266 research outputs found

    Enhancement of the upper critical field in codoped iron-arsenic high-temperature superconductors

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    We present the first study of codoped iron-arsenide superconductors of the 122 family (Sr/Ba)_(1-x)K_xFe_(2-y)Co_yAs_2 with the purpose to increase the upper critical field H_c2 compared to single doped (Sr/Ba)Fe_2As_2 materials. H_c2 was investigated by measuring the magnetoresistance in high pulsed magnetic fields up to 64 T. We find, that H_c2 extrapolated to T = 0 is indeed enhanced significantly to ~ 90 T for polycrystalline samples of Ba_0.55K_0.45Fe_1.95Co_0.05As_2 compared to ~75 T for Ba_0.55K_0.45Fe_2As_2 and BaFe_1.8Co_0.2As_2 single crystals. Codoping thus is a promising way for the systematic optimization of iron-arsenic based superconductors for magnetic-field and high-current applications.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Journal of Applied Physic

    Competition of local-moment ferromagnetism and superconductivity in Co-substituted EuFe2As2

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    In contrast to SrFe2As2, where only the iron possesses a magnetic moment, in EuFe2As2 an additional large, local magnetic moment is carried by Eu2+. Like SrFe2As2, EuFe2As2 exhibits a spin-density wave transition at high temperatures, but in addition the magnetic moments of the Eu2+ order at around 20 K. The interplay of pressure-induced superconductivity and the Eu2+ order leads to a behavior which is reminiscent of re-entrant superconductivity as it was observed, for example, in the ternary Chevrel phases or in the rare-earth nickel borocarbides. Here, we study the delicate interplay of the ordering of the Eu2+ moments and superconductivity in EuFe1.9Co0.1As2, where application of external pressure makes it possible to sensitively tune the ratio of the magnetic (T_C) and the superconducting (T_{c,onset}) critical temperatures. We find that superconductivity disappears once T_C > T_{c,onset}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the proceedings of SCES201

    Superconductivity in SrFe_(2-x)Co_xAs_2: Internal Doping of the Iron Arsenide Layers

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    In the electron doped compounds SrFe_(2-x)Co_xAs_2 superconductivity with T_c up to 20 K is observed for 0.2 < x < 0.4. Results of structure determination, magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and specific heat are reported. The observation of bulk superconductivity in all thermodynamic properties -- despite strong disorder in the Fe-As layer -- favors an itinerant picture in contrast to the cuprates and renders a p- or d-wave scenario unlikely. DFT calculations find that the substitution of Fe by Co (x > 0.3) leads to the suppression of the magnetic ordering present in SrFe_2As_2 due to a rigid down-shift of the Fe-3d_(x^2-y^2) related band edge in the density of states.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    High spin polarization in the ferromagnetic filled skutterudites KFe4Sb12 and NaFe4Sb12

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    The spin polarization of ferromagnetic alkali-metal iron antimonides KFe4Sb12 and NaFe4Sb12 is studied by point-contact Andreev reflection using superconducting Nb and Pb tips. From these measurements an intrinsic transport spin polarization Pt of 67% and 60% for the K and Na compound, respectively, is inferred which establishes these materials as a new class of highly spin polarized ferromagnets. The results are in accord with band structure calculations within the local spin density approximation (LSDA) that predict nearly 100% spin polarization in the density of states. We discuss the impact of calculated Fermi velocities and spin fluctuations on Pt.Comment: Pdf file with fi

    Field dependence of the Eu2+ spin relaxation in EuFe(2-x)CoxAs2

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    The layered compound EuFe2As2 is an interesting model system to investigate the effects of well defined local Eu2+ 4f states on the itinerant electronic and magnetic properties of the FeAs layers. To address this subject, we investigated the series EuFe2-xCoxAs2 (0.1 <= x <=0.75) by electron spin resonance (ESR) of Eu2+ to probe the spin dynamics of the itinerant subsystem. We relate the results to dc-susceptibility measurements and band structure calculations. As a consequence of the weak coupling between the local and itinerant subsystems we found that the spin relaxation is well understood in terms of the exchange coupling among the local Eu2+ spins. A pronounced field dependence of the Eu2+ spin relaxation demonstrates the direct influence of magnetic fluctuations at the Fe2-xCoxAs2 layers.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Superconductivity in SrFe2As2 with Pt Doping

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    We have synthesized polycrystalline samples of Pt-substituted SrFe2As2 and measured the temperature dependence of magnetization and electrical resistivity. We have observed the superconducting transition at Tc = 17 K with the maximum shielding volume fraction at x = 0.125 in Sr(Fe1-xPtx)2As2. It is found that the maximum Tc depends on the substituted element, so it is important to substitute various elements to explore new iron-based superconductors with higher Tc.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 79 No. 9 (2010

    On Electron Transport in ZrB12, ZrB2 and MgB2

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    We report on measurements of the temperature dependence of resistivity, ρ(T)\rho(T), for single crystal samples of ZrB12_{12}, ZrB2_{2} and polycrystalline samples of MgB2_{2}. It is shown that cluster compound ZrB12_{12} behaves like a simple metal in the normal state, with a typical Bloch -- Gr\"uneisen ρ(T)\rho(T) dependence. However, the resistive Debye temperature, TR=300KT_{R}=300 K, is three times smaller than TDT_{D} obtained from specific heat data. We observe the T2T^{2} term in ρ(T)\rho(T) of these borides, which could be interpreted as an indication of strong electron-electron interaction. Although the ρ(T)\rho (T) dependence of ZrB12_{12} reveals a sharp superconductive transition at Tc=6.0KT_{c}=6.0 K, no superconductivity was observed for single crystal samples of ZrB2_{2} down to 1.3K1.3 K.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Distinct transport behaviors of LaFe1-yCoyAsO1-xFx (x=0.11) between the superconducting and nonsuperconducting metallic y regions divided by y ~ 0.05

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    Electrical resistivities, Hall coefficients and thermoelectric powers have been measured for polycrystalline samples of LaFe1-yCoyAsO1-xFx (x=0.11) with various values of y. The results show that there exists clear distinction of these transport behaviors between the superconducting and nonsuperconducting metallic regions of y divided by the boundary value yc~0.05. We have found that the behaviors in both regions are very similar to those of high-Tc Cu oxides in the corresponding phases. If they reflect, as in the case of Cu oxides, effects of strong magnetic fluctuations, the energy scale of the fluctuations is considered to be smaller than that of the high Cu oxides by a factor of ~1/2. Arguments on the electronic nature and superconducting symmetry are presented on the basis of the observed small rate of the Tc suppression rate by the Co doping.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Effect of Impurities with Internal Structure on Multiband Superconductors - Possible Enhancement of Transition Temperature -

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    We study inelastic (dynamical) impurity scattering effects in two-band superconductors with the same (s++s_{++} wave) or different (s±s_\pm wave) sign order parameters. We focus on the enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{\rm c} by magnetic interband scattering with the interchange of crystal-field singlet ground and multiplet excited states. Either the s++s_{++}-wave or s±s_\pm-wave state is favored by the impurity-mediated pairing, which depends on the magnetic and nonmagnetic scattering strengths derived from the hybridization of the impurity states with the conduction bands. The details are examined for the singlet-triplet configuration that is suggestive of Pr impurities in the skutterudite superconductor LaOs4_4Sb12_{12}.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 79, No. 9 (2010

    Muon-spin rotation and magnetization studies of chemical and hydrostatic pressure effects in EuFe_{2}(As_{1-x}P_{x})_{2}

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    The magnetic phase diagram of EuFe2_{2}(As1x_{1-x}Px_{x})2_{2} was investigated by means of magnetization and muon-spin rotation studies as a function of chemical (isovalent substitution of As by P) and hydrostatic pressure. The magnetic phase diagrams of the magnetic ordering of the Eu and Fe spins with respect to P content and hydrostatic pressure are determined and discussed. The present investigations reveal that the magnetic coupling between the Eu and the Fe sublattices strongly depends on chemical and hydrostatic pressure. It is found that chemical and hydrostatic pressure have a similar effect on the Eu and Fe magnetic order.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure