44 research outputs found

    Treatment of substance abuse in severely mentally ill patients

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    Substance abuse is the most common comorbid complication of severe mental illness. Current clinical research converges on several emerging principles of treatment that address the scope, pace, intensity, and structure of dual-diagnosis programs. They include a) assertive outreach to facilitate engagement and participation in substance abuse treatment, b) close monitoring to provide structure and social reinforcement, c) integrating substance abuse and mental health interventions in the same program, d) comprehensive, broad-based services to address other problems of adjustment, e) safe and protective living environments, f) flexibility of clinicians and programs, g) stage-wise treatment to ensure the appropriate timing of interventions, h) a longitudinal perspective that is congruent with the chronicity of dual disorders, and i) optimism

    Substance abuse in schizophrenia: service utilization and costs

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    Utilization and cost of institutional and outpatient services were prospectively measured over 1 year for three groups of schizophrenic patients: current substance abusers, past substance abusers, and those without a history of substance abuse. Current abusers had significantly greater utilization and cost of institutional (hospital and jail) services. Current abusers also had greater utilization of emergency services. There were no significant differences between the groups in utilization and cost of other services, including psychosocial rehabilitation, outpatient treatment (case management, psychotherapy, and psychiatric visits), and housing supports. The implications for developing cost-effective treatments for dually diagnosed individuals are discussed

    Técnica de fistulação e canulação do rúmen em bovinos e ovinos Rumen fistulation and cannulation technique in cattle and sheep

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    Foi desenvolvida e descrita uma técnica cirúrgica para fistulação e canulação do rúmen em animais utilizados nos estudos de nutrição animal. O método cirúrgico foi empregado para canulação de 25 vacas e oito cordeiros. A fistulação permanente foi realizada no centro da fossa paralombar esquerda em estágio operatório único. Uma cânula de borracha foi implantada na parede ruminal após o afastamento da musculatura da parede abdominal e a sutura do rúmen ao peritôneo e à pele. Não foram observadas complicações graves advindas da canulação ruminal, mas houve a ocorrência de discreto vazamento de conteúdo em alguns animais. As cânulas permaneceram funcionais por longo período e permitiram a obtenção de quantidades suficientes de amostra.<br>A surgical technique for rumen fistulation and cannulation was developed for animal nutritional studies. The surgical method was used to cannulated 25 adult cows and eight lambs. The permanent fistula was made in the middle of the left paralumbar fossa in a one-stage operation. It was performed the spreading of the abdominal muscle layers and the sutures from the rumen to the peritoneum and to the skin, and the rubber cannula was inserted into the rumen wall. No severe complication was observed in ruminal cannulation, but minor leakages were observed in some animals. The cannulas had a long functional life and permited convenient sampling of digesta