24 research outputs found
The Word Problem for Omega-Terms over the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy
For two given -terms and , the word problem for
-terms over a variety asks whether
in all monoids in . We show that the
word problem for -terms over each level of the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy
is decidable. More precisely, for every fixed variety in the Trotter-Weil
Hierarchy, our approach yields an algorithm in nondeterministic logarithmic
space (NL). In addition, we provide deterministic polynomial time algorithms
which are more efficient than straightforward translations of the
NL-algorithms. As an application of our results, we show that separability by
the so-called corners of the Trotter-Weil Hierarchy is witnessed by
-terms (this property is also known as -reducibility). In
particular, the separation problem for the corners of the Trotter-Weil
Hierarchy is decidable
Closures of regular languages for profinite topologies
The Pin-Reutenauer algorithm gives a method, that can be viewed as a descriptive procedure, to compute the closure in the free group of a regular language with respect to the Hall topology. A similar descriptive procedure is shown to hold for the
pseudovariety A of aperiodic semigroups, where the closure is taken in the free aperiodic omega-semigroup. It is inherited by a
subpseudovariety of a given pseudovariety if both of them enjoy the property of being full. The pseudovariety A, as well as some of
its subpseudovarieties are shown to be full. The interest in such descriptions stems from the fact that, for each of the main pseudovarieties V in our examples, the closures of two regular languages are disjoint if and only if the languages can be separated by a language whose syntactic semigroup lies in V. In the cases of A and of the pseudovariety DA of semigroups in which all regular elements are idempotents, this is a new result.PESSOA French-Portuguese project
Egide-Grices 11113YM, "Automata, profinite semigroups and symbolic dynamics".FCT -- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, respectively under the projects
PEst-C/MAT/UI0144/2011 and PEst-C/MAT/UI0013/2011.ANR 2010 BLAN 0202 01 FREC.AutoMathA programme of the European Science Foundation.FCT and the project PTDC/MAT/65481/2006 which was partly funded by the European Community Fund FEDER
h-Vectors of generalized associahedra and noncrossing partitions
A uniform proof is given that the entries of theh-vector of the cluster complex (Φ), associated by S. Fomin and A. Zelevinsky to a finite root system Φ, count elements of the lattice L of noncrossing partitions of corresponding type by rank. Similar interpretations for theh-vector of the positive part of (Φ) are provided.The proof utilizes the appearance of the complex (Φ) in the context of the lattice L in recent work of two of the authors, as well as an explicit shelling of (Φ)