42 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Consistency of Cosmological Distances Using Supernova Siblings in the Near-Infrared

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    The study of supernova siblings, supernovae with the same host galaxy, is an important avenue for understanding and measuring the properties of Type Ia Supernova (SN Ia) light curves (LCs). Thus far, sibling analyses have mainly focused on optical LC data. Considering that LCs in the near-infrared (NIR) are expected to be better standard candles than those in the optical, we carry out the first analysis compiling SN siblings with only NIR data. We perform an extensive literature search of all SN siblings and find six sets of siblings with published NIR photometry. We calibrate each set of siblings ensuring they are on homogeneous photometric systems, fit the LCs with the SALT3-NIR and SNooPy models, and find median absolute differences in μ\mu values between siblings of 0.248 mag and 0.186 mag, respectively. To evaluate the significance of these differences beyond measurement noise, we run simulations that mimic these LCs and provide an estimate for uncertainty on these median absolute differences of ∼\sim0.052 mag, and we find that our analysis supports the existence of intrinsic scatter in the NIR at the 99% level. When comparing the same sets of SN siblings, we observe a median absolute difference in μ\mu values between siblings of 0.177 mag when using optical data alone as compared to 0.186 mag when using NIR data alone. We attribute this to either limited statistics, poor quality NIR data, or poor reduction of the NIR data; all of which will be improved with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures. Accepted into Ap

    Observations of SN 2017ein Reveal Shock Breakout Emission and A Massive Progenitor Star for a Type Ic Supernova

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    We present optical and ultraviolet observations of nearby type Ic supernova SN 2017ein as well as detailed analysis of its progenitor properties from both the early-time observations and the prediscovery Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images. The optical light curves started from within one day to ∼\sim275 days after explosion, and optical spectra range from ∼\sim2 days to ∼\sim90 days after explosion. Compared to other normal SNe Ic like SN 2007gr and SN 2013ge, \mbox{SN 2017ein} seems to have more prominent C{\footnotesize II} absorption and higher expansion velocities in early phases, suggestive of relatively lower ejecta mass. The earliest photometry obtained for \mbox{SN 2017ein} show indications of shock cooling. The best-fit obtained by including a shock cooling component gives an estimate of the envelope mass as ∼\sim0.02 M⊙_{\odot} and stellar radius as 8±\pm4 R⊙_{\odot}. Examining the pre-explosion images taken with the HST WFPC2, we find that the SN position coincides with a luminous and blue point-like source, with an extinction-corrected absolute magnitude of MV_V∼\sim−-8.2 mag and MI_I∼\sim−-7.7 mag.Comparisons of the observations to the theoretical models indicate that the counterpart source was either a single WR star or a binary with whose members had high initial masses, or a young compact star cluster. To further distinguish between different scenarios requires revisiting the site of the progenitor with HST after the SN fades away.Comment: 28 pages, 19 figures; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    A Speed Bump: SN 2021aefx Shows that Doppler Shift Alone Can Explain Early Excess Blue Flux in Some Type Ia Supernovae

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    We present early-time photometric and spectroscopic observations of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2021aefx. The early-time u-band light curve shows an excess flux when compared to normal SNe Ia. We suggest that the early excess blue flux may be due to a rapid change in spectral velocity in the first few days post explosion, produced by the emission of the Ca ii H&K feature passing from the u to the B bands on the timescale of a few days. This effect could be dominant for all SNe Ia that have broad absorption features and early-time velocities over 25,000 km s. It is likely to be one of the main causes of early excess u-band flux in SNe Ia that have early-time high velocities. This effect may also be dominant in the UV filters, as well as in places where the SN spectral energy distribution is quickly rising to longer wavelengths. The rapid change in velocity can only produce a monotonic change (in flux-space) in the u band. For objects that explode at lower velocities, and have a more structured shape in the early excess emission, there must also be an additional parameter producing the early-time diversity. More early-time observations, in particular early spectra, are required to determine how prominent this effect is within SNe Ia.C.A. and B.J.S. are supported by NSF grants AST-1907570, AST-1908952, AST-1920392, and AST-1911074. M.D.S. is funded in part by an Experiment grant (No. 28021) from the Villum FONDEN, and by a project 1 grant (No. 8021-00170B) from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (IRFD). P.H. acknowledges support by National Science Foundation (NSF) grant AST- 1715133. E.B. and J.D. are supported in part by NASA grant 80NSSC20K0538. This work has been generously supported by the National Science Foundation under grants AST-1008343, AST-1613426, AST-1613455, and AST1613472. This paper includes data gathered with the 6.5 meter Magellan Telescopes located at the Las Campanas Observatory, Chile. We would like to thank the technical staff for constant support for observations on the Swope telescope. The early-time spectrum that was critical for this analysis came from SALT through Rutgers University time via program 2021-1-MLT-007 (PI: Jha). L.G. acknowledges financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) 10.13039/501100011033, and the European Social Fund (ESF) "Investing in your future" under the 2019 Ramón y Cajal program RYC2019-027683-I and the PID2020-115253GA-I00 HOSTFLOWS project, from Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) under the PIE project 20215AT016, and the program Unidad de Excelencia María de Maeztu CEX2020-001058-M

    Discovery and Follow-up of ASASSN-23bd (AT 2023clx): The Lowest Redshift and Least Luminous Tidal Disruption Event To Date

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    We report the All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae discovery of the tidal disruption event (TDE) ASASSN-23bd (AT 2023clx) in NGC 3799, a LINER galaxy with no evidence of strong AGN activity over the past decade. With a redshift of z=0.01107z = 0.01107 and a peak UV/optical luminosity of (5.4±0.4)×1042(5.4\pm0.4)\times10^{42} erg s−1^{-1}, ASASSN-23bd is the lowest-redshift and least-luminous TDE discovered to date. Spectroscopically, ASASSN-23bd shows Hα\alpha and He I emission throughout its spectral time series, and the UV spectrum shows nitrogen lines without the strong carbon and magnesium lines typically seen for AGN. Fits to the rising ASAS-SN light curve show that ASASSN-23bd started to brighten on MJD 59988−1+1^{+1}_{-1}, ∼\sim9 days before discovery, with a nearly linear rise in flux, peaking in the gg band on MJD 60000−3+360000^{+3}_{-3}. Scaling relations and TDE light curve modelling find a black hole mass of ∼\sim106^6 M⊙M_\odot, which is on the lower end of supermassive black hole masses. ASASSN-23bd is a dim X-ray source, with an upper limit of L0.3−10 keV<1.0×1040L_{0.3-10\,\mathrm{keV}} < 1.0\times10^{40} erg s−1^{-1} from stacking all \emph{Swift} observations prior to MJD 60061, but with soft (∼0.1\sim 0.1 keV) thermal emission with a luminosity of L0.3−2 keV∼4×1039L_{0.3-2 \,\mathrm{keV}}\sim4\times10^{39} erg s−1^{-1} in \emph{XMM-Newton} observations on MJD 60095. The rapid (t<15(t < 15 days) light curve rise, low UV/optical luminosity, and a luminosity decline over 40 days of ΔL40≈−0.7\Delta L_{40}\approx-0.7 make ASASSN-23bd one of the dimmest TDEs to date and a member of the growing ``Low Luminosity and Fast'' class of TDEs.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, submitted to MNRA

    SN 2021fxy: Mid-Ultraviolet Flux Suppression is a Common Feature of Type Ia Supernovae

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    We present ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared (NIR) observations and analysis of the nearby Type Ia supernova SN 2021fxy. Our observations include UV photometry from Swift/UVOT, UV spectroscopy from HST/STIS, and high-cadence optical photometry with the Swope 1-m telescope capturing intra-night rises during the early light curve. Early B−VB-V colours show SN 2021fxy is the first "shallow-silicon" (SS) SN Ia to follow a red-to-blue evolution, compared to other SS objects which show blue colours from the earliest observations. Comparisons to other spectroscopically normal SNe Ia with HST UV spectra reveal SN 2021fxy is one of several SNe Ia with flux suppression in the mid-UV. These SNe also show blue-shifted mid-UV spectral features and strong high-velocity Ca II features. One possible origin of this mid-UV suppression is the increased effective opacity in the UV due to increased line blanketing from high velocity material, but differences in the explosion mechanism cannot be ruled out. Among SNe Ia with mid-UV suppression, SNe 2021fxy and 2017erp show substantial similarities in their optical properties despite belonging to different Branch subgroups, and UV flux differences of the same order as those found between SNe 2011fe and 2011by. Differential comparisons to multiple sets of synthetic SN Ia UV spectra reveal this UV flux difference likely originates from a luminosity difference between SNe 2021fxy and 2017erp, and not differing progenitor metallicities as suggested for SNe 2011by and 2011fe. These comparisons illustrate the complicated nature of UV spectral formation, and the need for more UV spectra to determine the physical source of SNe Ia UV diversity.Comment: 26 pages, 19 figures, 9 tables; submitted to MNRAS, posted after receiving referee comment

    SN 2021gno: a Calcium-rich transient with double-peaked light curves

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    We present extensive ultraviolet (UV) and optical photometric and optical spectroscopic follow-up of supernova (SN)~2021gno by the "Precision Observations of Infant Supernova Explosions" (POISE) project, starting less than two days after the explosion. Given its intermediate luminosity, fast photometric evolution, and quick transition to the nebular phase with spectra dominated by [Ca~II] lines, SN~2021gno belongs to the small family of Calcium-rich transients. Moreover, it shows double-peaked light curves, a phenomenon shared with only four other Calcium-rich events. The projected distance from the center of the host galaxy is not as large as other objects in this family. The initial optical light-curve peaks coincide with a very quick decline of the UV flux, indicating a fast initial cooling phase. Through hydrodynamical modelling of the bolometric light curve and line velocity evolution, we found that the observations are compatible with the explosion of a highly-stripped massive star with an ejecta mass of 0.8 M⊙0.8\,M_\odot and a 56^{56}Ni mass of 0.024 M⊙0.024~M_{\odot}. The initial cooling phase (first light curve peak) is explained by the presence of an extended circumstellar material comprising ∼\sim10−2 M⊙10^{-2}\,M_{\odot} with an extension of 1100 R⊙1100\,R_{\odot}. We discuss if hydrogen features are present in both maximum-light and nebular spectra, and its implications in terms of the proposed progenitor scenarios for Calcium-rich transients.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    JWST NIRSpec+MIRI Observations of the nearby Type IIP supernova 2022acko

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    We present JWST spectral and photometric observations of the Type IIP supernova (SN) 2022acko at ~50 days past explosion. These data are the first JWST spectral observations of a core-collapse SN. We identify ~30 different H I features, other features associated with products produced from the CNO cycle, and s-process elements such as Sc II and Ba II. By combining the JWST spectra with ground-based optical and NIR spectra, we construct a full Spectral Energy Distribution from 0.4 to 25 microns and find that the JWST spectra are fully consistent with the simultaneous JWST photometry. The data lack signatures of CO formation and we estimate a limit on the CO mass of < 10^{-8} solar mass. We demonstrate how the CO fundamental band limits can be used to probe underlying physics during stellar evolution, explosion, and the environment. The observations indicate little mixing between the H envelope and C/O core in the ejecta and show no evidence of dust. The data presented here set a critical baseline for future JWST observations, where possible molecular and dust formation may be seen

    Discovery and Rapid Follow-up Observations of the Unusual Type II SN 2018ivc in NGC 1068

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    We present the discovery and high-cadence follow-up observations of SN 2018ivc, an unusual SNe II that exploded in NGC 1068 (D = 10.1 Mpc). The light curve of SN 2018ivc declines piecewise-linearly, changing slope frequently, with four clear slope changes in the first 30 days of evolution. This rapidly changing light curve indicates that interaction between the circumstellar material and ejecta plays a significant role in the evolution. Circumstellar interaction is further supported by a strong X-ray detection. The spectra are rapidly evolving and dominated by hydrogen, helium, and calcium emission lines. We identify a rare high-velocity emission-line feature blueshifted at ∼7800 - km s 1 (in Hα, Hβ, Pβ, Pγ, He I, and Ca II), which is visible from day 18 until at least day 78 and could be evidence of an asymmetric progenitor or explosion. From the overall similarity between SN 2018ivc and SN 1996al, the Hα equivalent width of its parent H II region, and constraints from pre-explosion archival Hubble Space Telescope images, we find that the progenitor of SN 2018ivc could be as massive as 52 M but is more likely <12 M. SN 2018ivc demonstrates the importance of the early discovery and rapid follow-up observations of nearby supernovae to study the physics and progenitors of these cosmic explosions

    Fast and Not-so-Furious: Case Study of the Fast and Faint Type IIb SN 2021bxu

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic observations and analysis of SN~2021bxu (ATLAS21dov), a low-luminosity, fast-evolving Type IIb supernova (SN). SN~2021bxu is unique, showing a large initial decline in brightness followed by a short plateau phase. With Mr=−15.93±0.16 magM_r = -15.93 \pm 0.16\, \mathrm{mag} during the plateau, it is at the lower end of the luminosity distribution of stripped-envelope supernovae (SE-SNe) and shows a distinct ∼\sim10 day plateau not caused by H- or He-recombination. SN~2021bxu shows line velocities which are at least ∼1500 km s−1\sim1500\,\mathrm{km\,s^{-1}} slower than typical SE-SNe. It is photometrically and spectroscopically similar to Type IIb SNe during the photospheric phases of evolution, with similarities to Ca-rich IIb SNe. We find that the bolometric light curve is best described by a composite model of shock interaction between the ejecta and an envelope of extended material, combined with a typical SN~IIb powered by the radioactive decay of 56^{56}Ni. The best-fit parameters for SN~2021bxu include a 56^{56}Ni mass of MNi=0.029−0.005+0.004 M⊙M_{\mathrm{Ni}} = 0.029^{+0.004}_{-0.005}\,\mathrm{M_{\odot}}, an ejecta mass of Mej=0.57−0.03+0.04 M⊙M_{\mathrm{ej}} = 0.57^{+0.04}_{-0.03}\,\mathrm{M_{\odot}}, and an ejecta kinetic energy of Kej=9.3−0.6+0.7×1049 ergK_{\mathrm{ej}} = 9.3^{+0.7}_{-0.6} \times 10^{49}\, \mathrm{erg}. From the fits to the properties of the extended material of Ca-rich IIb SNe we find a trend of decreasing envelope radius with increasing envelope mass. SN~2021bxu has MNiM_{\mathrm{Ni}} on the low end compared to SE-SNe and Ca-rich SNe in the literature, demonstrating that SN~2021bxu-like events are rare explosions in extreme areas of parameter space. The progenitor of SN~2021bxu is likely a low mass He star with an extended envelope.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, submitted to MNRA