21 research outputs found

    Electronic Structure of the Ferryl Intermediate in the Ī±ā€‘Ketoglutarate Dependent Non-Heme Iron Halogenase SyrB2: Contributions to H Atom Abstraction Reactivity

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    Low temperature magnetic circular dichroism (LT MCD) spectroscopy in combination with quantum-chemical calculations are used to define the electronic structure associated with the geometric structure of the Fe<sup>IV</sup>ī—»O intermediate in SyrB2 that was previously determined by nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy. These studies elucidate key frontier molecular orbitals (FMOs) and their contribution to H atom abstraction reactivity. The VT MCD spectra of the enzymatic <i>S</i> = 2 Fe<sup>IV</sup>ī—»O intermediate with Br<sup>ā€“</sup> ligation contain information-rich features that largely parallel the corresponding spectra of the <i>S</i> = 2 model complex (TMG<sub>3</sub>tren)Ā­Fe<sup>IV</sup>ī—»O (Srnec, M.; Wong, S. D.; England, J.; Que, L. Jr.; Solomon, E. I. <i>Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA</i> <b>2012</b>, <i>109</i>, 14326ā€“14331). However, quantitative differences are observed that correlate with Ļ€-anisotropy and oxo donor strength that perturb FMOs and affect reactivity. Due to Ļ€-anisotropy, the Fe<sup>IV</sup>ī—»O active site exhibits enhanced reactivity in the direction of the substrate cavity that proceeds through a Ļ€-channel that is controlled by perpendicular orientation of the substrate Cā€“H bond relative to the halideā€“Fe<sup>IV</sup>ī—»O plane. Also, the increased intrinsic reactivity of the SyrB2 intermediate relative to the ferryl model complex is correlated to a higher oxyl character of the Fe<sup>IV</sup>ī—»O at the transition states resulting from the weaker ligand field of the halogenase

    Evidence That the Ī² Subunit of <i>Chlamydia trachomatis</i> Ribonucleotide Reductase Is Active with the Manganese Ion of Its Manganese(IV)/Iron(III) Cofactor in Site 1

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    The reaction of a class I ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) begins when a cofactor in the Ī² subunit oxidizes a cysteine residue āˆ¼35 ƅ away in the Ī± subunit, generating a thiyl radical. In the class Ic enzyme from <i>Chlamydia trachomatis</i> (<i>Ct</i>), the cysteine oxidant is the Mn<sup>IV</sup> ion of a Mn<sup>IV</sup>/Fe<sup>III</sup> cluster, which assembles in a reaction between O<sub>2</sub> and the Mn<sup>II</sup>/Fe<sup>II</sup> complex of Ī². The heterodinuclear nature of the cofactor raises the question of which site, 1 or 2, contains the Mn<sup>IV</sup> ion. Because site 1 is closer to the conserved location of the cysteine-oxidizing tyrosyl radical of class Ia and Ib RNRs, we suggested that the Mn<sup>IV</sup> ion most likely resides in this site (i.e., <sup>1</sup>Mn<sup>IV</sup>/<sup>2</sup>Fe<sup>III</sup>), but a subsequent computational study favored its occupation of site 2 (<sup>1</sup>Fe<sup>III</sup>/<sup>2</sup>Mn<sup>IV</sup>). In this work, we have sought to resolve the location of the Mn<sup>IV</sup> ion in <i>Ct</i> RNR-Ī² by correlating X-ray crystallographic anomalous scattering intensities with catalytic activity for samples of the protein reconstituted <i>in vitro</i> by two different procedures. In samples containing primarily Mn<sup>IV</sup>/Fe<sup>III</sup> clusters, Mn preferentially occupies site 1, but some anomalous scattering from site 2 is observed, implying that both <sup>1</sup>Mn<sup>II</sup>/<sup>2</sup>Fe<sup>II</sup> and <sup>1</sup>Fe<sup>II</sup>/<sup>2</sup>Mn<sup>II</sup> complexes are competent to react with O<sub>2</sub> to produce the corresponding oxidized states. However, with diminished Mn<sup>II</sup> loading in the reconstitution, there is no evidence for Mn occupancy of site 2, and the greater activity of these ā€œlow-Mnā€ samples on a per-Mn basis implies that the <sup>1</sup>Mn<sup>IV</sup>/<sup>2</sup>Fe<sup>III</sup>-Ī² is at least the more active of the two oxidized forms and may be the only active form

    Vanadyl as a Stable Structural Mimic of Reactive Ferryl Intermediates in Mononuclear Nonheme-Iron Enzymes

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    The ironĀ­(II)- and 2-(oxo)Ā­glutarate-dependent (Fe/2OG) oxygenases catalyze an array of challenging transformations via a common ironĀ­(IV)-oxo (ferryl) intermediate, which in most cases abstracts hydrogen (Hā€¢) from an aliphatic carbon of the substrate. Although it has been shown that the relative disposition of the Feā€“O and Cā€“H bonds can control the rate of Hā€¢ abstraction and fate of the resultant substrate radical, there remains a paucity of structural information on the actual ferryl states, owing to their high reactivity. We demonstrate here that the stable vanadyl ion [(V<sup>IV</sup>-oxo)<sup>2+</sup>] binds along with 2OG or its decarboxylation product, succinate, in the active site of two different Fe/2OG enzymes to faithfully mimic their transient ferryl states. Both ferryl and vanadyl complexes of the Fe/2OG halogenase, SyrB2, remain stably bound to its carrier protein substrate (l-aminoacyl-<i>S</i>-SyrB1), whereas the corresponding complexes harboring transition metals (Fe, Mn) in lower oxidation states dissociate. In the well-studied taurine:2OG dioxygenase (TauD), the disposition of the substrate Cā€“H bond relative to the vanadyl ion defined by pulse electron paramagnetic resonance methods is consistent with the crystal structure of the reactant complex and computational models of the ferryl state. Vanadyl substitution may thus afford access to structural details of the key ferryl intermediates in this important enzyme class

    Evidence for Only Oxygenative Cleavage of Aldehydes to Alk(a/e)nes and Formate by Cyanobacterial Aldehyde Decarbonylases

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    Cyanobacterial aldehyde decarbonylases (ADs) catalyze the conversion of C<sub><i>n</i></sub> fatty aldehydes to formate (HCO<sub>2</sub><sup>ā€“</sup>) and the corresponding C<sub><i>n</i>ā€‘1</sub> alkĀ­(a/e)Ā­nes. Previous studies of the <i>Nostoc punctiforme</i> (<i>Np</i>) AD produced in <i>Escherichia coli</i> (<i>Ec</i>) showed that this apparently hydrolytic reaction is actually a cryptically redox oxygenation process, in which one O-atom is incorporated from O<sub>2</sub> into formate and a protein-based reducing system (NADPH, ferredoxin, and ferredoxin reductase; N/F/FR) provides all four electrons needed for the complete reduction of O<sub>2</sub>. Two subsequent publications by Marsh and co-workers [Das, et al. (2011) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50, 7148āˆ’7152; Eser, et al. (2011) Biochemistry 50, 10743ā€“10750] reported that their <i>Ec</i>-expressed <i>Np</i> and <i>Prochlorococcus marinus</i> (<i>Pm</i>) AD preparations transform aldehydes to the same products more rapidly by an O<sub>2</sub>-independent, truly hydrolytic process, which they suggested proceeded by transient substrate reduction with obligatory participation by the reducing system (they used a chemical system, NADH and phenazine methosulfate; N/PMS). To resolve this discrepancy, we re-examined our preparations of both AD orthologues by a combination of (i) activity assays in the presence and absence of O<sub>2</sub> and (ii) <sup>18</sup>O<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub><sup>18</sup>O isotope-tracer experiments with <i>direct</i> mass-spectrometric detection of the HCO<sub>2</sub><sup>ā€“</sup> product. For multiple combinations of the AD orthologue (<i>Np</i> and <i>Pm</i>), reducing system (protein-based and chemical), and substrate (<i>n</i>-heptanal and <i>n</i>-octadecanal), our preparations strictly require O<sub>2</sub> for activity and do not support detectable hydrolytic formate production, despite having catalytic activities similar to or greater than those reported by Marsh and co-workers. Our results, especially of the <sup>18</sup>O-tracer experiments, suggest that the activity observed by Marsh and co-workers could have arisen from contaminating O<sub>2</sub> in their assays. The definitive reaffirmation of the oxygenative nature of the reaction implies that the enzyme, initially designated as aldehyde decarbonylase when the C1-derived coproduct was thought to be carbon monoxide rather than formate, should be redesignated as aldehyde-deformylating oxygenase (ADO)

    Direct Measurement of the Radical Translocation Distance in the Class I Ribonucleotide Reductase from <i>Chlamydia trachomatis</i>

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    Ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) catalyze conversion of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides in all organisms via a free-radical mechanism that is essentially conserved. In class I RNRs, the reaction is initiated and terminated by radical translocation (RT) between the Ī± and Ī² subunits. In the class Ic RNR from <i>Chlamydia trachomatis</i> (<i>Ct</i> RNR), the initiating event converts the active <i>S</i> = 1 MnĀ­(IV)/FeĀ­(III) cofactor to the <i>S</i> = 1/2 Mn(III)/Fe(III) ā€œRT-productā€ form in the Ī² subunit and generates a cysteinyl radical in the Ī± active site. The radical can be trapped via the well-described decomposition reaction of the mechanism-based inactivator, 2ā€²-azido-2ā€²-deoxyuridine-5ā€²-diphosphate, resulting in the generation of a long-lived, nitrogen-centered radical (N<sup>ā€¢</sup>) in Ī±. In this work, we have determined the distance between the MnĀ­(III)/FeĀ­(III) cofactor in Ī² and N<sup>ā€¢</sup> in Ī± to be 43 Ā± 1 ƅ by using double electronā€“electron resonance experiments. This study provides the first structural data on the <i>Ct</i> RNR holoenzyme complex and the first direct experimental measurement of the inter-subunit RT distance in any class I RNR

    Circular Dichroism, Magnetic Circular Dichroism, and Variable Temperature Variable Field Magnetic Circular Dichroism Studies of Biferrous and Mixed-Valent <i>myo</i>-Inositol Oxygenase: Insights into Substrate Activation of O<sub>2</sub> Reactivity

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    <i>myo</i>-Inositol oxygenase (MIOX) catalyzes the 4e<sup>ā€“</sup> oxidation of <i>myo</i>-inositol (MI) to d-glucuronate using a substrate activated FeĀ­(II)Ā­FeĀ­(III) site. The biferrous and FeĀ­(II)Ā­FeĀ­(III) forms of MIOX were studied with circular dichroism (CD), magnetic circular dichroism (MCD), and variable temperature variable field (VTVH) MCD spectroscopies. The MCD spectrum of biferrous MIOX shows two ligand field (LF) transitions near 10000 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup>, split by āˆ¼2000 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup>, characteristic of six coordinate (6C) FeĀ­(II) sites, indicating that the modest reactivity of the biferrous form toward O<sub>2</sub> can be attributed to the saturated coordination of both irons. Upon oxidation to the FeĀ­(II)Ā­FeĀ­(III) state, MIOX shows two LF transitions in the āˆ¼10000 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup> region, again implying a coordinatively saturated FeĀ­(II) site. Upon MI binding, these split in energy to 5200 and 11200 cm<sup>ā€“1</sup>, showing that MI binding causes the FeĀ­(II) to become coordinatively unsaturated. VTVH MCD magnetization curves of unbound and MI-bound FeĀ­(II)Ā­FeĀ­(III) forms show that upon substrate binding, the isotherms become more nested, requiring that the exchange coupling and ferrous zero-field splitting (ZFS) both decrease in magnitude. These results imply that MI binds to the ferric site, weakening the FeĀ­(III)āˆ’Ī¼-OH bond and strengthening the FeĀ­(II)āˆ’Ī¼-OH bond. This perturbation results in the release of a coordinated water from the FeĀ­(II) that enables its O<sub>2</sub> activation

    Experimental Correlation of Substrate Position with Reaction Outcome in the Aliphatic Halogenase, SyrB2

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    The ironĀ­(II)- and 2-(oxo)Ā­glutarate-dependent (Fe/2OG) oxygenases catalyze an array of challenging transformations, but how individual members of the enzyme family direct different outcomes is poorly understood. The Fe/2OG halogenase, SyrB2, chlorinates C4 of its native substrate, l-threonine appended to the carrier protein, SyrB1, but hydroxylates C5 of l-norvaline and, to a lesser extent, C4 of l-aminobutyric acid when SyrB1 presents these non-native amino acids. To test the hypothesis that positioning of the targeted carbon dictates the outcome, we defined the positions of these three substrates by measuring hyperfine couplings between substrate deuterium atoms and the stable, EPR-active ironā€“nitrosyl adduct, a surrogate for reaction intermediates. The Feā€“<sup>2</sup>H distances and Nā€“Feā€“<sup>2</sup>H angles, which vary from 4.2 ƅ and 85Ā° for threonine to 3.4 ƅ and 65Ā° for norvaline, rationalize the trends in reactivity. This experimental correlation of position to outcome should aid in judging from structural data on other Fe/2OG enzymes whether they suppress hydroxylation or form hydroxylated intermediates on the pathways to other outcomes

    Branched Intermediate Formation Is the Slowest Step in the Protein Splicing Reaction of the Ala1 KlbA Intein from <i>Methanococcus jannaschii</i>

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    We report the first detailed investigation of the kinetics of protein splicing by the <i>Methanococcus jannaschii</i> KlbA (<i>Mja</i> KlbA) intein. This intein has an N-terminal Ala in place of the nucleophilic Cys or Ser residue that normally initiates splicing but nevertheless splices efficiently in vivo [Southworth, M. W., Benner, J., and Perler, F. B. (2000) <i>EMBO J.</i> <i>19</i>, 5019ā€“5026]. To date, the spontaneous nature of the cis splicing reaction has hindered its examination in vitro. For this reason, we constructed an <i>Mja</i> KlbA inteinā€“mini-extein precursor using intein-mediated protein ligation and engineered a disulfide redox switch that permits initiation of the splicing reaction by the addition of a reducing agent such as dithiothreitol (DTT). A fluorescent tag at the C-terminus of the C-extein permits monitoring of the progress of the reaction. Kinetic analysis of the splicing reaction of the wild-type precursor (with no substitutions in known nucleophiles or assisting groups) at various DTT concentrations shows that formation of the branched intermediate from the precursor is reversible (forward rate constant of 1.5 Ɨ 10<sup>ā€“3</sup> s<sup>ā€“1</sup> and reverse rate constant of 1.7 Ɨ 10<sup>ā€“5</sup> s<sup>ā€“1</sup> at 42 Ā°C), whereas the productive decay of this intermediate to form the ligated exteins is faster and occurs with a rate constant of 2.2 Ɨ 10<sup>ā€“3</sup> s<sup>ā€“1</sup>. This finding conflicts with reports about standard inteins, for which Asn cyclization has been assigned as the rate-determining step of the splicing reaction. Despite being the slowest step of the reaction, branched intermediate formation in the <i>Mja</i> KlbA intein is efficient in comparison with those of other intein systems. Interestingly, it also appears that this intermediate is protected against thiolysis by DTT, in contrast to other inteins. Evidence is presented in support of a tight coupling between the N-terminal and C-terminal cleavage steps, despite the fact that the C-terminal single-cleavage reaction occurs in variant <i>Mja</i> KlbA inteins in the absence of N-terminal cleavage. We posit that the splicing events in the <i>Mja</i> KlbA system are tightly coordinated by a network of intra- and interdomain noncovalent interactions, rendering its function particularly sensitive to minor disruptions in the intein or extein environments

    A 2.8 ƅ Feā€“Fe Separation in the Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>III/IV</sup> Intermediate, X, from <i>Escherichia coli</i> Ribonucleotide Reductase

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    A class Ia ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) employs a Ī¼-oxo-Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>III/III</sup>/tyrosyl radical cofactor in its Ī² subunit to oxidize a cysteine residue āˆ¼35 ƅ away in its Ī± subunit; the resultant cysteine radical initiates substrate reduction. During self-assembly of the <i>Escherichia coli</i> RNR-Ī² cofactor, reaction of the proteinā€™s Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>II/II</sup> complex with O<sub>2</sub> results in accumulation of an Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>III/IV</sup> cluster, termed <b>X</b>, which oxidizes the adjacent tyrosine (Y<sub>122</sub>) to the radical (Y<sub>122</sub><sup>ā€¢</sup>) as the cluster is converted to the Ī¼-oxo-Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>III/III</sup> product. As the first high-valent non-heme-iron enzyme complex to be identified and the key activating intermediate of class Ia RNRs, <b>X</b> has been the focus of intensive efforts to determine its structure. Initial characterization by extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy yielded a Feā€“Fe separation (<i>d</i><sub>Feā€“Fe</sub>) of 2.5 ƅ, which was interpreted to imply the presence of three single-atom bridges (O<sup>2ā€“</sup>, HO<sup>ā€“</sup>, and/or Ī¼-1,1-carboxylates). This short distance has been irreconcilable with computational and synthetic models, which all have <i>d</i><sub>Feā€“Fe</sub> ā‰„ 2.7 ƅ. To resolve this conundrum, we revisited the EXAFS characterization of <b>X</b>. Assuming that samples containing increased concentrations of the intermediate would yield EXAFS data of improved quality, we applied our recently developed method of generating O<sub>2</sub> <i>in situ</i> from chlorite using the enzyme chlorite dismutase to prepare <b>X</b> at āˆ¼2.0 mM, more than 2.5 times the concentration realized in the previous EXAFS study. The measured <i>d</i><sub>Feā€“Fe</sub> = 2.78 ƅ is fully consistent with computational models containing a (Ī¼-oxo)<sub>2</sub>-Fe<sub>2</sub><sup>III/IV</sup> core. Correction of the <i>d</i><sub>Feā€“Fe</sub> brings the experimental data and computational models into full conformity and informs analysis of the mechanism by which <b>X</b> generates Y<sub>122</sub><sup>ā€¢</sup>

    Installation of the Ether Bridge of Lolines by the Iron- and 2ā€‘Oxoglutarate-Dependent Oxygenase, LolO: Regio- and Stereochemistry of Sequential Hydroxylation and Oxacyclization Reactions

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    The core of the loline family of insecticidal alkaloids is the bicyclic pyrrolizidine unit with an additional strained ether bridge between carbons 2 and 7. Previously reported genetic and <i>in vivo</i> biochemical analyses showed that the presumptive iron- and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent (Fe/2OG) oxygenase, LolO, is required for installation of the ether bridge upon the pathway intermediate, 1-<i>exo</i>-acetamidopyrrolizidine (AcAP). Here we show that LolO is, in fact, solely responsible for this biosynthetic four-electron oxidation. In sequential 2OG- and O<sub>2</sub>-consuming steps, LolO removes hydrogens from C2 and C7 of AcAP to form both carbonā€“oxygen bonds in <i>N</i>-acetylnorloline (NANL), the precursor to all other lolines. When supplied with substoichiometric 2OG, LolO only hydroxylates AcAP. At higher 2OG:AcAP ratios, the enzyme further processes the alcohol to the tricyclic NANL. Characterization of the alcohol intermediate by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy shows that it is 2-<i>endo</i>-hydroxy-1-<i>exo</i>-acetamidopyrrolizidine (2-<i>endo</i>-OH-AcAP). Kinetic and spectroscopic analyses of reactions with site-specifically deuteriated AcAP substrates confirm that the C2ā€“H bond is cleaved first and that the responsible intermediate is, as expected, an Fe<sup>IV</sup>ā€“oxo (ferryl) complex. Analyses of the loline products from cultures fed with stereospecifically deuteriated AcAP precursors, proline and aspartic acid, establish that LolO removes the endo hydrogens from C2 and C7 and forms both new Cā€“O bonds with retention of configuration. These findings delineate the pathway to an important class of natural insecticides and lay the foundation for mechanistic dissection of the chemically challenging oxacyclization reaction