6,724 research outputs found

    Emergence of equilibrium thermodynamic properties in quantum pure states. II. Analysis of a spin model system

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    A system composed of identical spins and described by a quantum mechanical pure state is analyzed within the statistical framework presented in Part I of this work. We explicitly derive the typical values of the entropy, of the energy, and of the equilibrium reduced density matrix of a subsystem for the two different statistics introduced in Part I. In order to analyze their consistency with thermodynamics, these quantities of interest are evaluated in the limit of large number of components of the isolated system. The main results can be summarized as follows: typical values of the entropy and of the equilibrium reduced density matrix as functions of the internal energy in the fixed expectation energy ensemble do not satisfy the requirement of thermodynamics. On the contrary, the thermodynamical description is recovered from the random pure state ensemble (RPSE), provided that one considers systems large enough. The thermodynamic limit of the considered properties for the spin system reveals a number of important features. First canonical statistics (and thus, canonical typicality as long as the fluctuations around the average value are small) emerges without the need of assuming the microcanonical space for the global pure state. Moreover, we rigorously prove (i) the equivalence of the "global temperature," derived from the entropy equation of state, with the "local temperature" determining the canonical state of the subsystems; and (ii) the equivalence between the RPSE typical entropy and the canonical entropy for the overall system.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    Interplay between valence and core excitation mechanisms in the breakup of halo nuclei

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    The phenomenon of core excitation in the breakup of a two-body halo nucleus is investigated. We show that this effect plays a significant role in the reaction dynamics and, furthermore, its interference with the valence excitation mechanism has sizable and measurable effects on the breakup angular distributions. These effects have been studied in the resonant breakup of 11Be on a carbon target, populating the resonances at 1.78 MeV (5/2+) and 3.41 MeV (3/2+). The calculations have been performed using a recently extension of the DWBA method, which takes into account the effect of core excitation in both the structure of the halo nucleus and in the reaction mechanism. The calculated angular distributions have been compared with the available data [Fukuda et al., Phys. Rev. C70,054606]. Although each of these resonances is dominated by one of the two considered mechanisms, the angular patterns of these resonances depend in a very delicate way on the interference between them. This is the first clear evidence of this effect but the phenomenon is likely to occur in other similar reactions.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, (Version to appear in Physical Review Letters

    Determining B(E1)B(E1) distributions of weakly bound nuclei from breakup cross sections using Continuum Discretized Coupled Channels calculations. Application to 11^{11}Be

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    A novel method to extract the B(E1)B(E1) strength of a weakly bound nucleus from experimental Coulomb dissociation data is proposed. The method makes use of continuum discretized coupled channels (CDCC) calculations, in which both nuclear and Coulomb forces are taken into account to all orders. This is a crucial advantage with respect to the standard procedure based on the Equivalent Photon Method (EPM) which does not properly take into account nuclear distortion, higher order coupling effects, or Coulomb-nuclear interference terms. The procedure is applied to the 11^{11}Be nucleus using two sets of available experimental data at different energies, for which seemingly incompatible B(E1)B(E1) have been reported using the EPM. We show that the present procedure gives consistent B(E1)B(E1) strengths, thus solving the aforementioned long-standing discrepancy between the two measurements.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Signatures of Anderson localization and delocalized random quantum states

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    We consider the notion of equilibration for an isolated quantum system exhibiting Anderson localization. The system is assumed to be in a pure state, i.e., described by a wave-function undergoing unitary dynamics. We focus on the simplest model of a 1D disordered chain and we analyse both the dynamics of an initially localized state and the dynamics of quantum states drawn at random from the ensemble corresponding to the minimum knowledge about the initial state. While in the former case the site distribution remains confined in a limited portion of the chain, the site distribution of random pure state fluctuates around an equilibrium average that is delocalized over the entire chain. A clear connection between the equilibration observed when the system is initialized in a fully localized state and the amplitude of dynamical fluctuations of a typical random pure state is established

    Correlated adaptation of agents in a simple market: a statistical physics perspective

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    We discuss recent work in the study of a simple model for the collective behaviour of diverse speculative agents in an idealized stockmarket, considered from the perspective of the statistical physics of many-body systems. The only information about other agents available to any one is the total trade at time steps. Evidence is presented for correlated adaptation and phase transitions/crossovers in the global volatility of the system as a function of appropriate information scaling dimension. Stochastically controlled irrationally of individual agents is shown to be globally advantageous. We describe the derivation of the underlying effective stochastic differential equations which govern the dynamics, and make an interpretation of the results from the point of view of the statistical physics of disordered systems.Comment: 15 Pages. 5 figure

    Beyond quantum microcanonical statistics

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    Descriptions of molecular systems usually refer to two distinct theoretical frameworks. On the one hand the quantum pure state, i.e. the wavefunction, of an isolated system which is determined to calculate molecular properties and to consider the time evolution according to the unitary Schr\"odinger equation. On the other hand a mixed state, i.e. a statistical density matrix, is the standard formalism to account for thermal equilibrium, as postulated in the microcanonical quantum statistics. In the present paper an alternative treatment relying on a statistical analysis of the possible wavefunctions of an isolated system is presented. In analogy with the classical ergodic theory, the time evolution of the wavefunction determines the probability distribution in the phase space pertaining to an isolated system. However, this alone cannot account for a well defined thermodynamical description of the system in the macroscopic limit, unless a suitable probability distribution for the quantum constants of motion is introduced. We present a workable formalism assuring the emergence of typical values of thermodynamic functions, such as the internal energy and the entropy, in the large size limit of the system. This allows the identification of macroscopic properties independently of the specific realization of the quantum state. A description of material systems in agreement with equilibrium thermodynamics is then derived without constraints on the physical constituents and interactions of the system. Furthermore, the canonical statistics is recovered in all generality for the reduced density matrix of a subsystem

    Pilot-wave quantum theory with a single Bohm's trajectory

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    The representation of a quantum system as the spatial configuration of its constituents evolving in time as a trajectory under the action of the wave-function, is the main objective of the Bohm theory. However, its standard formulation is referred to the statistical ensemble of its possible trajectories. The statistical ensemble is introduced in order to establish the exact correspondence (the Born's rule) between the probability density on the spatial configurations and the quantum distribution, that is the squared modulus of the wave-function. In this work we explore the possibility of using the pilot wave theory at the level of a single Bohm's trajectory. The pilot wave theory allows a formally self-consistent representation of quantum systems as a single Bohm's trajectory, but in this case there is no room for the Born's rule at least in its standard form. We will show that a correspondence exists between the statistical distribution of configurations along the single Bohm's trajectory and the quantum distribution for a subsystem interacting with the environment in a multicomponent system. To this aim, we present the numerical results of the single Bohm's trajectory description of the model system of six confined rotors with random interactions. We find a rather close correspondence between the coordinate distribution of one rotor along its trajectory and the time averaged marginal quantum distribution for the same rotor. This might be considered as the counterpart of the standard Born's rule. Furthermore a strongly fluctuating behavior with a fast loss of correlation is found for the evolution of each rotor coordinate. This suggests that a Markov process might well approximate the evolution of the Bohm's coordinate of a single rotor and it is shown that the correspondence between coordinate distribution and quantum distribution of the rotor is exactly verified

    Description of the 11^{11}Li(p,d)10(p,d){^{10}}Li transfer reaction using structure overlaps from a full three-body model

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    Recent data on the differential angular distribution for the transfer reaction 11^{11}Li(p,d)10^{10}Li at E/A=5.7E/A=5.7 MeV in inverse kinematics are analysed within the DWBA reaction framework, using the overlap functions calculated within a three-body model of 11^{11}Li. The weight of the different 10^{10}Li configurations in the system's ground state is obtained from the structure calculations unambiguously. The effect of the 9^{9}Li spin in the calculated observables is also investigated. We find that, although all the considered models succeed in reproducing the shape of the data, the magnitude is very sensitive to the content of p1/2p_{1/2} wave in the 11^{11}Li ground-state wave function. Among the considered models, the best agreement with the data is obtained when the 11^{11}Li ground state contains a ∼\sim31\% of p1/2p_{1/2} wave in the nn-9^9Li subsystem. Although this model takes into account explicitly the splitting of the 1+1^+ and 2+2^+ resonances due to the coupling of the p1/2p_{1/2} wave to the 3/2−3/2^- spin of the core, a similar degree of agreement can be achieved with a model in which the 9^{9}Li spin is ignored, provided that it contains a similar p-wave content.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Final versio

    Linking structure and dynamics in (p,pn)(p,pn) reactions with Borromean nuclei: the 11^{11}Li(p,pn)10(p,pn){^{10}}Li case

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    One-neutron removal (p,pn)(p,pn) reactions induced by two-neutron Borromean nuclei are studied within a Transfer-to-the-Continuum (TC) reaction framework, which incorporates the three-body character of the incident nucleus. The relative energy distribution of the residual unbound two-body subsystem, which is assumed to retain information on the structure of the original three-body projectile, is computed by evaluating the transition amplitude for different neutron-core final states in the continuum. These transition amplitudes depend on the overlaps between the original three-body ground-state wave function and the two-body continuum states populated in the reaction, thus ensuring a consistent description of the incident and final nuclei. By comparing different 11^{11}Li three-body models, it is found that the 11^{11}Li(p,pn)10(p,pn){^{10}}Li relative energy spectrum is very sensitive to the position of the p1/2p_{1/2} and s1/2s_{1/2} states in 10^{10}Li and to the partial wave content of these configurations within the 11^{11}Li ground-state wave function. The possible presence of a low-lying d5/2d_{5/2} resonance is discussed. The coupling of the single particle configurations with the non-zero spin of the 9^{9}Li core, which produces a spin-spin splitting of the states, is also studied. Among the considered models, the best agreement with the available data is obtained with a 11^{11}Li model that incorporates the actual spin of the core and contains ∼\sim31\% of p1/2p_{1/2}-wave content in the nn-9^9Li subsystem, in accord with our previous findings for the 11^{11}Li(p,d)10^{10}Li transfer reaction, and a near-threshold virtual state.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PL
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