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    Aims Atrial fibrillation/flutter (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in older people. It associates with reduced exercise capacity, increased risk of stroke, and mortality. We aimed to determine retrospectively whether pravastatin reduces the incidence of AF and whether any electrocardiographic measures or clinical conditions might be risk factors for its development. Methods and results The PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk (PROSPER) was a randomized, double-blind controlled trial that recruited 5804 individuals aged 70-82 years with a history of, or risk factors for, vascular disease. A total of 2891 were allocated to pravastatin and 2913 to placebo; mean follow-up was 3.2 years. Electrocardiograms (ECGs), which were recorded at baseline, annually thereafter, and at run-out, were processed by computer and reviewed manually. In all, 264 of 2912 (9.1%) of the placebo group and 283 of 2888 (9.8%) of the pravastatin-treated group developed AF [hazard ratio 1.08 (0.92,1.28), P = 0.35)]. Multivariate analysis showed that PR and QTc intervals, age, left ventricular hypertrophy, and ST-T abnormalities were related to development of AF after adjustment for many variables including alcohol consumption, which itself was univariately predictive of developing AF. Previous myocardial infarction on the ECG was not a risk factor. A history of vascular disease was strongly linked with developing AF but not diabetes and hypertension. Conclusion Pravastatin does not reduce the incidence of AF in older people at risk of vascular disease, at least in the short-medium term. Risk factors for AF include older age, prolongation of PR or QTc intervals, left ventricular hypertrophy, and ST-T abnormalities on the EC

    Stability of highly cooled hypervelocity boundary layers

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    The influence of high levels of wall cooling on the stability of hypervelocity boundary layers is investigated. Such conditions are relevant to experiments in high-enthalpy impulse facilities, where the wall temperature is much smaller than the free-stream temperature, as well as to some real flight scenarios. Some effects of wall cooling are well known, for instance, the stabilization of the first mode and destabilization of the second mode. In this paper, several new instability phenomena are investigated that arise only for high Mach numbers and high levels of wall cooling. In particular, certain unstable modes can travel supersonically with respect to the free stream, which changes the nature of the dispersion curve and leads to instability over a much wider band of frequencies. The cause of this phenomenon, the range of parameters for which it occurs and its implications for boundary layer stability are examined. Additionally, growth rates are systematically reported for a wide range of conditions relevant to high-enthalpy impulse facilities, and the stability trends in terms of Mach number and wall temperature are mapped out. Thermal non-equilibrium is included in the analysis and its influence on the stability characteristics of flows in impulse facilities is assessed

    Evidence for ion acceleration by oscillations in the discharge plasma of ion engines

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    The hollow cathode discharge plasma in ion engines is highly non-uniform, geometrically complex, and confined by a magnetic field; elucidating the mechanisms responsible for producing ions with anomalously high energies observed in the downstream regions of hollow cathodes will contribute to understanding the behavior of complex plasmas. Ions with energies in excess of ten times greater than the energy associated with electrostatic acceleration from the largest steady-state potential difference in the plasma discharge of ion engines have been detected

    Prevalence of HCV NS3 pre-treatment resistance associated amino acid variants within a Scottish cohort

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    Background: Protease inhibitors (PI) including boceprevir, telaprevir and simeprevir have revolutionised HCV genotype 1 treatment since their introduction. A number of pre-treatment resistance associated amino acid variants (RAVs) and polymorphisms have been associated with reduced response to treatment. Objectives: We measured the prevalence of RAVs/polymorphisms in a PI treatment-naïve HCV genotype 1 Scottish cohort using Sanger sequencing. Study design: Chronically infected, treatment-naïve, HCV genotype 1 patients (n = 146) attending NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde clinics were investigated for RAVs/polymorphisms to the PIs boceprevir, telaprevir and simeprevir. The NS3/4A region was amplified by nested polymerase chain reaction. The 1.4 kb amplified product was sequenced using an ABI 3710XL DNA sequencer. Sequence analysis was performed using web-based ReCall (beta 2.10). Amino acid positions 36, 41, 43, 54, 55, 80, 109, 122, 155, 156, 168 and 170 were analysed for RAVs/polymorphisms. Results: Overall, 23.29% (34/146) of patients had an RAV or polymorphism detected. Overall, 13.69% (20/146) of patients had HCV virus that contained the Q8 K polymorphism. Other RAVs detected were: V36 M 0.70% (1/146), V36L 0.70% (1/146), T54S 6.85% (10/146), V55A 3.42% (5/146) and V/I170A 0.68% (1/146). Four patients had dual combinations of mutations (T54S + V36L; T54S + V55A and 2 patients with T54S + Q80K). Conclusions: Q80K was the most prevalent baseline polymorphism detected in the Scottish cohort. Simeprevir treatment is not recommended in patients infected with the Q80K genotype 1a variant. This highlights the need for baseline sequencing prior to administration of this drug in this population
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