36,994 research outputs found

    Two sided markets, competitive bottlenecks and exclusive contracts

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    We provide a framework for analyzing two-sided markets that allows for different degrees of product differentiation on each side of the market. When platforms are viewed as homogenous by sellers but heterogeneous by buyers, we show that “competitive bottlenecks” arise endogenously. In equilibrium, platforms do not compete directly for sellers, instead choosing to compete indirectly by subsidizing buyers to join. Sellers are left with none of the gains from trade. Despite this, it is sellers who choose to purchase from multiple platforms (multihome). Finally, the role of exclusive contracts to prevent multihoming is explored

    Conditioning prices on search behaviour

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    We consider a market in which �firms can partially observe each consumer's search behavior in the market. In our main model, a �firm knows whether a consumer is visiting it for the �first time or whether she is returning after a previous visit. Firms have an incentive to offer a lower price on a �first visit than a return visit, so that new consumers are offered a "buy-now" discount. The ability to offer such discounts acts to raise all prices in the market. If �firms cannot commit to their buy-later price, in many cases �firms make "exploding" offers, and consumers never return to a previously sampled �rm. Likewise, if �firms must charge the same price to all consumers, regardless of search history, we show that they sometimes have the incentive to make exploding offers. We also consider other ways in which �firms could use information about search behaviour to determine their prices

    Prominence and consumer search

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    This paper examines the implications of “prominence” in search markets. We model prominence by supposing that the prominent firm will be sampled first by all consumers. If there are no systematic quality differences among firms, we find that the prominent firm will charge a lower price than its non-prominent rivals. The impact of making a firm prominent is that it will typically lead to higher industry profit but lower consumer surplus and welfare. The model is extended by introducing heterogeneous product qualities, in which case the firm with the highest-quality product has the greatest incentive to become prominent, and making it prominent will boost industry profit, consumer surplus and welfare

    Geochemistry and metallogeny of Neoproterozoic pyrite in oxic and anoxic sediments

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    The Neoproterozoic Dalradian Supergroup contains widespread diagenetic sulphides present as pyrite. The sulphides occur in both carbonaceous shales and glacial diamictites, that were deposited in relatively reducing and oxidising conditions respectively. The trace element compositions of the pyrite, and consequently the whole rock compositions, contrast between the two lithologies. The highest concentrations of selenium, tellurium and gold are all found in diamictite-hosted pyrite. The data suggest that increased mobility of these elements in oxidising conditions led to greater uptake when pyrite was precipitated. As one model for the formation of orogenic gold ore deposits assumes a sulphide-rich protolith, pyrite ultimately formed during relatively oxidising conditions could make a contribution, including the widespread pyrite precipitated during the Neoproterozoic ‘Snowball Earth’ glaciations

    A black shale protolith for gold-tellurium mineralisation in the Dalradian Supergroup (Neoproterozoic) of Britain and Ireland

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    The Dalradian Supergroup of Britain and Ireland is mineralised by gold-tellurium vein deposits. The host succession includes carbonaceous, pyritic shales (pelites) which were a source of trace elements, including gold and tellurium. LA-ICP-MS mapping of pyrite crystals shows that late stages are enriched in gold, tellurium and lead, representing concentration of these elements during metamorphism and related hydrothermal activity. The sulphur isotope composition of the pyrite varies with stratigraphic position, reflecting an origin for the pyrite in the depositional environment through microbial sulphate reduction. Where pyrite was converted to pyrrhotite, trace element contents are much lower, indicating element liberation during metamorphism. These observations are consistent with a model of black shale protoliths for orogenic gold deposits

    TDIR: Time-Delay Interferometric Ranging for Space-Borne Gravitational-Wave Detectors

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    Space-borne interferometric gravitational-wave detectors, sensitive in the low-frequency (mHz) band, will fly in the next decade. In these detectors, the spacecraft-to-spacecraft light-travel times will necessarily be unequal and time-varying, and (because of aberration) will have different values on up- and down-links. In such unequal-armlength interferometers, laser phase noise will be canceled by taking linear combinations of the laser-phase observables measured between pairs of spacecraft, appropriately time-shifted by the light propagation times along the corresponding arms. This procedure, known as time-delay interferometry (TDI), requires an accurate knowledge of the light-time delays as functions of time. Here we propose a high-accuracy technique to estimate these time delays and study its use in the context of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission. We refer to this ranging technique, which relies on the TDI combinations themselves, as Time-Delay Interferometric Ranging (TDIR). For every TDI combination, we show that, by minimizing the rms power in that combination (averaged over integration times 104\sim 10^4 s) with respect to the time-delay parameters, we obtain estimates of the time delays accurate enough to cancel laser noise to a level well below the secondary noises. Thus TDIR allows the implementation of TDI without the use of dedicated inter-spacecraft ranging systems, with a potential simplification of the LISA design. In this paper we define the TDIR procedure formally, and we characterize its expected performance via simulations with the \textit{Synthetic LISA} software package.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Coccidiosis in sheep

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    COCCIDIOSIS is an acute, contagious intestinal infection which may affect most species of animals and birds. The disease causes heavy losses in the poultry industry, and dogs, calves, sheep, goats and pigs are among other domesticated animals affected—but there is no cross-infection from one species of animal or bird to another. It is characterised by diarrhoea and severe loss of condition

    Robust model-based controller synthesis for the SCOLE configuration

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    The design of a robust compensator is considered for the SCOLE configuration using a frequency-response shaping technique based on the LQG/LTR algorithm. Results indicate that a tenth-order compensator can be used to meet stability-performance-robustness conditions for a 26th-order SCOLE model without destabilizing spillover effects. Since the SCOLE configuration is representative of many proposed spaceflight experiments, the results and design techniques employed potentially should be applicable to a wide range of large space structure control problems

    Data Combinations Accounting for LISA Spacecraft Motion

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    LISA is an array of three spacecraft in an approximately equilateral triangle configuration which will be used as a low-frequency gravitational wave detector. We present here new generalizations of the Michelson- and Sagnac-type time-delay interferometry data combinations. These combinations cancel laser phase noise in the presence of different up and down propagation delays in each arm of the array, and slowly varying systematic motion of the spacecraft. The gravitational wave sensitivities of these generalized combinations are the same as previously computed for the stationary cases, although the combinations are now more complicated. We introduce a diagrammatic representation to illustrate that these combinations are actually synthesized equal-arm interferometers.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure