2,241 research outputs found

    Floating zone process for drawing small diameter fibers of refractory materials

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    New process produces controlled purity, very high strength, single crystal fibers of materials with melting points to 4000 C. Process has been used to make single crystal fibers of highly refractory ceramics such as aluminum oxide, titanium carbide and yttrium oxide

    Mycoplasma genitalium among Young, Urban Pregnant Women

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    Objective. As the consequences of Mycoplasma genitalium in pregnant women are unknown, we examined the relationship between prenatal M. genitalium infection and SAB. Methods. The presence of M. genitalium was determined by PCR in urine from 82 women who subsequently experienced a SAB and 134 women who maintained their pregnancies past 22 weeks gestation. The relationships between M. genitalium and subsequent SAB, demographic, current pregnancy, and reproductive health history characteristics were evaluated. Results. Compared to women without M. genitalium, women with M. genitalium were more likely to report nulliparity (41.7% versus 17.4%, P = .04), history of pelvic inflammatory disease (27.3% versus 8.8%, P = .08), prior C. trachomatis infection (63.6% versus 36.9%, P = .11,) and problems getting pregnant (18.2% versus 4.4%, P = .10). M. genitalium was not associated with SAB (AOR 0.9, 95% CI 0.2–3.8). Conclusions. Pregnant women who test positive for M. genitalium do not have an increased risk of SAB but report a history of reproductive morbidities

    Float-zone processing in a weightless environment

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    The results were reported of investigations to: (1) test the validity of analyses which set maximum practical diameters for Si crystals that can be processed by the float zone method in a near weightless environment, (2) determine the convective flow patterns induced in a typical float zone, Si melt under conditions perceived to be advantageous to the crystal growth process using flow visualization techniques applied to a dimensionally scaled model of the Si melt, (3) revise the estimates of the economic impact of space produced Si crystal by the float zone method on the U.S. electronics industry, and (4) devise a rational plan for future work related to crystal growth phenomena wherein low gravity conditions available in a space site can be used to maximum benefit to the U.S. electronics industry

    Influence of diffraction on the spectrum and wavefunctions of an open system

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    In this paper, we demonstrate the existence and significance of diffractive orbits in an open microwave billiard, both experimentally and theoretically. Orbits that diffract off of a sharp edge of the system are found to have a strong influence on the transmission spectrum of the system, especially in the regime where there are no stable classical orbits. On resonance, the wavefunctions are influenced by both classical and diffractive orbits. Off resonance, the wavefunctions are determined by the constructive interference of multiple transient, nonperiodic orbits. Experimental, numerical, and semiclassical results are presented.Comment: 27 pages, 29 figures, and 3 tables. Submitted to Physical Review E. A copy with higher resolution figures is available at http://monsoon.harvard.edu/~hersch/papers.htm

    Localization of Eigenfunctions in the Stadium Billiard

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    We present a systematic survey of scarring and symmetry effects in the stadium billiard. The localization of individual eigenfunctions in Husimi phase space is studied first, and it is demonstrated that on average there is more localization than can be accounted for on the basis of random-matrix theory, even after removal of bouncing-ball states and visible scars. A major point of the paper is that symmetry considerations, including parity and time-reversal symmetries, enter to influence the total amount of localization. The properties of the local density of states spectrum are also investigated, as a function of phase space location. Aside from the bouncing-ball region of phase space, excess localization of the spectrum is found on short periodic orbits and along certain symmetry-related lines; the origin of all these sources of localization is discussed quantitatively and comparison is made with analytical predictions. Scarring is observed to be present in all the energy ranges considered. In light of these results the excess localization in individual eigenstates is interpreted as being primarily due to symmetry effects; another source of excess localization, scarring by multiple unstable periodic orbits, is smaller by a factor of \sqrt{\hbar}.Comment: 31 pages, including 10 figure

    Solar Energetic Particle Spectral Breaks

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    The five large solar particle events during October–November 2003 presented an opportunity to test shock acceleration models with in-situ observations. We use solar particle spectra of H to Fe ions, measured by instruments on ACE, SAMPEX, and GOES-11, to investigate the Q/M-dependence of spectral breaks in the 28 October 2003 event. We find that the break energies scale as (Q/M)^b with b ≈ 1.56 to 1.75, somewhat less than predicted. We also conclude that SEP spectra >100 MeV/nucleon are best fit by a double power-law shape. ©2005 American Institute of Physic

    Transition from ion-coupled to electron-only reconnection: Basic physics and implications for plasma turbulence

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    Using kinetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations, we simulate reconnection conditions appropriate for the magnetosheath and solar wind, i.e., plasma beta (ratio of gas pressure to magnetic pressure) greater than 1 and low magnetic shear (strong guide field). Changing the simulation domain size, we find that the ion response varies greatly. For reconnecting regions with scales comparable to the ion Larmor radius, the ions do not respond to the reconnection dynamics leading to ''electron-only'' reconnection with very large quasi-steady reconnection rates. The transition to more traditional ''ion-coupled'' reconnection is gradual as the reconnection domain size increases, with the ions becoming frozen-in in the exhaust when the magnetic island width in the normal direction reaches many ion inertial lengths. During this transition, the quasi-steady reconnection rate decreases until the ions are fully coupled, ultimately reaching an asymptotic value. The scaling of the ion outflow velocity with exhaust width during this electron-only to ion-coupled transition is found to be consistent with a theoretical model of a newly reconnected field line. In order to have a fully frozen-in ion exhaust with ion flows comparable to the reconnection Alfv\'en speed, an exhaust width of at least several ion inertial lengths is needed. In turbulent systems with reconnection occurring between magnetic bubbles associated with fluctuations, using geometric arguments we estimate that fully ion-coupled reconnection requires magnetic bubble length scales of at least several tens of ion inertial lengths

    Synthesis, Molecular Structure, and 1H NMR Analysis of Bis(tetraphenylcyclopentadienyl)ruthenium(II)

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    Reaction of [Ru(p-cymene)Cl2]2 with K(η5-C5HPh4) in refluxing diglyme yields (η5-C5Ph4)2Ru in ca 50% yield. The complex was not susceptible to oxidation or reduction. (C5HPH4)2Ru crystallizes in the triclinic P1 space group with a = 8.549(4), b = 10.793(4), c = 12.842(5) Å, α = 65.98(3), β = 73.10(3), γ = 83.49(3)° and Z = 1. The least-squares data refined to R(F) = 3.53% and R(wF = 3.82% for the 3952 independent observed reflections with Fo ≥ 5σ(Fo). The metal-centroid distance is 1.832(2) Å and all other bond lengths and angles are similar to other octaphenylmetallocenes. 1H NMR analysis employing 2D J-resolved, COSY and low temperature techniques allowed assignment of all protons in the molecule. The motional processes of the phenyl groups are discussed

    The Lore of Low Methane Livestock:Co-Producing Technology and Animals for Reduced Climate Change Impact

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    Methane emissions from sheep and cattle production have gained increasing profile in the context of climate change. Policy and scientific research communities have suggested a number of technological approaches to mitigate these emissions. This paper uses the concept of co-production as an analytical framework to understand farmers’ evaluation of a 'good animal’. It examines how technology and sheep and beef cattle are co-produced in the context of concerns about the climate change impact of methane. Drawing on 42 semi-structured interviews, this paper demonstrates that methane emissions are viewed as a natural and integral part of sheep and beef cattle by farmers, rather than as a pollutant. Sheep and beef cattle farmers in the UK are found to be an extremely heterogeneous group that need to be understood in their specific social, environmental and consumer contexts. Some are more amenable to appropriating methane reducing measures than others, but largely because animals are already co-constructed from the natural and the technical for reasons of increased production efficiency