464 research outputs found

    The Byzantine historiography on the state of Serbian despots

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    The four Byzantine historians of 'the Fall' of the Byzantine Empire, Doucas Chalcocondyles, Sphrantzes and Critobulos, as well as the Byzantine short chronicles, bring many news concerning Serbian history of the first half of the XV century. Although almost all of them refer to the Serbian political history of the period, they also imply that Serbia was a state, having its own territory, ethnicity, government, diplomacy, army and economic resources

    Servis period i antitela protiv spermatozoida kod veŔtački osemenjavanih krava

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    The aim of this study was to determine titers of antisperm antibodies (ASA) of Ig G and Ig A class in sera and cervical mucus of artificially inseminated Holstein cows in order to correlate these results with the duration of the open days period. Investigations were conducted on a total of 181 cows originating from three different dairy farms. Blood and cervical mucus samples for laboratory analyses were collected on the day of the last artificial insemination. Presence of ASA was determined by indirect immunofluorescence method (IIF) using bulls' sperm cells prepared for artificial insemination by suspending in TRIS - egg yolk or "Biociphos + " extenders prior to deep freezing. Our results strongly confirm the hypothesis that immune mechanisms may be involved in reproductive disturbances due to high levels of ASA of lg A class. In the sera and cervical mucus of cows, high levels of ASA were found in animals with longer open days period. In this study we were not able to demonstrate differences in ASA titers when sperm cells were suspended in different extenders and used for the IIF test.U ovom radu su izneti rezultati ispitivanja titra antitela Ig G i Ig A klase poreklom iz krvnog seruma i cervikalne sluzi veÅ”tački osemenjavanih holÅ”tajn krava protiv antigena spermatozoida bika. Ispitivanja su izvedena na ukupnom broju od 181 plotkinje sa tri regionalne farme muznih krava. Uzorci krvi i cervikalne sluzi su prikupljeni na dan poslednjeg veÅ”tačkog osemenjavanja. Titar antitela protiv antigena spermatozoida (ASA) je određivan metodom indirektne imunofluorescence a za izvođenje testa su koriŔćeni spermatozoidi suspendovani u TRIS žumanjčanom ili "Biociphos +" razređivaču. NaÅ”i rezultati potvrđuju hipotezu da su imunski mehanizmi uključeni u nastanak nekih reproduktivnih poremećaja jer su plotkinje sa visokim titrom ASA u serumu i cervikalnoj sluzi imala duži servis period. Osim toga, u ovim ispitivanjima nismo utvrdili postojanje razlika u titru ASA u zavisnosti od vrste koriŔćenog razređivača

    Boosting the resilience of the healthcare system in Belgrade: the role of ICT networks

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    Medicine is evolving under economical, commercial and technological pressures but the resilience of healthcare systems remains questionable, especially in the age of intensive climate changes. The vulnerability of existing healthcare facilities is increasing and it becomes necessary to deal efficiently with different problems - from the growing number of patients, management of healthcare continuity and quality, to the maintenance of physical integrity of facilities and available financial resources. Focusing on the case of Belgrade, this paper will analyse the relationship between healthcare facilities research and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) networks. It will elaborate possible approaches in adapting to climate changes and boosting overall resilience of hospitals, within existing limitations imposed by socio-economic and technological conditions. The contextual framework for the research is based on the review of literature and the data collected from recent reports and strategies. In addition, the paper will use information collected through extensive online surveys among patients and staff from major hospitals in Belgrade. The resilience of existing Belgrade healthcare facilities will be assessed in accordance with prevailing technological, organizational and individual factors, as well as the impact of climate changes, which influenced their poor performances. This paper will present both advantages and disadvantages of using ICT in Healthcare research

    Mathematical modeling and control of redundant robotic manipulators using biological analog

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    U ovom radu razmatran je problem realizacije novih matematičkih modela redudantnih sistema kao i upravljanja koriŔćenjem pogodnih bioloÅ”kih analogona. Ideja je bila u tome da se imitira ljudsko ponaÅ”anje i to je posebno značajno za zadatke koji su slični onim zadacima karakterističnim za ljude. Prvo, može se primeniti bioloÅ”ki koncept distribuiranog pozicioniranja (DP) koji je zasnovan na inercijalnim osobinama i aktuatorskim mogućnostima zglobova redudantnih sistema. Drugo, predloženo je koriŔćenje bioloÅ”kog analogona - sinergije koja je posledica postojanja invarijantnih osobina u izvrÅ”avanju funkcionalnih kretanja. Na kraju predloženo je koriŔćenje drugih bioloÅ”kih principa kao Å”to su: princip minimuma interakcije koji ima važnu ulogu u hijerarhijskoj strukturi upravljanja i principa samopodeÅ”avanja, koji dozvoljava efikasnu realizaciju upravljanja koje je zasnovano na iterativnom prirodnom učenju. .In this paper it is considered problem of realization new mathematical models of redundant systems as well as control using suitable biological analog. The idea was to try to imitate human behavior and this is specially convenient for tasks which are similar to those characteristic for humans (e.g., assembling in industry, different jobs at home and in health service). If we consider speed, accuracy and stability of motion then the overall performance (taking into account all three of parameters) with machines is still far behind human reaching and grasping. Human arm movements are considered to be stable, fast and accurate due to properties of muscles, musculo-skeletal structures and hierarchical control. It was observed in the execution of functional motions that certain trajectories are preferred from the infinite number of options. Such behavior of organisms can be only explained by the existence of inherent optimization laws in self-organized systems governing the acquisition of motor skills. Existence of invariant features in the execution of functional motions points out that central nervous system (CNS) uses synergy [Bernstein, 1967](i.e. rule(s) that can be developed by the CNS based on some principles). The control of arm movement in humans relies very much on distributed usage of different joints, and inherent optimization of muscles which are active. Analysis of multi joint coordination in humans is an important source of information for synthesis of dynamic patterns in machines. In that way, model of redundant system is obtained using biomechanical principle - synergy i.e. introducing linear or nonlinear relations between independent parameters or their first derivatives which uniquely define redundant system. Moreover, one can introduced hypothetical control using joint actuator synergy approach as suggested [Bernstein, 1967] ā€¢which imposes a specific constraints) on the control variables. Also, it can be applied biological concept called distributed positioning (DP) which is based on the inertial properties and actuation capabilities of joints of redundant system. The redundancy and DP concept [Potkonjak 1990] could be used for solving the trajectory that has problems with increased dynamic requirements. The concept of DP allows us to separate the smooth and accelerated components of required motions applying appropriate smoothing technique. The inverse kinematics of redundant robot has been solved at the coordination level via (DP) concept. Moreover, it is here proposed using other biological principles such as: principle of minimum interaction which takes a main role in hierarchical structure of control and self-adjusting principle, which allows efficiently realization of control based on iterative natural learning. Motor control is organized as a multilevel structure, is generally accepted. In assistive system involves man as the decision maker, a hierarchical control structure can be proposed with three levels from the left to right: -voluntary level, coordination level, actuator level. This imposes the system is decomposed into several sybsystems with strong coupling between subsystems. Explanation of previous can be understood using the principle of maximum autonomy or minimum information exchange [Tomović, Bellman, 1970]. According to this principle, the optimal solution is to delegate the execution of functional motions to the coordination level and local regulators once the task and the task parameters have been selected. Learning control for controlling dynamics systems, a class of tracking systems is applied where it is required to repeat a given task to desired precision. The common observation that human beings can learn perfect skills trough repeated trials motivations the idea of iterative learning control for systems performing repetitive tasks. Therefore, iterative learning control requires less a priori knowledge about the controlled system in the controller design phase and also less computational effort than many other kinds of control. For improving the properties of tracking is proposed applying biological analog -principle of self-adaptability, [Grujuc,1989 ] which introduce local negative feedback on control with great amplifying.

    Mathematical modeling and control of redundant robotic manipulators using biological analog

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    U ovom radu razmatran je problem realizacije novih matematičkih modela redudantnih sistema kao i upravljanja koriŔćenjem pogodnih bioloÅ”kih analogona. Ideja je bila u tome da se imitira ljudsko ponaÅ”anje i to je posebno značajno za zadatke koji su slični onim zadacima karakterističnim za ljude. Prvo, može se primeniti bioloÅ”ki koncept distribuiranog pozicioniranja (DP) koji je zasnovan na inercijalnim osobinama i aktuatorskim mogućnostima zglobova redudantnih sistema. Drugo, predloženo je koriŔćenje bioloÅ”kog analogona - sinergije koja je posledica postojanja invarijantnih osobina u izvrÅ”avanju funkcionalnih kretanja. Na kraju predloženo je koriŔćenje drugih bioloÅ”kih principa kao Å”to su: princip minimuma interakcije koji ima važnu ulogu u hijerarhijskoj strukturi upravljanja i principa samopodeÅ”avanja, koji dozvoljava efikasnu realizaciju upravljanja koje je zasnovano na iterativnom prirodnom učenju. .In this paper it is considered problem of realization new mathematical models of redundant systems as well as control using suitable biological analog. The idea was to try to imitate human behavior and this is specially convenient for tasks which are similar to those characteristic for humans (e.g., assembling in industry, different jobs at home and in health service). If we consider speed, accuracy and stability of motion then the overall performance (taking into account all three of parameters) with machines is still far behind human reaching and grasping. Human arm movements are considered to be stable, fast and accurate due to properties of muscles, musculo-skeletal structures and hierarchical control. It was observed in the execution of functional motions that certain trajectories are preferred from the infinite number of options. Such behavior of organisms can be only explained by the existence of inherent optimization laws in self-organized systems governing the acquisition of motor skills. Existence of invariant features in the execution of functional motions points out that central nervous system (CNS) uses synergy [Bernstein, 1967](i.e. rule(s) that can be developed by the CNS based on some principles). The control of arm movement in humans relies very much on distributed usage of different joints, and inherent optimization of muscles which are active. Analysis of multi joint coordination in humans is an important source of information for synthesis of dynamic patterns in machines. In that way, model of redundant system is obtained using biomechanical principle - synergy i.e. introducing linear or nonlinear relations between independent parameters or their first derivatives which uniquely define redundant system. Moreover, one can introduced hypothetical control using joint actuator synergy approach as suggested [Bernstein, 1967] ā€¢which imposes a specific constraints) on the control variables. Also, it can be applied biological concept called distributed positioning (DP) which is based on the inertial properties and actuation capabilities of joints of redundant system. The redundancy and DP concept [Potkonjak 1990] could be used for solving the trajectory that has problems with increased dynamic requirements. The concept of DP allows us to separate the smooth and accelerated components of required motions applying appropriate smoothing technique. The inverse kinematics of redundant robot has been solved at the coordination level via (DP) concept. Moreover, it is here proposed using other biological principles such as: principle of minimum interaction which takes a main role in hierarchical structure of control and self-adjusting principle, which allows efficiently realization of control based on iterative natural learning. Motor control is organized as a multilevel structure, is generally accepted. In assistive system involves man as the decision maker, a hierarchical control structure can be proposed with three levels from the left to right: -voluntary level, coordination level, actuator level. This imposes the system is decomposed into several sybsystems with strong coupling between subsystems. Explanation of previous can be understood using the principle of maximum autonomy or minimum information exchange [Tomović, Bellman, 1970]. According to this principle, the optimal solution is to delegate the execution of functional motions to the coordination level and local regulators once the task and the task parameters have been selected. Learning control for controlling dynamics systems, a class of tracking systems is applied where it is required to repeat a given task to desired precision. The common observation that human beings can learn perfect skills trough repeated trials motivations the idea of iterative learning control for systems performing repetitive tasks. Therefore, iterative learning control requires less a priori knowledge about the controlled system in the controller design phase and also less computational effort than many other kinds of control. For improving the properties of tracking is proposed applying biological analog -principle of self-adaptability, [Grujuc,1989 ] which introduce local negative feedback on control with great amplifying.

    Nutritive stress effects on growth and digestive physiology of Lymantria dispar larvae

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    The effects of parental and offspring diet on larval growth, food consumption and utilization, and activities of three digestive enzymes (a-amylase trypsin, leucine aminopeptidase) were examined in extremely polyphagous insect, the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). In parental generation, gypsy moth larvae were reared on oak (Quercus cerris) leaves as optimal host or beech (Fagus silvatica) leaves which contains flavonoids and alkaloids. In offspring generation, after molting into the 4th instar, they were either switched from oak to beech or remained on oak leaves. Decreased growth and food utilization efficiency, increased assimilation efficiency and activities of a-amylase and trypsin were recorded in larvae switched to beech leaves. Significant parental effects were demonstrated for fourth instar duration, weight of fifth instar larvae and specific activity of leucine aminopeptidase. Physiological, ecological and evolutionary context of the obtained results were stressed in the present paper.Kod gubara (Lymantria dispar), izrazito polifagnog insekta, ispitivan je efekat ishrane u roditeljskoj i potomačkoj generaciji na rast larvi konzumaciju i utilizaciju hrane i aktivnost tri digestivna enzima (a-amilaze, tripsina, leucin aminopeptidaze). Larve gubara su u roditeljskoj generaciji gajene na liŔću hrasta (Quercus cerris) kao optimalnom domaćinu ili liŔću bukve (Fagus silvatica) koje sadrži flavonoide i alkaloide. U potomačkoj generaciji, posle ulaska u IV stupanj, larve su ili prebačene sa hrastovog na bukovo liŔće ili su nastavile da se hrane hrastovim liŔćem. Kod larvi prebačenih na ishranu bukovim liŔćem pokazan je smanjen rast i efikasnost utilizacije hrane, povećana efikasnost asimilacije i aktivnost a-amilaze i tripsina. Značajan parentalni efekat je dobijen za trajanje IV stupnja, težinu larvi u V stupnju i specifičnu aktivnost leucin aminopeptidaze. U ovom radu je istaknut fizioloÅ”ki, ekoloÅ”ki i evolucioni kontekst dobijenih rezultata

    Sketchbook as an architectural design instrument of the cognitive creation process for the quality of place

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    The paper explores possibilities for using sketchbook in architectā€™s education as an architectural design instrument for the cognitive creation processes for the production of quality of place. We strongly believe that for the architectā€™s education and future professional work, unconscious mental cognitive processes could be best captured by freehand drawing and sketching, beside conscious cognitive mental activities of perception, thinking, understanding, judgment and reasoning. This paper presents possibilities and results of new designed and tested teaching concepts and methods for the architectural design based on the course Sketchbook ā€“ Drawn Thoughts which form the part of the curriculum at the Master level of studies at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Architecture. As famous architects refer to sketches as the beginnings for the development and formulation of conceptions of architectural design, freehand drawings represent materialization of visual mental images and visions based both on rational thinking and on the impressions influenced by other human senses such as hearing, relaxing and sensing. Five mentors tested their respective different methods on students using sketchbook as an architectural design instrument, each one revealing different, yet interesting outcomes that led to conclusions of variety of outputs which might be useful for the cognitive creation processes within the architectā€™s education processes. We will show these methods and their application on studentā€™s work and the results originated from such an approach. At the end of the paper, based on our research, we will set conclusions and recommendations both for the architectā€™s education processes and practice of creation of place as the professionā€™s ultimate goal

    Efikasnost detoksikujućeg agensa kod T-2 toksikoze brojlera

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    This investigation was conducted in order to investigate the efficacy of the detoxifying agent MycofixĀ® Plus (MP) in the prevention and/or alleviation in vivo adverse effects of T-2 toxin in broilers. In addition, the adsorbing potential of MP was estimated in vitro. Mean degradation levels of T-2 toxin with MP in vitro, as measured by HPTLC, varied from 26.06 to 31.02 % and the adsorption ability was elevated in acidic environment (pH 3). In vivo trial was performed on 160 one day old 'Ross' broiler chicks and lasted for 21 days. Birds were divided into 4 equal groups as follows: Group 1 - negative control; Group 2 - positive control - 2 ppm T-2 toxin; Group 3 - 2 ppm T-2 toxin+2 kg/t MP; Group 4 - 2 kg/t MP. Broilers fed the diet containing 2 mg/kg of T-2 toxin without MP developed typical T-2 toxicosis. Birds that were fed the diet containing both T-2 and MP had better performances and no oral ulcerations as the dominant sign of T-2 toxicosis were observed. Histopathological examination of tissues originating from birds fed the diet containing T-2 toxin revealed degenerative changes in the oral and small intestine mucosa, necroses of enterocytes and hepatocytes, as well as depletion of lymphocytes in the bursa Fabricii. Immunohistochemical examination also revealed negative effects of T-2 toxin on cells proliferation in intestineal and bile duct mucosa, as well as on lymphocytes from bursa Fabricii. The macroscopic and microscopic structure of the liver, intestine and bursa Fabricii of broilers fed a diet containing T-2 toxin and MP was mostly preserved. Cutaneous basophile hypersensitivity reaction was weaker in broilers fed mixtures containing 2 mg/kg T-2 toxin.U cilju ispitivanja efikasnosti detoksikujućeg agensa MycofixĀ® Plus (MP) na preveniranje ili ublažavanje Å”tetnih efekata T-2 toksikoze kod brojlera izvedena su ispitivanja u in vitro uslovima, kao i in vivo ogled. Prosečne vrednosti degradacije T-2 toksina od strane MP u in vitro uslovima, ustanovljene HPTLC metodom, su iznosile 26,06 do 31,02 %, pri čemu je konstatovana veća sposobnost adsorpcije ovog toksina u kiseloj sredini (pH 3). In vivo ogled je bio postavljen na 160 jednodnevnih brojlera provenijencije 'Ross', podeljenih u 4 eksperimentalne grupe sa po 40 jedinki u svakoj i trajao je 21 dan. Praćenjem zdravstvenog stanja, kliničke slike i proizvodnih rezultata, kod brojlera koji su u hrani dobijali umeÅ”an T-2 toksin u količini od 2 mg/kg, konstatovani su karakteristični simptomi za T-2 toksikozu. Kod brojlera koji su uz toksin, hranom dobijali iMP, konstatovani su zaÅ”titni efekti u vidu izostanka ulceracija u usnoj duplji i boljih proizvodnih rezultata u odnosu na brojlere koji su dobijali samo T-2 toksin. PatohistoloÅ”kim ispitivanjima uočeni su negativni efekti T-2 toksina u svim ispitivanim organima u vidu degenerativnih promena na sluzokoži usne duplje i tankog creva, nekroza enterocita i hepatocita kao i deplecija limfocita u Fabricijevoj burzi. Imunohistohemijskim ispitivanjima uočeni su negativni efekti T-2 toksina na proliferativnu aktivnost ćelija mukoze creva, žučnih kanala i limfocita u Fabricijevoj burzi. Kod brojlera koji su putem hrane dobijali T-2 toksin i adsorbens MP, zapaža se uglavnom očuvana makroskopska i mikroskopska struktura jetre, creva i Fabricijeve burze. Reakcija kožne preosetljivosti na PHA je bila slabija kod brojlera koji su hranom dobijali samo T-2 toksin

    Concept of urban village: the application of the concept as a foundation for new typology of urban villages

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    Whole 20th century was marked with many new movements (ā€œ-ismsā€) in urbanism and architecture. Some of them, such as modernism and post-modernism, were especially important and influential. But, current situation is a bit different; there is no prevalent movement or concept. Many actual theories and concepts are the ā€œmixesā€ of previous movements, so they can be described as ā€œhybridā€ ones. One of these hybrid concepts is the concept of urban village. The ā€œhybridityā€ of the concept is visible in its name, which looks confusing at glance. But, the meaning of the concept is clear; it should be understood as a construct of sustainable community based on mixture of advantages from urban and rural/suburban life. The definition and main principles of the concept of urban village have been quite general, which has led to its wide application. Consequently, there are a bulk of new or renewed neighbourhoods and communities named as ā€œurban villagesā€ all over the World today. They often have various or even opponent characteristics. Thus, this gap between theoretical fundaments and application ā€œin situā€ has made the whole idea doubtful and unstable. This research tries to clarify this gap by the way of possible typology of urban villages. This proposition will be checked through theoretical explanation and the analysis of two different cases of urban villages. The research should present the stability of proposed typology hereof. Finally, whole research will accent the complexity of the concept of urban village in global context

    Healing of open fracture of shoulder bone in owl

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    Curing and treatment of accidental injuries in birds that have the nature of complex, old and contaminated wounds demand maximum caution from the surgeon. Birds, in particular wild fowl, are sensitive to manipulation during examinations and the diagnosis of the injuries. The estimate of the complexity of an injury and the general condition of the patient are of key importance for the correct choice of diagnostic procedures, anesthesia, and the operative procedure. The implementation of ketamine and diazepam for general injection anesthesia provides possibilities for the unhindered executing of the surgical procedure. The implementation of Kischner needles and pins is a good choice for the fixation of long bones in birds. The postoperative course in the patient requires constant medical and professional supervision which must be followed to the letter
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